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  • October 2, 2020
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 2 2020 2:30pm via Zoom AGENDA Call to Order - Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Announcements o Welcome and updates from the Chair Eric Steig o Faculty promotions and recruitment updates o In Memoriam Dr Charlotte Schreiber Reports and Business o Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report o Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees o Admissions Buick Nothing to report o Computing Walters Nothing to report o Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report o Diversity Huntington DEI report on start of quarter challenges and strategies for success results of community discussion o MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report o Oversight Bergantz Winglee Nothing to report o Prelim Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report o Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington - Nothing to report o Senate Stone - Nothing to report o Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Condit Nothing to report o College Council Representation Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes
    • Appendix Proposal for creating an ESS Distinguished Lecture Series for minoritized groups in geoscience September 30th 2020 The Earth and Space Sciences Department at the University of Washington is dedicated to taking antiracist and inclusive action in order to increase the number of Black Indigenous People of Color BIPOC and LGBTQ people in the geosciences We have created the ESS Distinguished Lecture Series DLS to bring excellent scientists from these groups into our department with an emphasis on but not limited to early career scientists Effective immediately ESS Department policy will be to commit the 1 3 of our colloquia concentrated in Autumn quarter to DLS speakers The objective of the DLS is to create an antiracist and inclusive culture in our department and act as a tool to increase the diversity of our students and faculty DLS goals include: Bringing in excellent scientists to share their research with the department Building working relationships with outstanding minoritized early career geoscientists who are on or about to be on the job market Showcasing the work of BIPOC LGBTQ and other intersectional diverse identities in predominately fall quarter which will set the tone for our incoming graduate students Providing the invited speakers with experience working with and speaking at an R-1 institution Setting a diverse and inclusive tone for our incoming graduate students by concentrating the majority of these talks in the Autumn quarter Widening the perspectives of our graduate students and postdoctoral scholars through the Mentoring for Leadership lunch program DLS speaker criteria: Any intersection or identity within one or more minoritized groups including but not limited to Black Brown Indigenous Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern and North African MENA Latinx and LGBTQ Strong preference for early career scientists including ABD PhD students postdocs non TT professors early stage Assistant Professors and scientists outside of the academy who are within 10 years of their highest degree e g at the USGS National Labs in industry consulting etc DLS speaker selection and logistics: Nominations will be solicited from anyone in the ESS department including faculty staff postdocs and graduate and undergraduate major students Speakers to invite will be selected by the Colloquium Committee Speakers will be informed of their selection and invitation well in advance of the fall quarter ideally in the preceding winter or spring quarter allowing for connections to commence prior to the DLS seminar itself If speakers cannot come to UW or participate in a virtual visit to UW during the fall they may be scheduled for a winter or spring quarter s seminar Speakers will have the opportunity to participate in a Mentoring for Leadership lunch with graduate students and postdocs or other members of the department ESS Distinguished Lecture Speakers will be given an honorarium of 500 200 if in person and their travel accommodations and per diem will be provided ESS will provide these funds although department members and DLS organizers are encouraged to seek funding in advance and or leverage funding from other sources where possible e g donors QRC NSF or professional society lecturer programs individual UW PIs cost-sharing between departments etc
  • June 5, 2020
  • May 1, 2020
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 1 2020 Remote Zoom Meeting- 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of April 3 2020 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Dave McDougal Retired in April and are currently working on finding a replacement for his position Kathy Gabriel is retiring at the end of this month Eunice Yang will be moving into her position Chris Wren is the new temporary Assistant to the Chair It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Faculty Activity Reports FAR were due 4 20 2020 if you have not submitted then please do so today GSAR were due to faculty advisors by April 15 faculty approval and submission will be due May 1 2020 Faculty Committee assignments for the 2020-2021 academic year please contact Eric if you would like a change or have feedback for him Graduation Celebration update Noelle Bernard-Kingsley Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Final Summary of Admissions for 2020-2021 Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson Update on normalizing grade reporting for ESS thesis and dissertation credits from the Curriculum Committee Diversity Huntington o Time Schedule: reminder must to info for all optional and required field trips before May 8 This is a reminder that all courses with optional or required field trips must add basic trip information to the Time Schedule BEFORE MAY 8 registration If your course has a field trip or hopes to pandemic pending please email the following Minimum information to essadv uw edu: course number specify if field trip is optional or required location s date s Note: if the dates are TBA depending on weather list the possible dates e g one Saturday between October 10 and November 14 dependent on ice conditions As an example I just added the following for ESS 211 optional field trip I provided some extra info since many 211 students have never been on a field trip or gone camping before and or are worried about cost o Optional overnight camping field trip to Eastern Washington October 10-11 Included in course fee No experience needed Camping gear can be shared or borrowed Contact instructor for detailed itinerary including restroom and accessibility information Hopefully we will be able to do field trips this fall o Highlight resources on Navigating Virtual Hate Zoom Bombing Meghan Oxley attended a webinar on this Advising will email out the resources and post them on ESS intranet MESSAGe Crider Update on Admissions Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Get your FAR submitted Senate Stone - Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth o The Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Committee has received all nominations and applications and is hard at work deciding between the amazing potential awardees Award Ceremony and Conferral process to be announced later o College Council Representation Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes
  • April 3, 2020
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 3 2020 Remote Zoom Meeting- 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of March 6 2020 Faculty Meeting Minutes- Via online vote Announcements ESS Gala is planned for April 1-3 has been cancelled It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 via ZOOM This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Faculty Activity Reports FAR are due no later than 4 20 2020 GSAR are due to faculty advisors by April 15 faculty approval and submission will be due May 1 2020 The Office for Youth Programs Development and Support establishes guidelines and best practices that promote information on guidelines was sent out via email with the agenda Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Curriculum Nelson Nothing to report Diversity Huntington Update on teaching issues and instruction online MESSAGe Crider MESSAGe graduation and admission update Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Get your FAR submitted Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Update related to UW learning technologies in place for courses Senate Stone - Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth Deadline for awards applications and nominations April 6 2020 College Council Representation Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business New Business Question regarding Coronavirus Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 3 2020 Remote Zoom Meeting- 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of March 6 2020 Faculty Meeting Minuteso Motion to approve meeting minutes via Catalyst survey 24 Approved 0 Opposed 0 Abstain Announcements ESS Gala is planned for April 1-3 has been cancelled It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 via ZOOM This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Faculty Activity Reports FAR are due no later than 4 20 2020 GSAR are due to faculty advisors by April 15 faculty approval and submission will be due May 1 2020 The Office for Youth Programs Development and Support establishes guidelines and best practices that promote information on guidelines was sent out via email with the agenda Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick o 7 have accepted 4 declined 10 outstanding offers o If you have heard from someone who plans to accept please let Noell know o Noell is going to reach out to students who have not responded to check-in Computing Walters o Make sure that you are paying attention that the Zoom emails that are being sent with privacy and security o Canvas has zoom completely integrated now o You need to be cautious using any non-UW approved tools to stay FERPA compliant and for general IT security Please contact UW IT if you have any questions o We have increased resources for remote desktops please reach out to Ed or Nathan if your students need to use this resource Many universities are getting hit with freedom of information acts regarding communications with the words Coronavirus or Covid-19 Be careful when using those words in email Curriculum Nelson Nothing to report Diversity Huntington o Working from home disadvantages students unequally Some of our graduate and undergraduate students lack a home computer internet access a desk or a private space to work or attend a zoom meeting Some are caring for young children and or aging relatives or have gone home to pandemic hotspots in other time zones Others or their family members roommates or partners have lost their jobs and are struggling to pay rent and basic needs now and worried about job prospects for the future Some have health issues that make this time particularly scary or disabilities that make remote learning particularly challenging Please keep these issues in mind in your course expectations and messaging for students right now o Meeting basic accessibility standards for electronic teaching materials is arguably more important than ever We are all overwhelmed so to make it easy we want to point you to two key handouts our advising team has highlighted on the diversity resources section of the ESS website on Accessibility 101: Accessibility Checklists for MS Word PDFs and PPTs Provides short checklists for MS Word PDFs and PPTs to confirm whether documents meet basic accessibility standards Accessible Conference Presentations This handout provides a sample of the information to help presenters make their presentations more accessible o The challenge of delivering remote instruction presents an opportunity Many of us are facing a tremendous challenge rethinking learning goals and delivery methods for classroom and field instruction With this challenge comes a once in a lifetime opportunity to reenvision effective classroom practices and access equity respect and safety in field education and field research in the Earth and Space sciences profession Do nothing extra now We just want to plant the idea in your minds that when the dust settles we will be able to build on the work you are doing now to improve effectiveness and equity for in-person classroom and field instruction and research experiences for everyone o The College has sent a survey to students about barriers they face working and studying remotely We will provide more information about any results and actions to mitigate as they become available A group of ESS faculty staff and students will be meeting next week to work on understanding and responding to barriers people are facing in our ESS community Please email Assistant to the Chair Faith Lam flam uw edu if you would like to join the meeting Please email DEI Committee chair Kate Huntington kate1 uw edu if you have comments or concerns Hang in there everyone MESSAGe Crider o Eight students defended via zoom all of them passed and will graduate the program o Letters of admission to ten new students three acceptances so far Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Get your FAR submitted by April 20 2020 Senate Stone Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth Deadline for awards applications and nominations April 6 2020 College Council Representation Bergantz Nothing to report o Old Business New Business Question Updates regarding Coronavirus o People are coming to the building and spending more time than they should be If you can stay home you should stay home o You should not be doing your work at the office unless you have a letter from Eric and Scott You can come in a pickup items but you are not authorized to sit at your desk and work If you need an exemption please contact Eric and Scott o If you are going into the building at any time please notify Eric and Scott they need to know who is in the building for tracking in the case of positive tests in our community o If there is a positive case in either Johnson or ATG Eric will be contacted by EHS Graduationo This is still be discussed as to how this will be handled o Question was raised about students this year being able to walk in next year s ceremony Adjourn to Executive Session -3:17 Minutes by: Michelle Barr Attendees: Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Christianson Condit Conway Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Licht Nelson Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Tobin Teng Waddington Walters Warren Winglee Winebrennar Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard- Kingsley Black Cowan Dakins Gomberg Lam Lambert Mulligan O Neil
  • March 6, 2020
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 6 2020 JHN 026 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of February 7 2020 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Thank you to Darrell Cowan for donating a framed poster Ages of Rocks signed by Ray Troll to ESS This is the second poster he has donated and it is hung on the first floor opposite the other Troll Art ESS Gala is planned for April 1-3 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department If you are needing wanting to go up for promotion and tenure this year please let the chair know so we can start organizing it now GROE awards Update on the Awards Criteria Proposal for graduate student meeting room Faculty Activity Reports FAR are due no later than 4 20 2020 Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update on Admissions Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Report in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Nothing to report Senate Stone - Update from Senate Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson Nothing to report Diversity Huntington - Follow up on February DRS visit: key things to implement now for field trips and field instruction College Council Representation Bergantz Update on the retirement conversation Old Business New Business Faculty meeting time for next term: i There are no CTE rooms available at our regularly scheduled faculty meeting times it looks like we can get JHN 075 from 12:30-2:50 ii We could keep our regular time from 2:30- 5:00 and be in an JHN controlled room like JHN 011 127 162 170 Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 6 2020 JHN 026 - 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of February 7 2020 Faculty Meeting Minutes: o Vote to approve made online via Catalyst Survey: Yes: 30 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Announcements Thank you to Darrell Cowan for donating a framed poster Ages of Rocks signed by Ray Troll to ESS This is the second poster he has donated and it is hung on the first floor opposite the other Troll Art ESS Gala is planned for April 1-3 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department If you are needing wanting to go up for promotion and tenure this year please let the chair know so we can start organizing it now GROE awards i GROE program additional funding is available Eric has written to Rob Wood and is waiting for answers Update on the Awards Criteria Proposal for graduate student meeting room i JHN 362 idea is out there and acknowledging that it was a student idea for departmental discussion Lounge area is needed for dept Faculty Activity Reports FAR are due no later than 4 20 2020 University is operational and in session but supervisors should encourage staff to work at home not just welcome but encouraged i Extend deadlines for admissions deadlines for students if needed due to covid-19 disruption visits could be delayed for stragglers ii Instructors should submit numerical grades if at all possible iii Seismology Search Committee haven t cancelled search meetings but sent a notification to candidates dilemma to decide if we want to bring folks in or do zoom interviews Committee will discuss Next week s interviews are cancelled for now Some candidates are interviewing elsewhere Lateness can narrow options Need to do this equitably and treat all candidates similarly as much as possible Even if we do zoom interviews we will have people come out later Committee will meet on Monday afternoon to decide on next steps Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update on Admissions o Offers made 3 accepts 2 declines Allocations of funding have been made Last 2 quarters of top scholar RA are being held in reserve Please contact Roger to ask for Top Scholar quarters Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson Nothing to report Diversity Huntington o Follow up on DRS presentation last time Highlight existing requirements including required and optional field trips document sent by email on 3 9 2020 o Reminders about TS and syllabus posting of field camp information o Encourage students to let us know as soon as possible if they will need accommodations o Discussion of who is excluded with accommodations are not made Nathan reported on docusign progress and expediting making paperwork electronic MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Report in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Nothing to report Senate Stone - Update from Senate o Everyone has received request to vote on alignment of teaching and professorial positions lecturers to ranked positions Faculty committee on academic standards are considering minimum grade point average Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz o Able to fill all TA positions with ESS grads May have future implications about students who have run out their department-promised funding Have to be extremely judicious about TAs More people who volunteer and say they don t need as many TAs the better Old Business New Business Faculty meeting time for next term: i There are no CTE rooms available at our regularly scheduled faculty meeting times it looks like we can get JHN 075 from 12:30-2:50 ii We could keep our regular time from 2:30- 5:00 and be in an JHN controlled room like JHN 011 127 162 170 ESS Gala is being worked on Dates are 4 1-3 2020 dependent on UW operations Abstract submission deadline is extended 3 9 Faculty consider giving money to the event Gala has not received any donations so far Donate online or by check in the front office Adjourn to Executive Session Minutes by: Noell Bernard-Kingsley Attendees: Bergantz Bodin Buick Catling Condit Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Teng Tobin Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Bernard- Kingsley Black Briley Chausse Gomberg Hoffman Meixnerova
  • February 7, 2020
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 7 2020 JHN 026 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Disability Resources Adiam Tesfay Interim Director Disability Resources for Students DRS Britt Neff Access Coordinator Disability Resources for Students DRS Bree Callahan Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Section 504 Coordinator Compliance Services Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of January 10 2020 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Eric Steig is officially the new chair of ESS welcome ESS Gala is planned for April 1-3 Brody Hovatter to make announcement about event It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Reminder from the College: i The collegial evaluation of teaching effectiveness shall be conducted prior to recommending any renewal of appointment or promotion of a faculty member Faculty Code Section 24-57 Subsection A articulates this requirement and the frequency depending on track and rank In addition for faculty at the rank of assistant professor or associate professor or professor without tenure under Chapter 25 Section 25-32 Subsection D or with the instructional title of lecturer the collegial evaluation shall be conducted every year For other faculty at the rank of associate professor or professor or with the title of senior lecturer principal lecturer or professor of practice the collegial evaluation shall be conducted at least every three years A written report of this evaluation shall be maintained and shared with the faculty member ii Please contact Michelle if you need to know that date of your last collegial evaluation Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Update on tuition costs and graduate fellowships o o Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update on Admissions Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson Nothing to report Diversity Huntington - Best practices in faculty hiring MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Nothing to report Senate Stone - Update from the Senate Meeting Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth Please start encouraging student to apply for departmental awards Application site will be opening later this month College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update on the latest guidelines about the 40% rehire resulting from negotiations between the College Council and The Dean s office Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session A need has arisen to develop a policy for how to deal with tuition costs and graduate fellowships This includes revisiting a 2013 ESS policy on the topic which is somewhat out-ofdate
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 7 2020 JHN 026 - 2:30 p m MINUTES Disability Resources 2:35 See attached slides for materials that were covered Adiam Tesfay Interim Director Disability Resources for Students DRS Britt Neff Access Coordinator Disability Resources for Students DRS Bree Callahan Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Section 504 Coordinator Compliance Services Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session- 3:18 Approval of Meeting Minutes- Approved Approval of January 10 2020 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Eric Steig is officially the new chair of ESS welcome ESS Gala is planned for April 1-3 Brody Hovatter i Please encourage students to submit and abstract graduate and undergradutate ii Please consider donating to the event It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Reminder from the College: i The collegial evaluation of teaching effectiveness shall be conducted prior to recommending any renewal of appointment or promotion of a faculty member Faculty Code Section 24-57 Subsection A articulates this requirement and the frequency depending on track and rank In addition for faculty at the rank of assistant professor or associate professor or professor without tenure under Chapter 25 Section 25-32 Subsection D or with the instructional title of lecturer the collegial evaluation shall be conducted every year For other faculty at the rank of associate professor or professor or with the title of senior lecturer principal lecturer or professor of practice the collegial evaluation shall be conducted at least every three years A written report of this evaluation shall be maintained and shared with the faculty member ii Please contact Michelle if you need to know that date of your last collegial evaluation Robert Winglee and the cubesat team successfully launched their first satellite into orbit The Glaciology group that was doing fieldwork in Antarctica has safely and successfully finished their field season and are on their way home Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Update on tuition costs and graduate fellowships o A need has arisen to develop a policy for how to deal with tuition costs and graduate fellowships o Some fellowships have tuition funding and some don t some have funding that can be split between tuition and other expenses o UW graduate school previously waived tuition but now have a policy that they will take as much of the extra funding as they can from those funds to cover tuition o Some departments have made a policy to supplement these fellowships so that students can have some of these funds that the graduate school is taking for tuition to use on other funds like travel or supplies needed for research o Eric going to discuss this in the Executive College Committee to talk about developing a college policy around this issue o This includes revisiting a 2013 ESS policy on the topic which is somewhat out-ofdate Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update on Admissions o We have admitted 10 applicants in process of admitting another 6 o If you are thinking of admitting any student please contact Roger or the admission committee by Weds Feb 12 so they get invited and can attend the open house Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson Nothing to report Diversity Huntington - Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Nothing to report Senate Stone - Update from the Senate Meeting o The Senate has been considering all the lecturer positions within the University they are almost ready to send information on the proposed changes for faculty to vote on o Lecturer titles will be replaced to levels of Assistant Associate and Full lecturer positions will also confer voting rights equivalent to faculty levels excluding promotion and tenure voting o Aim is to try and make lecturer positions like tenured faculty positions o Please participate in vote when it comes Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Holzworth Please start encouraging student to apply for departmental awards Application site will be opening later this month o Working on developing a consistent rubric to evaluate candidates if you have input please let Eric know College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update on the latest guidelines about the 40% rehire resulting from negotiations between the College Council and The Dean s office o See attached slides o George will be engaging with the faculty to determine what ESS best practices are for ESS and the best practices to bring to college council Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 3:51 Minutes by: Michelle Barr Attendees: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Licht Montgomery Schmidt Steig Stone Swanson Teng Tobin Toner Waddington Walters Staff Students and Guests: Anderson Badgley Barr Bench Bernard-Kingsley Black Dakins Desanto Gomberg Holschu Hovatter Kwong Morey Mueller O Neil Oxley Pearl
  • January 10, 2020
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 10 2020 JHN 026 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of December 6 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs April 23 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Eric Steig was awarded a 2019 Laboratory Safety Award from EH&S Eric received a Pack Leader in Safety award and his lab s work to compile and post their specific standard operating procedures online for easy access was highlighted as a best practice Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Report on number of applicants and upcoming faculty reviews Computing Walters MESSAGe Crider Update on outline for revised MESSAGe curriculum and capstone project Diversity Huntington - Update from committee on reducing bias in assessing grad program applications Oversight Bergantz Conway Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Update on Prelim in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Nothing to report Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update from council Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session Curriculum Nelson Update from committee
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 10 2020 JHN 026 - 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes- Approved Approval of December 6 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Welcome to Cailey Condit new Assistant Professor started Jan 1 2020 Alison Duvall s promotion to Associate Professor was approved Michelle Koutnik promotion to Associate Research Professor was approved It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX Bystander Intervention Building Healthy Workplaces Training with Valery Richardson UW Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen UW SafeCampus Prevention Education & Communications Manager Please plan to attend this training during the extended seminar slot on Thurs May 21 from 3:30-5:30 in JHN 075 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Eric Steig was awarded a 2019 Laboratory Safety Award from EH&S Eric received a Pack Leader in Safety award and his lab s work to compile and post their specific standard operating procedures online for easy access was highlighted as a best practice Don t forget about the annual food drive there is a bin in the front office to make donations ends on Jan 15th Chair search- Dean has made and offer to an ESS faculty member and negotiations underway College has 700K deficit How to bring more ABB dollars into the college Dean expressed that ESS is already pulling more than our share of ABB for the college College and Chairs Directors are going to come up with a plan to bring in more money by teaching new classes across the college Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick o Admissions have closed 140 applications i o Graduate application files to review will be coming soon o Requesting reviews be completed by the end of the month so invitations can be sent out to candidates o Please let committee know if you have not already if you plan to take on students Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson o Grades- Please assign grades in a timely fashion Not doing this greatly affects undergraduate and graduate students o Please pay attention to graduate course if it is a C NC or numerical grade If you assign C NC to a numerical grade sometimes students do not get credit o Do not put in an X for grades this creates challenges for students and more work for advising Please use and N grade o We can change the 700 or 800 level classes to C NC or keep the numerical grades this would have to be a faculty decision to change how we set up these classes o Curriculum committee will meet and bring a recommendation to the faculty Diversity Huntington - See attached handouts o Reducing bias in assessing grad program applications see attached handout o Handout for avoiding gender bias in reference writing see attached handout MESSAGe Crider Update on outline for revised MESSAGe curriculum and capstone project o Three goals in proposing revision Reduce service and advising burden on the faculty advisor Continue to produce revenue for the department Maintain strong student outcomes for job prospects o Summary of Proposed Changes Two MESSAGe tracks Capstone track Coursework track Broader core curriculum Currently 5 required core courses and 2 electives Change to choose from selected list in ESS or CoENV Structured group capstone projects Individual separate capstones will be changed to a cohort model with 6 students working on a larger project New Applied Investigations course open to all Currently seminars and field courses are exclusive to MESSAGe Redesign to be open to all graduate students o Juliet Will present more details in the February meeting o These changes will be applied for next year Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Update on Prelim in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Waddington Nothing to report Senate Stone - Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig o Pursuing the conversation about the CoENV retirement policy Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session -3:17 Minutes by: Michelle Barr Attendees: Abramson Bergantz Buick Catling Condit Creager Crider Duvall Fudge GormanLewis Holzworth Huntington Montgomery Nelson Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Tobin Toner Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Gomberg
    • Appendix Avoiding gender bias in reference writing Got a great student Planning to write a super letter of reference Don t fall into these common traps based on unconscious gender bias Mention research & publications Letters of reference for men are 4x more likely to mention publications and twice as likely to have multiple references to research Make sure you put these critical accomplishments in every letter Don t stop now On average letters for men are 16% longer than letters for women and letters for women are 2 5x as likely to make a minimal assurance she can do the job rather than a ringing endorsement she is the best for the job Emphasize accomplishments not effort Letters for reference for men are more likely to emphasize accomplishments his research his skills or his career while letters for women are 50% more likely to include grindstone adjectives that describe effort Hardworking associates with effort but not ability We all share bias It is important to remember that unconscious gender bias isn t a male problem Research shows that women are just as susceptible to these common pitfalls as men This is a problem for all of us - let s solve it together brought to you by: Research from Trix F & Psenka C Exploring the color of glass: Letters of recommendation for female and male medical faculty Discourse & Society 2003 and Madera JM Hebl MR & Martin RC Gender and letters of Recommendation for Academia: Agentic and Communal Differences Journal of Applied Psychology 2009 Keep it professional Letters of reference for women are 7x more likely to mention personal life - something that is almost always irrelevant for the application Also make sure you use formal titles and surnames for both men and women Stay away from stereotypes Although they describe positive traits adjectives like caring compassionate and helpful are used more frequently in letters for women and can evoke gender stereotypes which can hurt a candidate And be careful not to invoke these stereotypes directly she is not emotional Be careful raising doubt We all want to write honest letters but negative or irrelevant comments such as challenging personality or I have confidence that she will become better than average are twice as common in letters for female applicants Don t add doubt unless it is strictly necessary Adjectives to avoid: Adjectives to include: caring successful compassionate excellent hard-working accomplished conscientious outstanding dependable skilled diligent knowlegeable dedicated insightful tactful resourceful interpersonal confident warm ambitious helpful independent intellectual Follow us at: www facebook com uacsw For an electronic copy of this graphic see: www csw arizona edu LORbias
  • December 6, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 6 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Insuring Departmental Equipment- Stephanie Harrington Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of November 1 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes New Business Budget report discussion: Stephanie Harrington and Scott Dakins Announcements 10 year program review was scheduled for 2020-2021 and is being delayed a year at the request of Dean Graumlich The Holiday Party will be held directly after today s faculty meeting in JHN 170 Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update from admissions Computing Walters Curriculum Nelson Update on field camp prep course possible geo-informatics option and geo-club field trip Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Oversight Bergantz Conway Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Senate Stone - Update from latest Senate Meeting Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Member nominations Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 6 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Insuring Departmental Equipment- Stephanie Harrington College page on the CoENV insurance policy: https: environment uw edu intranet research equipment-insurance-incentive-policy PI are responsible to insure their equipment College covers of the deductible if your equipment is insured You can put insurance into direct costs on your grants proposals in most cases Any questions can be addressed to Stephanie Harrington Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of November 1 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes - Approved New Business Budget report discussion: Stephanie Harrington and Scott Dakins- Moved to the executive session Announcements 10 year program review was scheduled for 2020-2021 and is being delayed a year at the request of Dean Graumlich Reminder that final grades for Autumn quarter are DUE by 5PM on Tuesday December 17 The Holiday Party will be held directly after today s faculty meeting in JHN 170 Front office is hosting a holiday food drive for the university district foodbank The food drive will be going until mid-January The search for the new chair is underway the report has been given to the dean and negotiations have started Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe o Stick to the grading policies outlined on your syllabus o Be wary of letting students into classes without their pre-reqs consult with advising or Gerard if there is a question o If you suspect one of your students are facing academic difficulty please let Advising know so they can reach out to offer support to students Graduate Program Catling o The College and Provost have added UW to something called the California Alliance Research Exchange https: www california-alliance org This provides funding for underrepresentation of minority URM senior grad students or postdocs for short-term visits of typically around 1 week to other institutions in the exchange The aim is research and career development e g working with a potential future postdoc advisor The next deadline to participate is Jan 6th The other institutions are: Berkeley Caltech Stanford UCLA U Michigan Harvard U Texas Austin Georgia Tech Anyone interested should talk beforehand to the CoEnv contact person Willa Kurland Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update from admissions o Noell sent an email about graduate recruitment for next year we would like to know who is wanting or thinking about taking on a student We would also like to know if you are not taking students o We are hoping to increase our student recruitment enrollment so please think about taking on a student if possible Computing Walters o Windows 7- Microsoft ending support for this Ed Mulligan sent out an email with details o Computing can help you update any ESS computers that you may need help with a request form will be going out to the department Curriculum Nelson Lack of adequate prep for field course looking at a possible prep course Looking at a geo-informatics option for our degrees details to come Geo-club field trip raising money for field trip to Hawaii please support their fundraising efforts Diversity Huntington - Get notes form Kate o REPORT ON Scott Winn training survey 52 responses 34 people who did attend and 18 who did not attend Question: Do you think this training will have a positive impact on the department Answer: 50 yes or Maybe Maybe particularly if there is follow up with some suggestions for how to do that many suggesting more ESSspecific activities 2 no 1 did not attend 1 attended part of it Many for whom this was first training excited to raise awareness and have language for things Some who have done many trainings feel exhausted by them Desire for practical tools and applications adapt training to practical uses in ESS our community o Committee will be following up next quarter continue soliciting input from the department on what we want for our community o AGU MEETING: Urge you to speak up help make this an inclusive meeting Like TSA if you see something say something MESSAGe Crider o Talking about re-envisioning the MESSAGe curriculum if you have an opinion please let Juliet Crider know Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Nothing to report Senate Stone o A new rule from the graduate school that there is no food allowed to be provided by students the Senate endorsed the rule o The Senate is working on changing title of lecturing faculty and increase voting rights they will become o o o Assistant teaching professor Associate teaching professor Teaching professor Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig o Inviting colleagues to be an at large member of the college council The college council needs at large members Associate and Full professors associate will not be part of the promotion discussions Dave Montgomery volunteered Please email Ken if you are interested o New council chair wants to focus on the strategic vision to come from the faculty for the new Dean search o The budget challenges that the college is facing is a 700 000 deficit Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 3:09 Minutes by: Michelle Barr Attendees: Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Conway Creager Crider Duvall Fudge GormanLewis Holzworth Huntington Licht Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Tobin Toner Walters Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Chausse Harrington Gomberg Meixnerova and Waddington
  • November 1, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 1 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of October 4 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements A search committee for a new chair would like to meet with the faculty Please sign up to meet with them if you have not done so already Faculty Retreat is planned for Saturday November 16th the plan for this retreat is to discuss the hiring plan for the next 3 years The two ads for the subduction seismology and planetary science positions are up and being advertised 10 year program review is scheduled for 2020-2021 The process for getting ready begins this year David Catling and Gerard Roe to head up the planning for this and will be asking for faculty participation as planning progressed Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Catling Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Diversity Huntington o Update on EO54 and what was presented to graduate students- Noell BernardKingsley Curriculum Nelson o Update on REIF report- Roger Buick MESSAGe Crider Discussion on restricting the program Oversight Bergantz Conway Scott Dakins to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Duvall and Koutnik promotion cases have been submitted to the college David Schmidt promotion case will be presented in Executive Session Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 1 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session- 2:34 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of October 4 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements A search committee for a new chair would like to meet with the faculty Please sign up to meet with them if you have not done so already Faculty Retreat is planned for Saturday November 16th the plan for this retreat is to discuss the hiring plan for the next 3 years The two ads for the subduction seismology and planetary science positions are up and being advertised 10 year program review is scheduled for 2020-2021 The process for getting ready begins this year David Catling and Gerard Roe to head up the planning for this and will be asking for faculty participation as planning progresses Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Nelson Reminder to put information about the new state mandated religious holiday accommodation on your syllabus Diversity Huntington o Scott Winn training was a success survey is being sent out to get feedback from everyone who attended or did not attended to know how to better plan events like these in the future o Diversity committee is focusing on field safety and equity in the field this year o No responses from undergraduate request for a committee member if you know of any undergraduates who would like to participate please let Kate know o Update on EO54 and what was presented to graduate students- Slides sent out to faculty on 11 5 2019 o Update on REIF report- Roger Buick- Report and slides sent out on 11 5 2019 Preventing harassment in fieldwork Harassment and assault are recognized as problem in fieldwork situations How to prevent harassment in field work Need to enhance respect in the field- develop a culture of mutual respect UW needs to show accountability transparency protect victims discipline of perpetrators 5 recommendations: Training- knowledge and interpersonal skills Department level team building share experience resources and knowledge to establish a better culture Raise standard of trip specific planning physical resources medical kits communication assets Clarity on UW trainings and support resources available Clarity on the process of and outcomes from reporting harassment in the UW environment Actions recommended at the college departmental individual level: Development of fieldwork group discussions and trainings Consensus of expectations and field charter of rights Development of informal mentoring buddy schemes Development of alternate and anonymous reporting structures Develop best practice checklists and custom planning documents Field access to resources for communication and medical emergencies MESSAGe Crider Discussion on restricting the program o Proposal for steps forward coming in December Goal is to reduce burden of teaching and mentoring Restructure to remove fragility of the program budgets people retiring Get course offerings for our larger graduate student population Support MESSAGe through Tuition Have a program that contributes to our entire graduate program Research Master s degree Coursework Master s degree Oversight Bergantz Conway Scott Dakin s to report in Executive session Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Duvall and Koutnik promotion cases have been submitted to the college David Schmidt promotion case will be presented in Executive Session Senate Stone - Campus wide climate survey please fill it out if you have not already done so invitation has come by email Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig New dean search in fall 2020 Old Business New Business Proxy vote- What is the departmental policy i No formal policy a formal policy will be developed to vote on in later faculty meeting Adjourn to Executive Session -3:43 Minutes by: Michelle Barr Attendees: Abramson Brown Buick Catling Conway Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Huntington Nelson Nittrouer Steig Stone Tobin Toner Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Cowan Dakins Davidge Meixnerova
  • October 4, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 4 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA FERPA Training- Helen Garrett Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of June 7 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Data Science Graduate Option Scott Henderson Ken Creager will continue as chair through this autumn quarter but will be stepping down for health reasons A search committee for a new chair has been formed and during autumn will be making a recommendation for a new chair to start in winter quarter Kate Huntington is the ESS member on that committee Faculty Retreat is planned for Saturday November 16th the plan for this retreat is to discuss the hiring plan for the next 3 years A new state law ensures that students observing religious practices aren t placed at an academic disadvantage Beginning with autumn quarter teaching faculty across the University must make accommodations for students observing religious holidays or traditions and must include information in every course syllabus alerting students of this option The two ads have been submitted for approval with AHR the last step for the subduction seismology and planetary science positions final approval should be any day New committee for faculty advisor of Geo-club Bruce Nelson will fill this role Leading the Spring Break Trip counts towards teaching obligations coordinate with Chair and Undergraduate Program Coordinator if you are interested Reminder from UW administration about facilities related work The University requires all facilities-related work be performed by a member of UW Facilities or by an approved contractor or vendor This mitigates safety liability and compliance risks Departmental Diversity training will be held on Thursday Oct 10 2019 The training is titled Leading with a Racial Equity Lens for Structural Transformation and be taught by Scott Winn If you are involved in ESS field trips or fieldwork please review the Field Trip FAQs page and a Field Trip Paperwork Policy on the ESS website to ensure that any fieldwork or field trips you lead are in compliance with these policies Remember that these policies and procedures are in effect for all ESS-related fieldwork and field trips including ESS field trips and fieldwork that are not associated with a course As you are updating your course materials remember that accessibility checklists for MS Word PDFs and PPT can now be found in the Diversity Resources section of the ESS website If you re presenting at a conference some time soon you may also wish to review the checklist for accessible conference presentations With Postdoc Union now in place i Postdocs are not allowed to hold a teaching appointment ii Postdoc appointments required more work for administrative staff to set up Requesting that you give at least two months notice for any upcoming postdocs even PDR appointments Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Update on labs Windows 10 update lecture podium changes and misc reminders on computing health Curriculum Nelson Discussion on Graduate Data Science options Diversity Huntington - Update on departmental training and diversity committee focus for the year MESSAGe Crider Results of MESSAGe comp exams presented in executive session Oversight Bergantz Conway Report will be postponed to the November meeting Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Results of exams presented in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Duvall and Koutnik promotion cases presented in Executive Session Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig Report on Scholarships College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business New Business Active Learning- Mike Brown PI elegibility for postdocs: https: environment uw edu intranet research researchpolicies postdoctoral-scholar-pi-eligibility-and-approval-process i Vote to adopt this CoENV policy in executive session Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 4 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m MINUTES FERPA Training- Helen Garrett Slides sent out to all faculty on 10 4 2019 Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session- 3:04pm Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of June 7 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Ken Creager will continue as chair through this autumn quarter but will be stepping down for health reasons A search committee for a new chair has been formed and during autumn will be making a recommendation for a new chair to start in winter quarter Kate Huntington is the ESS member on that committee Faculty Retreat is planned for Saturday November 16th the plan for this retreat is to discuss the hiring plan for the next 3 years A new state law ensures that students observing religious practices aren t placed at an academic disadvantage Beginning with autumn quarter teaching faculty across the University must make accommodations for students observing religious holidays or traditions and must include information in every course syllabus alerting students of this option The two ads have been submitted for approval with AHR the last step for the subduction seismology and planetary science positions final approval should be any day New committee for faculty advisor of Geo-club Bruce Nelson will fill this role Leading the Spring Break Trip counts towards teaching obligations coordinate with Chair and Undergraduate Program Coordinator if you are interested Reminder from UW administration about facilities related work The University requires all facilities-related work be performed by a member of UW Facilities or by an approved contractor or vendor This mitigates safety liability and compliance risks Departmental Diversity training will be held on Thursday Oct 10 2019 The training is titled Leading with a Racial Equity Lens for Structural Transformation and be taught by Scott Winn If you are involved in ESS field trips or fieldwork please review the Field Trip FAQs page and a Field Trip Paperwork Policy on the ESS website to ensure that any fieldwork or field trips you lead are in compliance with these policies Remember that these policies and procedures are in effect for all ESS-related fieldwork and field trips including ESS field trips and fieldwork that are not associated with a course As you are updating your course materials remember that accessibility checklists for MS Word PDFs and PPT can now be found in the Diversity Resources section of the ESS website If you re presenting at a conference some time soon you may also wish to review the checklist for accessible conference presentations With Postdoc Union now in place i Postdocs are not allowed to hold a teaching appointment ii Postdoc appointments required more work for administrative staff to set up Requesting that you give at least two months notice for any upcoming postdocs even PDR appointments Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling o Potential violation of E054 with some of our TA s o Professors need to remind TA s about this rule o UCIRO- reporting body for these types of complaints o Possibility adding more to our current policy around romantic relationships and potential conflicts of interest Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters o Jan- Microsoft ending support for windows 7 All ESS PC s in computer labs have moved to Windows 10 If you have problems please let Ed and Nathan know o No more D-drive on the ESS computer lab computers Documents folders can now be used The weekly wipe of the d-drive will now not be used working on how to clean up the documents folders o Ed and Nathan reminding everyone to practice constant backups ESS computing Wiki page has instructions on how to do that o Podium computers now have security measures You now need a UW HuskyID card to access the podium Outside lecturers cannot access the podium make sure you are there to support if needed o Email about photo-board update If you want your students to be on board please encourage students to update their picture on the ESS directory o Updates and modified connectors to wall unit to allow a better connection to the projectors please remember to wrap up cables when done to protect them from damage Curriculum Nelson Reported by Scott Henderson o Transcript option for graduate students supplemental material for graduate students education o Two options that students can take: Simple data science option: https: escience washington edu education phd data-science-graduateoption Advanced Data science option: https: escience washington edu education phd advanced-phd-datascience-option o Curriculum committee will be discussing this and presenting at a later faculty meeting for a vote Diversity Huntington o Soliciting input on departmental needs opportunities and priorities that we want to take on as a community around DEI Input can be sent through anonymous feedback box in mail room Contact Advising grad rep undergrad rep chair o Example Topics of focus for the year Idea of respect and equity and safety in the field AGU bridge program- graduate student diversity efforts for recruiting o CoENV diversity updates Workshop- accommodations to accessibility Weds Oct 9th Sign up for the CoENV diversity mailing list Terryl Ross is leading development on a college diversity plan MESSAGe Crider Results of MESSAGe comp exams presented in executive session Oversight Bergantz Conway Report will be postponed to the November meeting Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Results of exams presented in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Montgomery Duvall and Koutnik promotion cases presented in Executive Session Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Steig o Complaints about the graduate and undergraduate students awards were made the last few years Soliciting feedback on how we can do this better Possibility of creating a rubric Nathan is working on a computing method to organize the process better College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report o Old Business New Business Active Learning- Mike Brown i Active learning strategies are proven to help students learn more ii Perceptions of learning are lower than appears in a passive learning environment even though they learned more 1 Increased cognitive effort interpreted as poor learning iii Attempts to evaluate instruction based on students perceptions pushes us towards more passive methods of teaching iv What is our department s response to active learning environments but it results in lower evaluations- especially for younger faculty PI eligibility for postdocs: https: environment uw edu intranet research researchpolicies postdoctoral-scholar-pi-eligibility-and-approval-process i Vote to adopt this CoENV policy in executive session Adjourn to Executive Session- 4:10pm Minutes by: Michelle Barr Attendees: Abramson Bodin Brown Buick Catling Christianson Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Huntington Licht Steig Swanson Tobin Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Dakins Gomberg Henderson Hoffman Kwong Meixnerova
  • June 7, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 7 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of May 3 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Reminder that Final Grades for Spring Quarter are DUE by Tuesday June 18 The Royalty Research Fund committee is in need of new members Eric Steig s 3-year term ended this year Interested parties should contact Eric Steig Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Catling Nothing to Report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Update on projector connectivity challenges and heads-up regarding forthcoming shift to Windows 10 Curriculum Schmidt Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Oversight Bergantz Conway Report will be postponed to the October meeting Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Completion of a successful awards season We awarded a record-breaking 271 000 in awards and scholarships College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update from the council Old Business New Business Centers of Excellence and next faculty hire discussion: i Subduction Seismology-Harold Tobin ii Planetary- David Catling iii Joint faculty hire opportunity with Burke Museum-Alexis Licht Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 7 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session- 2:35 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of May 3 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Reminder that Final Grades for Spring Quarter are DUE by Tuesday June 18 The Royalty Research Fund committee needs new members Eric Steig s 3-year term ended this year Interested parties should contact Eric Steig Dean has asked us to put together a plan for 5 years to hire 2 faculty hires each year She will provide bridge funding Dean wants to know if that would solve our graduate recruitment issue Projection from 3 most junior faculty members shows that adding new faculty would add numbers to the department in up to 30 new students over 5 years TA Evaluations forms due first day of summer quarter Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Issues with connection to projectors--aging technology A fix is being used in 127 to connect computer to projector in a new way We will be moving most projectors in classrooms over to this model January 2020--MS is letting go of windows 7 support Everything will be ported over to windows 10 Curriculum Schmidt Nothing to report Diversity Huntington - Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider graduating 78th MESSAGe student Oversight Bergantz Conway Report will be postponed to the October meeting Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery 2% for faculty raises Potential for 3% Chair proposes that we do what we did 2 years ago--if faculty are meritorious give 2% If it s 3% or less not do it by merit If it s more than 3% will come up with a merit scheme Senate Stone - Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Completion of a successful awards season We awarded a record-breaking 271 000 in awards and scholarships College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update from the council Old Business New Business Webs of Excellence and next faculty hire discussion: i The May 13th faculty meeting did not have a quorum so the electronic vote that was based on that discussion is being considered an advisory vote not an official vote We will re-vote on whether to search for planetary and seismology positions in the executive session Adjourn to Executive Session -2:47pm Minutes by: Noell Bernard-Kingsley Attendees: Abramson Bergantz Brown Catling Christianson Collins Conway Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Koutnik Licht McCarthy Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Stone Tobin Toner Walters Winebrennar Staff Students and Guests: Black Bernard-Kingsley Buick Dakins Waddington
  • May 3, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 3 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of April 12 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements GSAR from students due to faculty by April 1st Faculty review were due by April 22nd The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for next Thursday May 9th Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term Michelle Barr has contacted the faculty who need to have this completed Michelle Barr has been officially hired as the new Assistant to the Chair Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Catling Nothing to Report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Final report on admissions Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Schmidt Nothing to report Diversity Huntington - DEI workshop update MESSAGe Crider Update on admissions Oversight Bergantz Conway Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Promotion and merit recommendations will be presented in the Executive Session Senate Stone - Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone The committee has finished determining the award recipients thank you to those who nominated students colleagues and wrote letters of recommendation College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update from the council Old Business New Business Faculty retreat update and overview- Mike Brown Centers of Excellence and next faculty hire discussion: i Subduction Seismology-Harold Tobin ii Planetary- David Catling iii Joint faculty hire opportunity with Burke Museum-Alexis Licht Adjourn to Executive Session
  • April 12, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 12 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of March 1 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Field Trip documents and FAQ document updated on ESS intranet Please review materials before planning a field trip Faculty Activity Reports were due March 31 if you have not done this please do it by the end of today Michelle will be contacting you for these if they are not in GSAR from students due to faculty by April 1st Faculty review due by April 22nd Department Mariners Baseball night- Mariners vs Astros Friday April 12th at 7:10 The Faculty retreat will be held offsite at Talaris Conference Center and has been scheduled for Saturday April 20th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term Michelle Barr has contacted the faculty who need to have this completed Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture autumn 2019 Please send nominations to Bob Holzworth Please think about distinguished alumnus or individuals you think would be a good option for commencement speaker along with outstanding graduate and undergraduate students Please send nominations to Michelle Barr Promotions to Full professor i Kate Huntington ii Greg Wilson Scott Dakins has been officially hired as the new Administrator for ESS Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Undergraduate Curriculum update Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to Report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Nothing to report Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Update on one student in Executive session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Please get your annual activity reports in Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update from the council Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 12 2019 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session- 2:35 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes o Approval of March 1 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes: Done by proxy vote approved 4 19 19 Announcements Field Trip documents and FAQs page updated on ESS website Please review materials before planning a field trip and remember to download the latest versions of any paperwork Faculty Activity Reports were due March 31 if you have not done this please do it by the end of today Michelle will be contacting you for these if they are not in GSAR from students due to faculty by April 1st Faculty review due by April 22nd Department Mariners Baseball night- Mariners vs Astros Friday April 12th at 7:10 The Faculty retreat will be held offsite at Talaris Conference Center and has been scheduled for Saturday April 20th 9am-3pm The goal is to come up with a strategic plan for our department The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term Michelle Barr has contacted the faculty who need to have this completed Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture autumn 2019 Please send nominations to Bob Holzworth Please think about distinguished alumnus or individuals you think would be a good option for commencement speaker along with outstanding graduate and undergraduate students Please send nominations to Michelle Barr Promotions to Full professor Kate Huntington Greg Wilson Scott Dakins has been officially hired as the new Administrator for ESS We had a labs unlocked event Michelle Koutnik and Knut Christianson both participated in a lab tour representing ESS The Microprobe is dead cooling system failed and the circuit boards were fried looking at options for replacement Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Undergraduate Curriculum update see attached documents for proposed changes Discussion on changes: What is the justification for name change from environmental to geoscience o Classes and curriculum did not match an environmental title the geoscience title better reflects the courses that students take in this option o We do not have the set of classes to meet an environmental option and think the title is more accurate to the program we have Remove the may from the 31X elective course in the requirements page Are there computing requirements in these options o Some math courses provide a computing component o Possible geospatial analysis degree option could include this as well a future topic for curriculum Straw poll: 14 voted to approve Proxy vote approved the changes on 4 19 19 o Yes 21 No 0 Abstain 1 Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to Report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Over spring break a larger 10 projector screen was installed in 117 and 127 Diversity Huntington Upcoming diversity events April 17 4-5 pm: A talk on Ending sexual misconduct and harassment in STEM by Dr Bethann McLaughlin from Vanderbilt the founder of MeTooSTEM Both Science and Inside Higher Education have written about her April 18 Various MeTooSTEM and Sexual Harassment Workshops Includes Building healthy academic workplaces 9-11 am Starting in May the College is planning three diversity equity and inclusion DEI workshops trainings that address some of the issues many people in the ESS community have expressed interest in learning more about: Equity 101 on May 8 Identifying and responding to micro aggressions on June 10 Implicit Bias on July 15 MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Update on one student in Executive session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Please get your annual activity reports in Senate Stone - Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Awards committee is in the process of meeting to determine awards College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update from the council A vote for a vote of no confidence was held- it was decided not to have a vote of no confidence Cliff is ending his tenure as chair of the committee at the end of this academic year Eric is a full member now for this quarter Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 3:07 Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bodin Brown Christianson Creager Duvall Hallet Koutnik Licht Nittrouer Schmidt Steig Stone Tobin Walters Winebrenner and Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Gombiner Hartog Myers Oxley Russell and Scott
  • March 1, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 1 2019 JHN 111 - 2:30 p m AGENDA ESS Faculty Community Values Discussion Emma Phan Ombud s office Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of February 1 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Faculty Activity Reports FARS due March 31st GSAR from students due to faculty by April 1st Faculty review due by April 22nd Department Mariners Baseball night- Mariners vs Astros Friday April 12th at 7:10 Tickets are reduced and we are suggesting buying tickets in section 316 ESS GALA will be held April 3rd 4th and 5th April Faculty meeting will be shifted to April 12 to avoid conflict with the GALA The Faculty retreat will be held offsite at Talaris Conference Center and has been scheduled for Saturday April 20th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term Michelle Barr has contacted the faculty who need to have this completed Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture autumn 2019 Please send nominations to Bob Holzworth Please think about distinguished alumnus or individuals you think would be a good option for commencement speaker along with outstanding graduate and undergraduate students Please send nominations to Michelle Barr Several Staff have been nominated for University Awards: i Michelle Koutnik- Distinguished Teaching Award ii Scott Dakins Administrator - Distinguished Staff Award iii Noell Bernard-Kingsley Director of Academic Services - Distinguished Staff Award iv Michelle Barr Assistant to the Chair - Outstanding Woman Award v Mary Alice Benson Graduate Student MESSAGe -Outstanding Woman Award vi Kathy Gabriel Fiscal Specialist Supervisor - Outstanding Woman Award vii Taylor Hamilton Student Assistant - Outstanding Woman Award viii Paige Wilson Graduate Student Research - Outstanding Woman Award ix Eunice Yang Fiscal Specialist II - Outstanding Woman Award Other Announcements Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update on Admissions Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum Schmidt Update will be given at April 12th meeting Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Senate Stone Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Update on the graduate student expectations for presenting at the Gala College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 1 2019 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES ESS Faculty Community Values Discussion Emma Phan Ombud s office Community Values Discussion: Lead by Emma Phan Ombud s office Discussion started 2:35pm The goal of this exercise is to find 5 to 7 words that ground the community for possible difficult conversations coming up Individual Exercise: One minute of silent reflection on what you want to see out of today Thoughts shared by the faculty on the outcome they wanted: Leave with a united perspective and vision Tools for broader and more difficult conversations coming up Move towards a transparent understanding of the collective understanding of individuals contributions to the department Why do we feel overwhelmed and why do we feel we love this job What brings out or anchors us to being committed to this community What increases our gross national happiness Group Exercise: Individually write down 5 to 7 words that are core to the department or to achieving the outcomes from the individual exercise These words will be clumped together and put up on the board Everyone will get 10 votes and then we will see which 5-7 words come out as most important to the community and define those words Top Words Chosen: 1 Research Excellence 32 votes : Novel innovative and world class research that is collaborative at UW and worldwide Research that has impact within and across fields 2 Teaching Mentoring 22 votes : Effective instruction and guidance that lead to jobs careers and success 3 Discovery in Research 20 votes - not selected to create a definition 4 Fun 17 votes Positive interactions with student and colleagues that make you want to go to work Work must be pleasurable 5 Respect and Integrity 16 votes : Requires humility engagement curiosity about others and an open mind Earn trust through transparency in decisions and research values based decision making consistent Respect diverse strengths and contributions which equals pride in and appreciation of 6 Collegiality Community 16 votes : A group with a shared vision and ideals and with mutual respect 7 Collaboration 11 votes : Working together across disciplines with a common purpose Emma would be willing to do a How do we disagree workshop Emma Ended at 3:28 Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Ken Creager called the meeting to order at 3:29 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The February 1 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Faculty Activity Reports FARS due March 31st GSAR from students due to faculty by April 1st Faculty review due by April 22nd Department Mariners Baseball night- Mariners vs Astros Friday April 12th at 7:10 Tickets are reduced and we are suggesting buying tickets in section 316 ESS GALA will be held April 3rd 4th and 5th April Faculty meeting will be shifted to April 12 to avoid conflict with the GALA The Faculty retreat will be held offsite at Talaris Conference Center and has been scheduled for Saturday April 20th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term Michelle Barr has contacted the faculty who need to have this completed Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture autumn 2019 Please send nominations to Bob Holzworth Please think about distinguished alumnus or individuals you think would be a good option for commencement speaker along with outstanding graduate and undergraduate students Please send nominations to Michelle Barr Several Staff have been nominated for University Awards: i Michelle Koutnik- Distinguished Teaching Award ii Scott Dakins Administrator - Distinguished Staff Award iii Noell Bernard-Kingsley Director of Academic Services - Distinguished Staff Award iv Michelle Barr Assistant to the Chair - Outstanding Woman Award v Mary Alice Benson Graduate Student MESSAGe -Outstanding Woman Award vi Kathy Gabriel Fiscal Specialist Supervisor - Outstanding Woman Award vii Taylor Hamilton Student Assistant - Outstanding Woman Award viii Paige Wilson Graduate Student Research - Outstanding Woman Award ix Eunice Yang Fiscal Specialist II - Outstanding Woman Award Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe - Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling RA from Provost i The Provost has 3 million in permanent funds that is to be used for graduate student recruitment by providing RA s for departments ii CoENV will be getting 250 000 of these funds iii ESS will get at least 2 RA quarters a year possibly more iv Ken and David Catling have given feedback to the college that the method of RA distribution does not adequately account for ESS Ph D graduation rates The total RA quarters given per department was determined by the amount of Ph D s graduated for the last three fiscal years This method make ESS look like our graduation rates are lower When you take the same time frame on the academic year ESS graduation rates are approximately the same as the other departments getting more RA quarters from these funds Standing Committees Admissions Buick 17 students have been admitted 10 students came to Open House So far 1 student has accepted and 1 student has declined Please think about admitting another student there is still time Computing Walters Nothing to report Curriculum: Schmidt Curriculum committee will present update on changes at the April 12 th faculty meeting Diversity Huntington The committee will be utilizing some hours from our work-study student Niamh Murphy to package and disburse resources Please let Kate know topics or resources you would like information on MESSAGe Crider The MESSAGe reception is being postponed until spring term to correspond with when students graduate from the program The date is TBD Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Steig Nothing to report Senate Stone Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business Nothing to report New Business TA support for spring term We are 9 TA s short for spring 2019 term As a result we are spending our ICR funds to support 9 TAs for students outside our department We need to address this for future possible solutions Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Christianson Conway Creager Crider Duvall Huntington Licht Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Toner Walters and Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Dakins Hoffman Myers Phan and Scott
  • February 1, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 1 2019 JHN 111 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of January 11 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27th to March 3rd The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28th ESS GALA will be held April 3rd 4th and 5th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Faculty Activity Reports FARS due March 31st Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation to Michelle Barr by the end of spring term April Faculty meeting will be shifted to April 12 to avoid conflict with the GALA Faculty Retreat Survey was sent out date is TBD Reports and Business Standing Committees Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Admissions Buick Update on Admissions Computing Walters Update on Enhanced Computing Services rate change Curriculum Schmidt Update on Curriculum Diversity Huntington Discussion on Faculty Community Values MESSAGe Crider Save the Date for annual reception Friday March 15 3-5pm Oversight Bergantz Conway Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Senate Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Update on budget discussions with Dean Lisa Graumlich and Stephanie Harrington will visit and discuss budgets Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 1 2019 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Ken Creager called the meeting to order at 2:32 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The January 11 2019 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27th to March 3rd The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28th ESS GALA will be held April 3rd 4th and 5th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Faculty Activity Reports FARS due March 31st Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation to Michelle Barr by the end of spring term Michelle will be contacting you if you are past due or due for an evaluation she will be providing guidelines as well April Faculty meeting will be shifted to April 12 to avoid conflict with the GALA Faculty Retreat Survey was sent out date will either be April 19th or 20th GSAR will be due soon due date to be announced Discussions on mandatory promotions are starting If you want to start a non-mandatory promotion case please contact Ken The Dean has asked for a working committee to take another look at the MESSAGe business model to see if improvements can be made Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe - Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick The first 4 applicants admitted and the committee has submitted award nominations to the college and graduate school Deadline for invitation to the open house is Friday February 8 If you want to invite a student and not have to pay for their visiting costs please contact the admissions committee Computing Walters The rates for Enhanced Computing Services have been constant since 2013 To account for 2 5% inflation per year the committee proposed that we increase the fees by 10% per year for the next 5 years and 2 5% per year thereafter After discussion the faculty was in agreement with this plan Faculty F Rate set in 2003 10 0% 10 0% 10 0% 10 0% 10 0% 201819 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 552 607 668 735 808 889 Staff S 312 343 378 415 457 502 Graduate Student G 228 251 276 303 334 367 Undergraduate Student Guest U 60 66 73 80 88 97 Curriculum: Schmidt 3 working groups looking at ESS 212 ESS 312 and Field Camp Please contact David Schmidt if you are interested in participating in these groups Diversity Huntington Next faculty meeting the Ombud will be giving a mini workshop for the department to articulate their common values and build a community values statement A goal is to have a guiding document that we can use at the faculty retreat discussions MESSAGe Crider Save the date for the annual MESSAGe reception Friday March 15 3-5pm Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Steig Nothing to report Senate Stone Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Overview of each department in the College of Environment and the ABB allocation Lisa Graumlich and Stephanie Harrington visited and discussed budgets Provost working with the state to get more funding for mandated merit raises Dean presented the last decade of faculty merit increases including where funds came from The department will need to start covering merit increases in 2020 and needs a plan for this A large online class that is no longer being taught has created a short term dip in funding for the college There is a working group formed to create a plan to re-coup loss of funding Faculty asked questions around what incentives there were to increase student credit hours majors or create more courses to bring in more ABB funding Dean addressed that although the ABB has not increased with a larger course load the college has compensated ESS with extra permeant funds for a variety things Old Business Nothing to report New Business Nothing to report Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Creager Crider Duvall Fudge GormanLewis Huntington Koutnik McCarthy Montgomery Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Toner Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Dakins Gomberg Graumlich Harrington Hartog Hoffman Jigjidsuren
  • January 11, 2019
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 11 2018 JHN 111 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Stephanie Harrington and Kiana Swearingen Discussion regarding the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination training for all incoming ASE s Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of December 7 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27th to March 3rd The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28th Faculty reviews for Assistant and Associate Professors will begin this term Michelle Barr will be contacting you to set up the meeting Please update your CV and personal statement on the Faculty Activity report Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term please plan to schedule one in winter or spring and submit them to Michelle Barr ESS GALA will be held April 4th and 5th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Reports and Business Standing Committees Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Admissions Buick Update on admission Computing Walters Curriculum Schmidt Diversity Huntington Micro-aggression discussion MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Senate Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to Report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 11 2019 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Stephanie Harrington and Kiana Swearingen Discussion regarding the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination training for all incoming ASE s This training will be starting in 2019 for our graduate students training date TBD Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Ken Creager called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The December 7 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27th to March 3rd The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28th Faculty reviews for Assistant and Associate Professors will begin this term Michelle Barr will be contacting you to set up the meeting Please update your CV and personal statement on the Faculty Activity report Reviews to start the week of January 28th and continue throughout winter term Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term please plan to schedule one in winter or spring and submit them to Michelle Barr ESS GALA will be held April 3rd 4th and 5th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Rankings by the Institute of Higher Education at China s Shanghai Jiao Tong University place the UW at 14th among the world s top universities The National Taiwan University ranked the UW 6th overall 4th nationally and 2nd in public universities worldwide for the quality and impact of research endeavors U S News ranked UW 10th among world universities in the Best Global Universities Rankings RESEARCH AWARDS BY SCHOOL AND COLLEGE School of Medicine 626M School of Public Health 141M College of Engineering 124M College of the Environment 121M College of Arts and Sciences 98M Earthlab RFP is out have 175K available open until Jan 30 broad fields of research encourage transdisciplinary projects Wash Sea Grant RFP is due out next week good for funding and community building Labor and Industries L&I is considering a salary threshold of 2 0 to 2 5 times minimum wage starting Jan 1 2020 Post Docs below that salary 50-70K yr would be eligible for overtime Consider raising their salaries when hiring Annual Report from college to Provost is due Feb 1 Assume flat funding from the state for FY20 and FY21 Temporary decrease in college-wide tuition revenue of 750K from FY18-FY19 in part because of retirement of faculty member teaching large class Additional 100K from drop in of majors Have carryover to cover this in short term Will make this up with new Marine Biology Program and college initiative focused on undergrad learning objectives Consider creative college wide solutions POE: Jointly taught on-line courses could be developed Spending: Faculty salaries will be flat 17 75M through FY23 Classified and professional staff will decline to cover anticipated increase in benefits for staff and faculty Self-sustaining programs anticipate cuts and are in deficit already Sponsored Projects: assume 2% cut in FY19 and FY20 and flat after that though ESS looks very healthy at the moment 2-4% grad tuition increases per year POE director search interviews 1 18 1:30 and 1 24 9:30 Joint hires would be good e g subduction zone initiative ESS Ocean Think about college level opportunities How can we move forward together and support each other Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe - Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick The deadline for applications was Jan 5 We received 150 applications The number of applications are down but the quality of candidates is higher this year Committee is starting to pull out exceptional candidates and assigning them to faculty to review Jan 24th is the deadline for COENV scholarship we cannot put a candidate up for CoENV award unless: 1 they have been reviewed by at least 3 faculty 2 they have 1 st year of funding 3 They have a faculty advisor The first week of January the invitation to the open house will be sent out Faculty please think about how many students you would like to take on how you will fund them and if we should sponsor them for an award Computing Walters JHN 021 has new larger monitors installed The ECS fee has not been increased since 2003 the committee is proposing a 10% increase over the next five years to make up for inflation after which we should be in maintenance See the proposed details below: Rate set in 2003 10 0% 10 0% 10 0% 10 0% 10 0% 201819 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 Faculty F 552 607 668 735 808 889 Staff S 312 343 378 415 457 502 Graduate Student G 228 251 276 303 334 367 Undergraduate Student Guest U 60 66 73 80 88 97 NOTES: Inflation rate from 2003-2018 is 37% meaning we should be at 756 etc as of now Projecting an additional 2 5% inflation for the coming years we should hit breakeven in 2023-24 which we should be in maintenance mode NOTE: Inflation rate compounding at additional 2 5% annually 1 37 1 40 1 44 1 48 1 51 1 55 NOTE: Corresponding rates we SHOULD be at we break even in 2023 756 775 794 814 834 855 427 438 449 460 471 483 312 320 328 336 344 353 82 84 86 88 91 93 Curriculum: Schmidt Nothing to report Diversity Huntington With admissions underway please refer to the emails that Noell sent out about admission she included two documents about holistic review of applications and a study done on GRE scores and how they may not correlate to successful PhD candidates Micro-aggression video https: www youtube com watch v hDd3bzA7450 Please think about how we can support our students and how we can prevent or intervene when we see micro-aggressions happening MESSAGe Crider Nothing to Report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Steig Nothing to report Senate TBA John Stone has been nominated to be the faculty senate representative Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business Nothing to report New Business Nothing to report Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Brown Buick Catling Collins Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Koutnik Montgomery Roe Stone Teng Tobin Toner Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Dakins Harrington Hoffman Myers Oxley Russell Scott Swearingen
  • December 7, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 7 2018 JHN 022 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of November 2 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Update on plan for degree options and curriculum changes Announcements Holiday food drive there is a bin in the front office where you can make donations A new whale fossil Maiabalaena Nesbittae was named to honor Elizabeth Nesbitt for her lifetime contribution to paleontology GeoClub needs a faculty member or grad student to lead their spring break trip seminar and is looking for volunteers Faculty reviews for Assistant and Associate Professors will begin in winter term Michelle Barr will be contacting you to set up the meeting Please update your CV and personal statement on the Faculty Activity report Reminder Enhanced Computing Support requests due to Scott Dakins by Dec 15 The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from 2 27-3 3 The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of Feb 28 The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Neal Buckland a local photographer has been working with Tony Irving to make thinsection photomicrographs of meteorites He will be hosting an open-house exhibit of the work at his studio in Sodo noon-6pm this Saturday Dec 8 for anyone interested in attending Tony will be speaking briefly about the meteorites themselves at 2 and 4 pm The event is at: REDred Photo School & Studio 815 Seattle Blvd S 327 Seattle off 6th Ave and Airport Way a few blocks south of the train station Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Catling update on CoEnv and approach to grad student numbers Standing Committees Admissions Buick Announcement on Admissions Computing Walters Nothing to report Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Senate TBA Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to Report Old Business New Business Mike Brown-Discussion on administration s plan to undertake the 3rd review of ABB in January Next week there will be a discussion with the Provost on faculty perspectives on ABB Mike would like to get a sense of what faculty knows and does not know about how money is being distributed Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 7 2018 JHN 011 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Ken Creager called the meeting to order at 2:34 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The November 2 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Update on plan for undergrad degree options and curriculum changes See attached documents Preliminary curriculum changes December 18 for details General consensus: 21x 31x course content changes were all approved Approved of a more structured geology option and agreed that we would need to maintain a flexible but not watered down General BS degree Need to reconsider what to call this latter option - perhaps just Geoscience Also need to better articulate the learning goals target audience for this option Discussion on which 31x courses to require The discussion and feedback will be incorporated into our plan and the curriculum committee will present the next steps in a faculty meeting in 2019 Announcements Holiday food drive there is a bin in the front office where you can make donations A new whale fossil Maiabalaena Nesbittae was named to honor Elizabeth Nesbitt for her lifetime contribution to paleontology GeoClub needs a faculty member or grad student to lead their spring break trip seminar and is looking for volunteers Faculty reviews for Assistant and Associate Professors will begin in winter term Michelle Barr will be contacting you to set up the meeting Please update your CV and personal statement on the Faculty Activity report Reminder Enhanced Computing Support requests due to Scott Dakins by December 15 The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27 to March 3 The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28 The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th TA evaluation will be sent out today December 7 2018 They will be due the first day of winter term January 7 2019 Neal Buckland a local photographer has been working with Tony Irving to make thin-section photomicrographs of meteorites He will be hosting an open-house exhibit of the work at his studio in Sodo noon-6pm this Saturday Dec 8 for anyone interested in attending Tony will be speaking briefly about the meteorites themselves at 2 and 4 pm The event is at: REDred Photo School & Studio 815 Seattle Blvd S 327 Seattle off 6th Ave and Airport Way a few blocks south of the train station Reminder to make yearend donations to the Friends of ESS fund this fund helps the department throw events like our awards ceremony and graduation celebration New photo board is up outside of the front office Harold Tobin will be awarded the 2018 Paul G Silver Award for Outstanding Scientific Service at the upcoming AGU fall meeting Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe - Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Update on CoEnv and approach to grad student numbers There has been a decline in the graduate student numbers in the CoENV The College will be looking at: Why this is happening Less funding Grad students are more expensive What is the right size for our graduate student population How to attract the best students to support the Provost s initiative Comparing payroll information TA vs RA Catling to report on college findings The department should be thinking about what is the right number of graduate students for ESS Standing Committees Admissions Buick The deadline for applications is Jan 5 Faculty please think about how many students you would like to take on An info sheet will be sent out to ask about the number of students you will be taking on and funding strategy TA vs RA Computing Walters Nothing to report Diversity Huntington AGU is coming up Kate will send out the AGU policy document for diversity Next topic will be on nominations for awards MESSAGe Crider Nothing to Report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Steig Eric Steig retention package has been worked out with the Dean The package will be finalized when Eric returns from the field in February Senate TBA Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business Nothing to report New Business Mike Brown-Discussion on administration s plan to undertake the 3rd review of ABB in January There is an upcoming discussion with the Provost on faculty perspectives on ABB The Provost will be looking at ABB2 to see if this scheme solved issues with allocation of funds from ABB1 Provost thinks the faculty should be driving the governance and wants to hear from units units are college level Does CoENV have a clear faculty governance Are the faculty consulted and agree on issues Adjourn to Executive Session 4:20 p m Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Collins Conway Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Huntington Licht Nelson Nittrourer Roe Schmidt Stone Teng Tobin Toner Waddington Walters Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Barr Benson Bernard-Kingsley Black Dakins King Oxley Russell Scott
    • Appendix THESE SLIDES WERE PRESENTED AT THE DECEMBER 7th FACULTY MEETING THEY WERE USED FOR DISCUSSION ONLY AND ARE NOT THE FINAL CHANGES BEING MADE SEE THE MINUTES FOR FACULTY FEEDBACK AND NEXT STEPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comment: The feedback from the faculty meeting was to include 316 314 313 and 326 as options for the core but have students select 3 of 4 However this is not feasible given overall credit hours The curriculum committee will need to further evaluate how to make this work 11 12
  • November 2, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 2 2018 JHN 011 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of October 5 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Sabbatical Requests due to Ken by November 16 Distinguished teaching award nominations due by noon November 26 Retreat planned for Spring to discuss hiring plans Post-doc lightening talks were successful- will continue that tradition GeoClub needs a faculty member to lead their spring break trip seminar and are looking for a volunteer s Any issues related to AHR should be sent to Michelle Barr with Scott Dakins cc Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Upcoming deadlines Undergraduate Program Roe - Discussion on proposed curriculum changes Graduate Program Catling Update on Graduate Fellowship Task Force Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Update on comprehensive exams in Executive Session Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Kate Huntington Promotion Senate TBA Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 2 2018 JHN 011 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Ken Creager called the meeting to order at 2:35 pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The October 5 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Post-doc lightening talks were successful- will continue that tradition o Follow up with the Post-docs revealed that there are not many resources to help them transition into their appointment here They will be working on creating a FAQ sheet for new incoming post docs o They have also established a monthly meeting to collaborate and build the community o A Post-doc rep will now be attending faculty meetings and reporting back to the larger group Sabbatical Requests due to Ken by November 16 Distinguished teaching award nominations due by noon November 26 Retreat planned for spring to discuss hiring plans GeoClub needs a faculty member to lead their spring break trip seminar and are looking for a volunteer s please let Ken know if you are able to help out with this Any issues related to AHR should be sent to Michelle Barr with Scott Dakins cc d Erin Wirth delivered her baby and both are doing well Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt - Curriculum changes for courses are due by 11 5 18 to be approved by Spring 19 The review of the BA degree made modifications to electives to provide concentrations and is currently working through the administrative process To help deal with the differences between the two field-camp courses ESS 400 A& B will become separate listings as ESS 400 and ESS 401 Undergraduate Program Roe See attached document Undergrad Curriculum Update-Roe Graduate Program Catling The Provost has asked the Dean of our College for some ideas concerning graduate recruitment The College via Julia Parrish asked David and other college GPCs to provide ideas that she could condense to 1 page GPCs were only given a couple of days for such input David drafted something and circulated it to the Chair and Roger Buick Chair of Admissions for comment also Kate Huntington provided input on how to increase diversity amongst grad students The ideas included generous 3-year graduate fellowships provision of substantial ARCS-like top-off awards to top students more RAs to help students develop research proposals the maintenance and expansion of central support for cross-unit value-added programs that have significant success in getting top graduate students e g Program on Climate Change and Astrobiology Program creation of esteem and prize committees within each unit to help elevate the academic status of units through inter national awards and provision of more central support for faculty to write big proposals that provide support for multiple graduate students sometimes over 5 years To increase diversity a range of ideas included named fellowships change in the application procedures e g waiving fees for economically-challenged diverse students faculty education on best practices and more elevation of awareness and participation in national and campus diversity groups The hope is that there will be other opportunities for faculty to provide their input to this Graduate Fellowship Task Force but David was not given any further info Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Nothing to report Diversity Huntington A couple handouts were passed around about how to respond to comments or meeting presentations that discriminate against others or groups of people A letter about sexist speech in the science community was also shared MESSAGe Crider Reported on comprehensive exam results in the executive session Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Steig The promotion package for Kate Huntington was presented in the executive session Senate TBA Ken to appoint new rep Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business Nothing to report New Business Nothing to report Adjourn to Executive Session 3:25 p m Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Bergantz Buick Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallett Huntington Koutnik Licht Montgomery Roe Schmidt Sletten Stone Teng Tobin Toner Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Dakins Gomberg Hoffman Scott
    • Appendix Summary of undergraduate program discussions Fifteen years since basic structure of curriculum established Last summer: - 1 day retreat 15 faculty staff grad students - review strengths weaknesses - brainstorm on possible changes Fall: - meeting with chair & curriculum committee - all-hands meeting of core-class faculty - 4ish working groups met on some resulting action items Purpose of presenting this: - please contribute if you re interested & not already engaged - more detailed outline coming in December faculty meeting for approval to develop plans Summary of undergraduate program discussions Majors as of now: Bachelor of Science Geology option: Environmental option: Biology option: Physics option: 84 26 26 54 Bachelor of Arts: 22 Total: 212 Quick review of current requirements in geology option Current: Geology option 100 106 credits total 36-40 cr: supporting science math phys chem ESS418 communications 21x core: ESS211 physical processes ESS212 Earth Materials ESS213 Earth Evolution 31x core: 3 of 4: ESS311 geodynamics ESS312 Geochem ESS313 Geobio ESS314 Geophys 18-20 elective credits any 4xx class Either: ESS400 6wk field camp of ESS401 3wk field 3wk GIS Strengths and Weaknesses of current degree structure Key strengths: Students get good exposure to modern Earth Science e g geochem geobio We serve a broad range of students Key Weaknesses: Students are taking low pre-req electives so missing out on advanced geology training e g petrology structure sedimentology Inadequate preparation for field camp poor writing skills Purpose of different options is unclear to students 212 Earth Materials or minearology&petrology an impossible task in one quarter say both students and faculty perennially Strengths and Weaknesses of current degree structure Goals moving forward: 1 Raise the standards more focused requirements in Geology Option well-trained graduates for professional geology ASBOG geology-oriented graduate programs 2 Maintain a flexible general track for those wanting a general BS degree in Earth Sciences or wanting to build their own specialized array of elective options What s being discussed: Revised geology option: - revised 21x series -new 212 class with more physical geology and some minearology -coordinate content learning goals with existing 211 213 - new 31x Earth Materials core class required for geology option - expand and extend minearology petrology - Cailey Condit part of the development - Elective options - restrict the elective options to advanced geology classes - require the six-week field camp - add fieldwork-relevant prereq for field camp But also retain a more flexible generation option: - flexible 31x core options - flexible elective options - either 6wk field camp or 3&3 option - implications for current environmental option Timeline moving forward: December faculty meeting - sketches of revised core classes & requirements - results from u-grad survey - seek approval from whole faculty to develop formal plans Winter quarter 2019 - developing and finalizing courses and requirements Spring quarter 2019 - submitting to greater powers for approval quibbling Implementation in 2020 21 academic year But wait there s more Miscellaneous on-going conversations: - GIS-based 3&3 week field camp ultimately being a local capstone experience - Think about - physics option e g space physics & geophysics - biology option e g adding microbiology elective options - Developing a geospatial analysis option
  • October 5, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 5 2018 JHN 011 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Dean Lisa Graumlich- Discussion regarding budget projections and new hires Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of June 1 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Submit summer and prior quarter grades including 499 600 700 and 800 Robert Winglee- Plans for the Apollo 50th Meet our Post docs- Oct 11th Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Diversity Huntington MESSAGe Crider Will present results of comprehensive exams in Executive Session Oversight Bergantz Conway Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Will present results of exams in Executive Session Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Will present update on promotions in Executive Session Senate TBA Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 5 2018 JHN 011 2:30 p m MINUTES Dean Lisa Graumlich- 2:33 pm discussion regarding new hires and budget projections Welcomed new PNSN Director Harold Tobin and New Provost Mark Richards Budget discussion three handouts given: o ESS BY17-19 Budget Projections for core state budgets o COENV faculty merit increases paid FY 2006-2019 by source o ESS State-Funded Faculty Salaries FY2010-FY2020 Dean is asking each unit to plan how to pay for mandated merit increases for the remaining and next biennium No additional state funding is expected o Possible ways to adjust the deficit and pay for merit increases: Fewer T A s Reduce lecturers by having tenure-track faculty teach more Not replace retired faculty lines Reduce number of staff College of Engineering offering direct to college admittance ENGR has always been a pipeline to COENV and this may impact student rates Also the college of arts & sciences wants to do DT DIVISION admits May need to identify aggressive strategy to recruit students into the COENV Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Ken Creager called the meeting to order at 3:18pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The June 1 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Ken will be scheduling faculty review throughout the 2018-19 academic year Full professors Autumn 18 Associate Professors Winter 19 Assistant Professors Spring 19 In addition to Faculty Reviews Ken will be scheduling a time to discuss each faculty member s thoughts on the department specifically looking to get feedback on the important future directions of the department All teaching faculty requested to do a collegial review sometime during the 2018-19 academic year Apollo 50th anniversary July 2019 July 16-19 NASA has commission Space Grant to run student competitions and camps for several hundred students Requests for faculty help talks lab openings or volunteers A computer disk was recently stolen from the department reminder to back up your data and protect your equipment Erika Harnett has taken a job with Amazon Robert Winglee will be taking on teaching ESS 102 for Autumn 2018 Rooms JHN 170 & 162 have new larger screens installed October 18 the Great Shakeout will occur Sign up to participate Faculty and graduate committees have been updated and are on the ESS intranet please let Ken know if any updates or changes that need to be made Meet the Post-docs event will be held Oct 11 Reports and Business Curriculum Schmidt Gerard reported about the recent review of the undergraduate curriculum over the summer The goals of this group were to look at the feedback that undergrads were not prepared for field camp and to tighten up the geology track The results were presented to Ken and David and several working groups are looking at plans for specific changes Results will be presented in the November Faculty meeting Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Nothing to report Diversity Huntington Diversity 1-page handouts will be sent out each faculty meeting to address different diversity issues Passed out a page on avoiding gender bias in reference letter writing MESSAGe Crider Reported on comprehensive exam results in the executive session Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Presented the results of the exam in the executive session Promotion Reappointment & Merit Steig Nothing to report Senate TBA Erika was the rep Ken to appoint new rep Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to report Old Business Nothing to report New Business Nothing to report Adjourn to Executive Session 3:48 p m Minutes by Michelle Barr Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bodin Buick Catling Christianson Conway Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Huntington Koutnik Licht McCarthy Nelson Roe Sletten Steig Stone Teng Tobin Toner Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Barr Bernard-Kingsley Black Cowan Dakins Gomberg Graumlich Harrington Russel Scott Wirth
  • June 1, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 1 2018 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of May 4 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Commencement will be Saturday June 9 at 9am in the HUB Lyceum Further info will be forthcoming from Student Services We are still looking for faculty volunteers to help run the Colloquia Series for Autumn and Winter quarters It is urgent we identify a coordinator for Fall and Winter quarters now Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Report on results of current admission cycle and a review of where MESSAGe alumni currently are Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Annual oversight report presentation Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Senate Harnett Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 1 2018 JHN 026 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:40pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The May 4 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Commencement will be Saturday June 9 at 9am in the HUB Lyceum Further info will be forthcoming from Student Services We are still looking for faculty volunteers to help run the Colloquia Series for Autumn and Winter quarters It is urgent we identify a coordinator for Fall and Winter quarters now ASE strike update: negotiations continue but a strike is planned to begin tomorrow June 2 lasting up to two weeks We have received a large bequest from the Woolley Crooks estate creating a permanent endowment An additional large distribution is expected in the near future Ken Creager is in negotiations with the Dean to accept the position as the next Chair of ESS George Bergantz requests that any faculty who have incoming graduate students who will need to TA to let him know as soon as possible Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager There are still 10 GSARs which have not been completed Please finalize these immediately Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Report on results of current admission cycle and a review of where MESSAGe alumni currently are MESSAGe graduate admissions Title IX summary 2018 total men women % men applicants 46 32 14 70 admits 23 16 7 70 decline withdraw 8 5 3 63 defer 2 0 2 0 accept 13 11 2 85 Last year s matriculated cohort: 5 men 7 women Long-term matriculated population: 60% men 40% women % women 30 30 38 100 15 Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Total RCR projected allocations and expenditures were slightly lower and consistent with previous years Expenditures include spending on payroll startup funds RA support technology fees facilities office supplies graduate recruitment bonuses open house etc For full details see Mike McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone New Prelim schedule has been set There will be two committees chaired by Gorman-Lewis and Winglee Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Senate Harnett Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Steig Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Quorum has not yet been reached on the vote regarding the new College Bylaws as presented at the May faculty meeting Please Vote Old Business Nothing to report New Business Nothing to report Adjourn to Executive Session 3:14 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Bergantz Bodin Buick Christianson Collins Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Licht McCarthy Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Teng Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Benson Bernard-Kingsley Dakins Kelson Northway
  • May 4, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 4 2018 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of April 6 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements The ESS Annual Awards and Scholarships Ceremony will be held Thursday May 10 at 3:30 in JHN 102 reception to follow in the Courtyard Commencement will be Saturday June 9 at 9am in the HUB Lyceum Further info will be forthcoming from Student Services The next all College of the Environment seminar will be on May 8 starting at 4:30 in FSB auditorium room 102 Title: From Land and Sea will feature 4 panelists including our own David Montgomery Followed by a yummy reception Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Reminder that GSARs are due Standing Committees Admissions Buick Brief update Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Will report in executive session Senate Harnett Summary of April 19th Senate meeting Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Deliberations have been completed awards ceremony is May 10 College Council Representation Bergantz Update on changes to College Bylaws Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 4 2018 JHN 026 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:36pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The April 6 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements The ESS Annual Awards and Scholarships Ceremony will be held Thursday May 10 at 3:30 in JHN 102 reception to follow in the Courtyard Commencement will be Saturday June 9 at 9am in the HUB Lyceum Further info will be forthcoming from Student Services The next all College of the Environment seminar will be on May 8 starting at 4:30 in FSB auditorium room 102 Title: From Land and Sea will feature 4 panelists including our own David Montgomery Followed by a yummy reception Alumna Cathy Whitlock Professor at Montana State University has been elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Cathy was a student of Estella Leopold s The Academic Student Employee union has authorized a one day strike for May 15 Noell has scheduled an open meeting on May 8 to foster discussion of the contract issues Negotiations between the UW and the union are ongoing Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Reminder that GSARs are due To date 40 students are completed 30 are not Standing Committees Admissions Buick Title IX report on most recent admission cycle We received 163 applications to the graduate program: 92 male and 71 female Of these we made 19 offers: 9 male and 10 female In addition there are still 2 females on the hold list Of the 19 who received offers 6 males and 2 females have accepted Big thanks to the admissions committee especially Alison Duvall for adding gender diversity to the committee Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider MESSAGe admissions cycle still ongoing Will report results at the June faculty meeting Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Will report in executive session Senate Harnett Summary of April 19th Senate meeting Regarding Direct To College admissions the Provost has proposed a cool-down period in the conversation until Autumn quarter Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Deliberations have been completed ESS Awards Ceremony is May 10 College Council Representation Bergantz Update on changes to College Bylaws Large number of proposed edits dealing with a variety of issues Old Business New Business ESS graduate students made a presentation to the faculty regarding issues surrounding the ongoing negotiations between the University administration and the ASE union A document presenting the bargaining position of the graduate students and signed by ESS graduate students was presented to the faculty and will be posted on the departmental web site Adjourn to Executive Session 3:23 pm Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Bergantz Bodin Buick Christianson Collins Conway Creager Crider Duvall Hallet Harnett Holzworth Huntington McCarthy Nelson Nittrouer Schmidt Teng Toner Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests Dakins Kelson Ludwig Northway
  • April 6, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 6 2018 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of March 2 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements ESS undergraduate Tyler Valentine has received a Barry Goldwater National Research Scholarship There will be a change to the ESS Colloquia system beginning next year There will still be an appointed faculty member who is responsible for recruiting speakers but coordination of dates and other details will go through Scott Dakins Call for faculty volunteer s to run the Fall and Winter ESS Colloquium Series There is a new online room reservation tool for those rooms controlled by ESS Update regarding Disability Accommodations for students and updating Syllabus Statements Noell Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Short update Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Will report in executive session Senate Harnett Update on DTC Admissions from the Faculty Senate Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Applications have been received and the committee is beginning deliberation on the awards College Council Representation Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 6 2018 JHN 026 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:34pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The March 2 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements ESS undergraduate Tyler Valentine has received a Barry Goldwater National Research Scholarship College Awards have been announced: Joshua Krissansen-Totten has been named one of two Dean s Medalists Tyler Valentine is a College of the Environment Outstanding Community Impact awardee David Catling has been named Outstanding Researcher awardee Kathy Gabriel and Eunice Yang received Distinguished Staff Member Workday Awards College Awards Ceremony will be held May 15 at 3:30 in the Fisheries Lobby Enhanced Computing Fees are due April 14 will be the second annual March for Science There will be a change to the ESS Colloquia system beginning next year There will still be an appointed faculty member who is responsible for recruiting speakers but coordination of dates and other details will go through Scott Dakins Call for faculty volunteer s to run the Fall and Winter ESS Colloquium Series There is a new online room reservation tool for those rooms controlled by ESS Email has gone out to the department regarding using this new tool Update regarding Disability Accommodations for students and updating Syllabus Statements Noell A very successful GeoClub Spring Break field trip was conducted in the Puget Sound Islands Start thinking about volunteering to be a faculty leader for the GeoClub trip next spring Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager GSARs: Student submissions due April 6 Faculty approvals due April 20 Standing Committees Admissions Buick As of today 16 admits 5 acceptances 8 declines 3 still outstanding Any remaining candidates not already admitted will be denied the week of April 9 See Buick if you have someone you want admitted at this point Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider 18 students have been admitted with 8 acceptances 2 declines and 1 deferral with 7 still outstanding Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Will report in executive session Senate Harnett Update on DTC Admissions from the Faculty Senate Dean of Arts and Sciences will attend the next senate session to answer questions on their request to implement DTC admissions for their college Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Steig Applications have been received and the committee is beginning deliberation on the awards College Council Representation Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:03 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bergantz Bodin Buick Christianson Conway Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Huntington Koutnik Licht Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Teng Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests Bernard-Kingley Dakins Koehler Stone Wirth
  • March 2, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 2 2018 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of February 2 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture Autumn 2018 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX and Green Dot training with Valery Richardson Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen SafeCampus Training and Communications Specialist Please plan to attend this training on Tuesday March 6 from 3:30-5:00 in JHN 102 Faculty Activity Reports are DUE March 31 Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Brief update on DTC admissions see attachment Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Announcement regarding GSAR Standing Committees Admissions Buick Brief update Computing Walters Network upgrades in ATG UWIT memo regarding network security updates Web Alpine email is going away MESSAGe Crider Brief update on MESSAGe admissions Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz College Council bylaws changes Collegewide Seminar Series Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 2 2018 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:36pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The February 2 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements The UW featured a great piece on ESS Field Camp on the uw edu landing page A University of Washington innovation award was given to Knut Christianson Michelle Koutnik and David Shean for the project Building a digital glacier time machine: Reconstructing past landscapes to help understand the future of water in the western U S Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture Autumn 2018 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX and Green Dot training with Valery Richardson Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen SafeCampus Training and Communications Specialist Please plan to attend this training on Tuesday March 6 from 3:30-5:00 in JHN 102 The next All College Seminar will be on May 8 at 4:30 Mark your calendars A social hour follows Faculty Activity Reports are DUE March 31 Crisis Response Policy Contact 911 emergency services first Then contact the crisis response team: Dean Graumlich and or Associate Dean Harrington Next year prospective student dinner will be a week later on Thursday February 28 2019 Check calendar for major conflicts ESS Awards Applications are now open Need to apply to get funding especially undergrads Deadline to apply is April 1 at 11pm ESS Research GALA is being held March 28-30 2017 beginning with a poster session on the 28th Postdoctoral research is being included in the GALA this year Organizers are still looking for more donations and judges Contact Cassie Brigham The next ESS Community Diversity & Community meeting will be held Wednesday March 14 at 1pm in JHN 170 This is also PI Day so there will be pie served We ll be taking a look at the diversity letter written by UW Biology graduate students and consider revision of our own Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Brief update on DTC admissions If the College of Arts & Sciences implements DTC this will have a huge effect on our department More updates will be forthcoming Undergraduate Program Roe There are pending changes in grade requirements for our majors More info to come Also a new teaching matrix tool has been created and should facilitate the entire teaching assignment process Graduate Program Creager Announcement regarding GSAR Standing Committees Admissions Buick To date 2 prospective grad students have accepted their offers and none have declined Computing Walters Network upgrades in ATG UWIT memo regarding network security updates Web Alpine email is going away MESSAGe Crider MESSAGe is admitting their 7th cohort Of 45 applications received 11 are ESS alumni Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz College-wide Seminar Series are beginning First is scheduled for March 6 2018 and the subject will be West Coast Wildfires Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 3:26pm Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Bergantz Bodin Brown Christianson Creager Crider Duvall Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Teng Toner Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Benson Bernhard-Kingsley Brigham Dakins Gomberg Kelson Koehler
  • February 2, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 2 2018 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of January 5 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 21-23 2018 The dinner will be held on Wednesday night at the UW Club Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture Autumn 2018 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX and Green Dot training with Valery Richardson Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen SafeCampus Training and Communications Specialist Please plan to attend this training on Tuesday March 6 from 3:30-5:00 in JHN 102 Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Brief update Computing Walters Network upgrades in ATG MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Brief update Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 2 2018 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:33pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The January 5 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Good News Items: o Jonathan Bapst and Matthew Tilley both successfully defended their dissertations earlier today o David Montgomery s book Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life has been named a finalist for the PEN E O Wilson Literary Science Writing Award o Meghan Oxley was named the Association of Professional Advisors and Counselors Advisor of the Month Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 21-23 2018 The dinner will be held on Wednesday night at the UW Club We are still looking for volunteers for lab tours please see Noell Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture Autumn 2018 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX and Green Dot training with Valery Richardson Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen SafeCampus Training and Communications Specialist Please plan to attend this training on Tuesday March 6 from 3:30-5:00 in JHN 102 The GeoClub Spring Break Field Trip will be held in the San Juan Islands this year Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick 10 prospective graduate students have been admitted to the program Please encourage them to attend the open house at the end of February Computing Walters Network upgrades in ATG MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report Faculty Senate Harnett Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz A new College-wide seminar series is launching The first seminar will be held March 6 at 4:30pm More details will follow Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 2:48pm Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty - Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Christianson Creager Crider Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Licht Montgomery Nelson Schmidt Stone Teng Waddington Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests Bernard-Kinglsey Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Koehler Northway
  • January 5, 2018
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 5 2018 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of December 1 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Michelle Barr has joined us at the Front Desk Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 21-23 2018 The dinner will be held on Wednesday night at the UW Club Dean Graumlich will present her state of the college address to ESS at the beginning of the faculty meeting on February 2 2018 starting at 2:30 This part of the faculty meeting will be open to all faculty staff and students Discussion with the Dean will follow her presentation Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture Autumn 2018 It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX and Green Dot training with Valery Richardson Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen SafeCampus Training and Communications Specialist Please plan to attend this training on Tuesday March 6 from 3:30-5:00 in JHN 102 Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Walters MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Brief update Old Business New Business Benefits and Costs of department visitors Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 5 2018 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The December 1 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Good News Items: ESS Alumnus Isaac Larsen received the 2017 Luna B Leopold Young Scientist Award This is the second year the department is represented: in 2016 Assistant Professor Alison Duvall won the Leopold Award This is two wins in a row The next Diversity and Equity Discussion will be on January 11 at 10:30 in ATG 154 The topic will be Developing a bystander s guide to stopping sexist speech in the sciences Michelle Barr has joined us full-time at the Front Desk She has an MS in geology from U Utah and most recently worked in the oil industry in Texas Prospective Graduate Student Open House will be held February 21-23 2018 The allESS dinner will be held on Wednesday night at the UW Club Please reserve this time Dean Graumlich will present her state of the college address to ESS at the beginning of the faculty meeting on February 2 2018 starting at 2:30 This part of the faculty meeting will be open to all faculty staff and students Discussion with the Dean will follow her presentation this has been canceled since the 1 5 18 faculty meeting Call for nominations for the Mindlin Lecture Autumn 2018 Invites need to go out in the Spring Please coordinate your suggestions with Bob Holzworth It is time for our biennial all-department Title IX and Green Dot training with Valery Richardson Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Kiana Swearingen SafeCampus Training and Communications Specialist Please plan to attend this training on Tuesday March 6 from 3:30-5:00 in JHN 102 This is a REQUIRED TRAINING for everyone in the department Adjunct and Affiliate faculty reappointments will be discussed and voted on at the February 2 Faculty Meeting Important upcoming dates in the process for hiring the next PNSN Director and the Subduction Zone faculty position were outlined An e-mail summarizing will follow Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Admissions deadline is today 1 5 18 We currently have 116 applications in for the graduate program We expect that number to double by midnight Reviews will begin January 8 because CoENV scholarship deadlines are earlier this year All admission decisions need to be done by the end of January Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Brief update: the College Council met with Provost Baldasty regarding salary gaps The provost indicated that there was no new money available to address this Old Business New Business Benefits and Costs of department visitors While we pride ourselves on our vibrant research community and welcome academic visitors from around the world it should be noted that there is a real financial cost to hosting these visitors Each visa which needs to be processed costs the department 213 in fees plus staff processing time Renewals are 45 Expedited handling at the federal level rises to 1250 The department will pay for the visa processing and renewals to encourage a steady flux of international visitors Costs for expedited handling will be borne by the faculty host PI Processing time at the university and federal level have increased significantly so plan well in advance Adjourn to Executive Session 3:06pm Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Christianson Creager Fudge Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Koutnik Licht Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Steig Teng Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests Barr Benson Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Kelson Ludwig Northway
  • December 1, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 1 2017 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of November 3 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Combined Fund Drive Campaign runs October 4 December 1 CFD forms have been distributed to your mailboxes and email has been sent out to faculty and staff by Scott Dakins You are free to donate to the department via CFD Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 21-23 2018 The dinner will be held on Wednesday night at the UW Club Husky 100 nominations are now open and close on December 22 2017 The deadline for student to submit their application is January 17 2018 A nomination only requires that you submit one or more student s name to an on-line form The student provides the application GeoClub Holiday Party will be Friday December 8 Please contribute items for the silent auction GeoClub is looking for faculty leaders for their 2018 spring break field trip Annual reminder to make sure your emergency contact information is current in WorkDay Dean Graumlich will present her state of the college address to ESS at the beginning of the faculty meeting on February 2 2018 starting at 2:30 This part of the faculty meeting will be open to all faculty staff and students Discussion with the Dean will follow her presentation Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Walters MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Brief update Old Business New Business Teaching Assistant funding issues Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 1 2017 JHN 175 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:37pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The November 3 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Combined Fund Drive Campaign runs October 4 December 1 CFD forms have been distributed to your mailboxes and email has been sent out to faculty and staff by Scott Dakins You are free to donate to the department via CFD Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 21-23 2018 The dinner will be held on Wednesday night at the UW Club On Thursday the 22nd there will be a Poster Session as well as a Colloquium Kate Huntington is coordinating Husky 100 nominations are now open and close on December 22 2017 The deadline for student to submit their application is January 17 2018 A nomination only requires that you submit one or more student s name to an on-line form The student provides the application GeoClub Holiday Party will be Friday December 8 Please contribute items for the silent auction GeoClub is looking for faculty leaders for their 2018 spring break field trip Annual reminder to make sure your emergency contact information is current in WorkDay Dean Graumlich will present her state of the college address to ESS at the beginning of the faculty meeting on February 2 2018 starting at 2:30 This part of the faculty meeting will be open to all faculty staff and students Discussion with the Dean will follow her presentation Other Announcements o A reminder from Eunice Yang that there is a 6-month time limit on submitting reimbursement requests This applies equally to travel meals etc and is a UW requirement o Erika Harnett notes that if anyone is having any trouble regarding foreign travel to report these issues to the Faculty Senate o Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick January 5 2018 is the deadline for prospective graduate students to apply to ESS Noell has sent email to the faculty asking if they are seeking students for the 2018-19 academic year This information will assist the committee in prioritizing the applications Please respond immediately if you haven t already Noell also notes that faculty need to make sure they have proper MyGrad permissions in order to have access to view the applications Bruce will be sending out results of a study regarding what predicts success of candidates in graduate school The study indicates that GRE scores may not correlate to success past the 1st quarter of the program Computing Walters Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz The college council is reviewing a total of 9 non-mandatory promotion cases this year There are no mandatory promotions in the college this cycle The Council will be calling a special meeting to discuss the implications of the Republican Tax Bill and its possible effects on graduate students There was an update on the faculty salary situation from the Provost: there is agreement among the units to address senior equity issues but if all senior equity issues were fixed across the campus there would be a 5M deficit Old Business New Business Teaching Assistant funding issues: Department overview as context for future planning Over the past 6 years in ESS i number of TA positions and TA FTE increased by 10% ii ESS undergraduate student credit hours increased by 5% iii TA salary benefit costs have increased by 44% Annually ESS receives support from Undergraduate Academic Affairs for 9 quarters of TA positions This is driven primarily by enrollment in ESS 100 101 102 104 106 It represents 8% of our TA budget There are several risks to sustaining our TA budget: i There has been no new injection of TA support funds over the last 6 years ii UAA TA support is evaluated every year and not guaranteed iii Congress will likely continue to examine possible taxation of TA RA benefits i e the tuition waiver There are several consequences to ESS: i We cannot sustain deficit funding of TA positions without budget adjustment ii Expansion of TA support for classes new or existing is not possible without new identified funds iii Informal ESS TA support for students beyond guaranteed 5-year period becomes less likely and matching students to TA positions based on instructor preference or TA background will not always be possible iv The style and content of course labs may have to change to accommodate less TA support in the future Adjourn to Executive Session 3:34 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Bodin Brown Buick Christianson Conway Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Steig Teng Toner Waddington Walters Winglee Staff Students and Guests Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Kelson Koehler Northway Wirth
  • November 3, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 3 2017 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of September 29 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Faculty Sabbatical PPL Paid Personal Leave requests for 2018-19 are due November 15 to the Chair Open Enrollment for benefits runs from November 1-30 Email has been sent out by Sue Bernhardt regarding this including instructions on how to make changes to your benefit selections Combined Fund Drive Campaign runs October 4 December 1 CFD forms have been distributed to your mailboxes and email has been sent out to faculty and staff by Scott Dakins You are free to donate to the department via CFD The next ESS Diversity and Community Discussion will be held Tuesday November 7 from 10:00-12:00 in ATG 154 As presented in an ESS Faculty meeting last year the Respect and Equity in Fieldwork REIF Task Force aims to solicit and promote ideas for practical steps we as individuals as a community as UW can implement to address the pervasive problem of sexual and other forms of harassment and assault in fieldwork contexts 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Brief report on MESSAGe comp exams Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz Brief update 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 3 2017 JHN 175 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The September 29 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Good News: o The College has worked with UW Communications to produce a video about Terry Swanson s 101 class Check it out at: https: www youtube com watch v 415HJw8p-AI&feature youtu be o We had a very successful GSA meeting and alumni reunion at Husky Stadium that included honoring the career of Steve Porter There were a lot of ESS student presentations at GSA Overall the meeting attracted 5 000 abstracts and 7 100 attendees for a record o Rockin Out is holding an event to bring together outreach and engagement groups from around campus to develop ideas and best practices for better engaging with students who are under-represented in STEM fields o The Nature Index for 2017 places UW in the number 3 position behind NASA and NOAA Ranking is based on article counts in selected journals We are seeking nominations for Graduation Speaker Refer to website at http: www ess washington edu news_events graduation_celebration php for a list of past commencement speakers Time Schedule Changes are being implemented with Winter quarter and will be REQUIRED in Spring Quarter o More distribution of courses across the workday Not everyone will be able to get or keep class times between 10am and 2pm Faculty Sabbatical PPL Paid Personal Leave requests for 2018-19 are due November 15 to the Chair Open Enrollment for benefits runs from November 1-30 Email has been sent out by Sue Bernhardt regarding this including instructions on how to make changes to your benefit selections Combined Fund Drive Campaign runs October 4 December 1 CFD forms have been distributed to your mailboxes and email has been sent out to faculty and staff by Scott Dakins You are free to donate to the department via CFD The next ESS Diversity and Community Discussion will be held Tuesday November 7 from 10:00-12:00 in ATG 154 As presented in an ESS Faculty meeting last year the Respect and Equity in Fieldwork REIF Task Force aims to solicit and promote ideas for practical steps we as individuals as a community as UW can implement to address the pervasive problem of sexual and other forms of harassment and assault in fieldwork contexts 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Construction of the 2018-19 Teaching Matrix is underway Gerard will be contacting faculty regarding anything that is unclear Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Nothing to report College Council Representation Bergantz The College Council is looking at entrepreneurial approaches to increasing funding especially with a new Provost coming to UW soon 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session 3:08 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Bergantz Brown Buick Christianson Conway Creager Crider Duvall Fudge Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Licht Nelson Roe Schmidt Steig Swanson Teng Toner Waddington Walters Winglee Wood Staff Students and Guests Benson Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Kelson Northway
  • September 29, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday September 29 2017 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of June 2 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Faculty Sabbatical PPL Paid Personal Leave requests for 2018-19 are due November 15 to the Chair Faculty with hourly workers must make sure that hours submitted by those hourlies are assigned to the correct cost center budget Darrel Cowan has announced his retirement effective August 31 2017 He will continue teaching one course per year 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Teng Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick MESSAGe Crider Oversight Bergantz McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Stone Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Waddington Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday September 29 2017 JHN 175 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:37pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The June 2 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Good News Items: o This summer John Booker was awarded the AGU s Gilbert Award Honor is given by the AGU s Geomagnetism Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism section and presented annually to one honoree in recognition of outstanding work in magnetism of Earth materials and of the Earth and planets o ESS is organizing this year s GSA meeting Cowan and Gillespie are chairs Submitted papers hit a new GSA record 4950 probably over 5K which will like translate to 7500 attendees ESS is taking advantage holding a special alumni reunion on Monday Oct 23 at the Touchdown Terrace in Husky Stadium It will include a presentation honoring the career of Steve Porter Organized by Jody Bourgeois and Ben Fitzhugh o Over the summer the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities ranked UW Earth Sciences 8th in the world Their definition of Earth Sciences is not completely clear It does not exactly map on to our department but it does not include all activity by ATMO and little by OCN Best way to look at it is that the Earth Sciences as an overarching discipline is very strong at UW o Advancement & Donor Relations: The UW fiscal year ended on July 31st This is a good time to do year-over-year comparisons Donor news for last year compared to the previous fiscal year: Overall donations have nearly doubled thanks in part to two large foundation grants and two major individual donations In the range of personal annual gifts
  • June 2, 2017
    • Agenda
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 2 2017 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:37pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The May 5 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting will be held in Autumn quarter Proposed subject will be Linking students to non-academic pathways careers All ESS members are encouraged to attend Marshalls are needed for ESS and UW Commencement on Saturday June 10 Dr Alison Till USGS will be commencement speaker and visiting on Friday June 9 Anyone employed by UW must register on Duo to access payroll HR system It s easy Only 38% of ESS employees are registered Starts July 1 Faculty are reminded that ALL grades must be submitted by June 13 The search committee for the PNSN Director position has been appointed: David Schmidt Chair Paul Bodin Knut Christianson Ken Creager Ian Stone grad rep and Ann Bostrom Evans School The search committee for the Subduction Zone position has been appointed: Kate Huntington chair George Bergantz Juliet Crider Drew Gorman-Lewis Fangzhen Teng Mike Thompson grad rep and William Wilcock Oceanography Scott Bennett is moving his USGS position to California Kris Ludwig has moved from Old Ocean to JHN 053 Construction at the intersection of Stevens Way and Grant Lane will impact access to Johnson Hall as well as closing the C-1 garage entrance from June 12-13 Join the GeoClub-sponsored spring bar-b-que right after the faculty meeting 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis - Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe - Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Graduate Student Activity Reports are due NOW If the faculty advisor hasn t approved them they ll be receiving an email prompt If they don t receive any email everything is fine 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider MESSAGe student capstone projects have been completed and presented Oversight Brown McCarthy Total RCR projected allocations and expenditures were consistent with previous years Expenditures include spending on payroll startup funds RA support technology fees facilities office supplies graduate recruitment bonuses open house etc For full details see Mike Brown or Sue Bernhardt Kate Huntington asked about getting rid of our existing phones to reduce costs but this is no longer a viable option since UWIT now uses department head count rather than physical phone lines to determine monthly charges Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Will discuss in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report College Council Representation Waddington In response to the Provost s request budget planning continues to dominate discussions and the College Council has completed a document advising the Dean on our views as to how budget decisions should be approached by the units with the College where the numbers will ultimately be crunched The CoENV report still needs to be vetted by the Council before sending to the Provost On May 18 a meeting was held with the Provost the College Council and unit Chairs Directors The Provost praised the Council s forward planning view relative to other colleges but was indefinite in his responses to specific questions o 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Catling Christianson Conway Creager Crider Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Licht McCarthy Nelson Roe Steig Stone Swanson Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Bennett Bernard-Kinglsey Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Kehrl Koehler McManus Oxley
  • May 5, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 5 2017 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Megan Russell HR Manager Dean s Office will make a presentation on the migration to WORKDAY This will affect EVERYONE Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of April 7 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Good news items Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting Date Time and Location TBA All ESS members are encouraged to attend Marshalls are needed for ESS and UW Commencement on Saturday June 10 ESS Awards Ceremony is Thursday May 18 at 3:30 in JHN 102 Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend We are hoping for a larger faculty participation BARs and BSRs are going away: impact on budgets Bernhardt Time Schedule policy changes affecting all of campus McOwen 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider brief update on MESSAGe admissions cycle Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Awards update College Council Representation Waddington 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 5 2017 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Megan Russell HR Manager Dean s Office made a presentation on the migration to WORKDAY The change to WORKDAY will affect EVERYONE at the University Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 3:07pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The April 7 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Good news items o John Vidale was elected to the National Academy of Sciences Only 84 new members were elected nationwide across all sciences Vidale is the only NAS member this year from the UW o The 2017 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle October 22-24 There will be an Alumni Evening event and recognition of Steve Porter on October 23 at the Touchdown Terrace in Husky Stadium This event is cosponsored by ESS the QRC and the College of the Environment Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting Date Time and Location TBA All ESS members are encouraged to attend Marshalls are needed for ESS and UW Commencement on Saturday June 10 ESS Commencement will be held again in the HUB Lyceum at 9:15am ESS Awards Ceremony is Thursday May 18 at 3:30 in JHN 102 Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend We are hoping for a larger faculty participation BARs and BSRs are going away to be replaced by MyFD This will change the procedure for how budget expenditures are approved We anticipate the system to be greatly streamlined Time Schedule classroom assignment policy changes affecting all of campus will be going into effect with Autumn 2017 classes Most ESS classes will remain unaffected but a few will need to shift their schedules going forward to fit the University s new scheduling model 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider MESSAGe admissions cycle update: we have an incoming class of 12 students The program is celebrating its 5th anniversary and has admitted it s 50th student Post-graduation employment rate is an amazing 100% Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Merit reviews will be commencing immediately and recommendations will be presented at the June Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Awards Ceremony will be held May 18 at 3:30pm in JHN 102 Over 220 000 in awards and scholarships will be disbursed College Council Representation Waddington o Report from College Council Discussions continued on a memo for the Dean on guidelines for the college and units to address the Provost s request for budget planning Following advice from Megan Russell College HR the Council has asked the Dean to instruct department heads that Affiliate faculty do not need to be promoted which initiates a College Council review Since affiliate appointments are annual they can simply be appointed at a new level following unit procedures for a new affiliate appointment 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session 3:40 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Bodin Brown Buick Christianson Conway Cowan Creager Crider Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Licht Nelson Nittrouer Roe Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kinglsey Bernhardt Dakins Koehler Ludwig McManus Northway Oxley Riecken Russell Wood
  • April 7, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 7 2017 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of March 3 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Good news items Bassett and Barksdale nominations are due Friday April 14 at 5pm Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting Date Time and Location TBA All ESS members are encouraged to attend Marshalls are needed for UW Commencement Building security issues and updates Driver Safety and department field trips Grades submission deadlines 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Demo of new Curriculum Management system Oxley Undergraduate Program Roe short announcement regarding teaching matrix class schedule conflicts and late time-schedule revisions Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz College Council Representation Waddington 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 7 2017 JHN 111 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:37pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The March 3 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Good news items o The ESS Research Gala was a great success with 50 talks and posters large audiences much discussion and 1500 raised by the faculty and matched by the department towards the Gala Awards A big thank you to Shelley Chestler and Joel Gombiner for leading the Gala Committee o Jessica Badgley and Cassie Brigham have been awarded 2017 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awards and Megan Mueller won an Honorable Mention o For the second year in a row an ESS affiliated student has been selected as one of the Husky 100 Congratulations to ESS undergraduate Tyler Valentine who also received Honorable Mention in the Goldwater Scholarship Competition o Congratulations to Meghan Oxley who was honored as an Outstanding UW Woman a program designed to honor women from across campus as part of Women s History Month recognizing the contributions of women at the UW o In donor news a deferred charitable gift annuity to benefit ESS s MESSAGe program has been established by an alum This is the beginning of a concentrated effort to build up endowments in support of the MESSAGe program Bassett and Barksdale Award nominations are due Friday April 14 at 5pm Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting will be Friday April 21 11:3012:20 in JHN 011 All ESS members are encouraged to attend Marshalls are needed for both the ESS and the UW Commencement ceremonies Graduation is Saturday June 10 Building security issues and updates Driver Safety and department field trips A reminder to all faculty leading field trips that they are the primary agent of emphasizing safe behavior by drivers A reminder to all faculty of the importance of submitting grades by the published deadlines Failure to do so can have widespread and severe consequences for students 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Demo of new Curriculum Management system Oxley o Meghan demonstrated the new Curriculum Management System that is being rolled out across campus It will replace the paper approval process with one that is completely electronic speeding up the entire curriculum manage process Undergraduate Program Roe Roe made short announcement regarding the teaching matrix class schedule conflicts and late time-schedule revisions o Late revision requests for any aspect of a course must route through Roe for approval rather than rest on Lauren s shoulders to accommodate o Lauren will make an additional announcement at the June meeting regarding changes in how the University is scheduling classroom space and therefore allotment of class times Cowan updated the faculty regarding Field Camp Registration for this summer Both the 3-week field camp section as well as the 6-week section are completely full and we were barely able to accommodate the demand for spots this year Graduate Program Creager o A reminder that graduate student activity reports were due to the faculty advisors on March 31 and that the advisors responses are due April 14 o 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Buick provided an update on this year s graduate recruiting activities As of this date 3 applicants have accepted 3 have declined with 7 offers outstanding and a week to go until decisions are due Buick notes that we will still accept late applications Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Schmidt Steig - Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling A reminder to all faculty to complete their Scholarly Activity Reports in preparation for annual merit reviews Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Deliberations on Awards and Scholarships is currently underway and a reminder that the Barksdale and Bassett nominations are due on April 14 College Council Representation Waddington o Salary Planning: The Provost has instructed the Deans to prepare faculty salary plans by May 1 o The College is proposing to create a rotating seminar series for the next academic year to promote collaboration across the College Each CoENV unit would dedicate one of its weekly colloquia during the academic year to a presentation that can engage College members from outside the unit In the first year the proposed speakers would be the unit heads chairs directors 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session 3:30 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Christianson Collins Cowan Creager Crider Hallet Harnett Holzworth Huntington Koutnik Licht Montgomery Nelson Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kinglsey Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Kelson McManus Northway Oxley
  • March 3, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 3 2017 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Nicholas Hill UW Global Travel Security Manager will make a short presentation on Global Travel Security and Health Safety Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of February 3 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Faculty are reminded to consider nominating any outstanding undergraduates for the Astronaut Scholarship Nominations due Friday March 3 Harnett ESS Awards and Scholarships Applications are now available Applications are due no later than 5pm on Monday April 3 Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting led by Noell Bernard-Kingsley QRC library on 3 17 11:30-12:30 All ESS members are encouraged to attend Graduate Activity Reports are due to Faculty Advisors by March 31 Faculty Activity Reports are due for upload by March 31 No space squatting: all repurposing or new use of space must be coordinated through the Chair s office ASUW Senate Resolution R-23-21: A Resolution Regarding Affordable Course Materials Good news items o Donations in support of prizes awarded at the ESS Research Gala will be matched by ESS o Dr Don Easterbrook s glacier photograph collection is now available digitally at UW Libraries: http: content lib washington edu easterbrook index html The Libraries will hold a reception to thank Easterbrook during the summer o Vulcan aka Paul Allen Foundation has transferred 1 8M to Knut 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Update on Prerequisite changes Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Update Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Will discuss in EXEC session Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Will discuss in EXEC session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Application window is now open College Council Representation Waddington 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 3 2017 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Nicholas Hill UW Global Travel Security Manager made a short presentation on Global Travel Security and Health Safety Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:53pm Approval of Meeting Minutes The February 3 2017 Open Session Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements ESS Awards and Scholarships Applications are now available Applications are due no later than 5pm on Monday April 3 Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting led by Noell Bernard-Kingsley QRC library on 3 17 11:30-12:30 All ESS members are encouraged to attend Graduate Activity Reports are due to Faculty Advisors by March 31 Faculty Activity Reports are due for upload by March 31 deadline later changed to April 21 No space squatting: all repurposing or new use of space either office or laboratory must be coordinated through the Chair s office This includes grad students changing offices ASUW Senate Resolution R-23-21: A Resolution Regarding Affordable Course Materials Good news items o Prospective Graduate Student dinner was a success with over 100 attendees o Donations in support of prizes to be awarded at the ESS Research Gala will be matched by ESS The Gala will be held March 30-31 with the reception on the 31st There will be a wide variety of prizes awarded Faculty are encouraged to donate and the Department will match those funds 1:1 with other donor gifts Grads who have received research funding in the past year are encouraged to present their work at the Gala o Dr Don Easterbrook s geological photograph collection is now available digitally at UW Libraries: http: content lib washington edu easterbrook index html The Libraries will hold a reception to thank Easterbrook during the summer o Vulcan aka Paul Allen Foundation has transferred 1 8M to the UW in support of Knut Christianson s polar research Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Update on Prerequisite changes Most changes have been made please check for any errors There will be a new online system to propose new courses or change existing courses Meghan Oxley will present a demonstration of the new curriculum management system at the April faculty meeting Undergraduate Program Roe Any last minute changes to the time schedule must now go through Gerard not Lauren Graduate Program Creager Graduate student activity reports are due to faculty by March 31 and faculty must sign off on them by April 14 Standing Committees Admissions Buick The Prospective Graduate Student Open House was very successful If you ve received a decline by an admitted student let us know There are still backup candidates for admission Follow up with your admitted grads Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Schmidt Steig Will discuss in EXEC session Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Will discuss in EXEC session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Application window is now open Deadline for applying for scholarships and awards is April 3 College Council Representation Waddington Council has completed review of all promotion and tenure portfolios An upcoming major item will be advising the Dean on setting college guidelines for faculty salary policies within units The Council is exploring options for bringing together members of the College from different units who otherwise might not interact e g College-wide colloquia of broad interest Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 3:15 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Creager Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Holzworth Houston Licht Nelson Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Hill Kehrl Koehler McManus Northway
  • February 3, 2017
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 3 2017 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Associate Dean Stephanie Harrington will speak on addressing the problem of harassment during fieldwork at remote off-campus sites Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of January 6 2017 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Discussions regarding harassment during fieldwork see attached bibliography Building security: Be vigilant about maintaining a safe environment Undocu Ally Training led by UW s Leadership Without Borders available to all faculty and grad students ESS will pay your registration fee if you attend see Noell for details Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 23-25 ISO announced that funding requirements for foreign visitors visiting scholars VISIT interns etc have risen from 1800 month to 2100 month This is the first increase in four years Faculty are reminded to consider nominating any outstanding undergraduates for the Astronaut Scholarship Nominations due March 3 Harnett A workshop on best hiring practices for faculty and graduate students is scheduled for Friday Feb 10 at 2:30 in room JHN 026 It will be led by Chad Allen Assoc Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement UW Photography wants to accompany our students out in the field to document their experiences Please forward ideas to the Chair Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting led by Sarah Schanz will be Friday Feb 10 at 11:30 in JHN 170 All ESS members are encouraged to attend Good news items 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz College Council Representation Waddington 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 3 2017 JHN 026 2:30 p m MINUTES Associate Dean Stephanie Harrington spoke on addressing the problem of harassment during fieldwork at remote off-campus sites Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:47pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The January 6 2017 Open Session Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Discussions regarding harassment during fieldwork see attached bibliography Building security: Be vigilant about maintaining a safe environment Undocu Ally Training led by UW s Leadership Without Borders available to all faculty and grad students ESS will pay your registration fee if you attend see Noell for details Another session will be held in approximately one month Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 23-25 Everyone please make an effort to attend ISO announced that funding requirements for foreign visitors visiting scholars VISIT interns etc have risen from 1800 month to 2100 month This is the first increase in four years Faculty are reminded to consider nominating any outstanding undergraduates for the Astronaut Scholarship Nominations due March 3 Harnett A workshop on best hiring practices for faculty and graduate students is scheduled for Friday Feb 10 at 2:30 in room JHN 026 It will be led by Chad Allen Assoc Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement UW Photography wants to accompany our students out in the field to document their experiences Please forward ideas to the Chair Next Community & Diversity Discussion group meeting led by Sarah Schanz will be Friday Feb 10 at 11:30 in JHN 170 All ESS members are encouraged to attend Crider announced that there will be a March for Science on Earth Day April 22 in support of safeguarding the scientific community from recent policy changes at the Federal level More info can be found at www marchforscience com Good news items o ESS Research GALA will be held March 30-31 with the reception on the 31st There will be a wide variety of prizes awarded Faculty are encouraged to donate and the Department will match those funds 1:1 with other donor gifts Grads who have received research funding in the past year are encouraged to present their work at the GALA 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Graduate Activity Reports will be sent out in approximately two weeks and grads have until March 31st to submit them Faculty have until April 15 to approve 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick The Admissions Committee has admitted 8 prospective grads to date Today February 3 is the deadline to invite prospective grads to the Open House February 22-24 Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Will report in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz We will be opening up the application window on March 1 and it will close on April 3 College Council Representation Waddington All mandatory promotion cases have been reviewed by the Council and they are currently on break Next up will be nonmandatory promotion cases and Adjunct and Affiliate faculty reappointments 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session 3:15 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Christianson Creager Crider Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Licht McCarthy Nelson Schmidt Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrener Staff Students and Guests: Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Harrington Kelson Koehler McManus Northway
  • January 6, 2017
    • Agenda
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 6 2017 JHN 026 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:33 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes The December 2 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Alison Duvall accepted the Leopold medal and presented the Sharp Lecture at AGU Her award acceptance and talk is available at the AGU On Demand site Prospective Grad Open House will be held February 23-25 The dinner is on Thursday and everyone should plan to attend Noell Reminder: As part of the UW s new fundraising campaign Be Boundless the University will match gifts made by current and retired faculty and staff members to endowed scholarships and graduate fellowships at a 50% rate This program runs until the matching funds are exhausted or until June 30 2020 HUSKY 100 nominations are still open but close on January 23 Contact Bruce with suggestions Tent City 3 is occupying the parking lot between Wallace and the Fisheries Buildings through Winter Quarter See addressing homelessness page Update your emergency contact information via UW employee self-service Additionally be safety aware: there have been several recent incidences of doors being jammed open and locks disabled after hours Be vigilant about maintaining a safe environment First Community and Diversity Discussion Group will be on Friday 13th at 12:30 in JHN 127 facilitated by Kate Huntington All members of the ESS community are welcome Questions and suggestions can be submitted via Catalyst page to foster discussion 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Not everyone has responded yet to the survey regarding course prerequisites Meghan has contacted you directly if we haven t heard from you Please respond ASAP Undergraduate Program Roe Please look at website links on the course page Not all links are current Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Committee just had 1st meeting 212 applications received an increase over last year Committee proposes using the same procedures as last year for evaluation 3 supporting reviews 1 supporting advisor appropriate resources for an RA or TA with approval of Chair Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report College Council Representation Waddington College Council has completed review of all mandatory promotion files and is now moving on to non-mandatory cases In February they are planning on dealing with Affiliate and Adjunct cases The college council culture survey shows wide disparity in satisfaction across units The council will also be looking into some shovel-ready sources of funding in anticipated loss of Federal research funding 5 Old Business 6 New Business Discussion of Hiring Practices use of rubrics etc Harnett o Harnett Gorman-Lewis Waddington and Nelson attended an ADVANCE workshop on best hiring practices which brought up many good points o It was noted that most units are using hiring rubrics to more fairly evaluate candidates against each other Construction of these rubrics should happen simultaneously with writing of the job advertisement o Chadwick Allen who spoke at this workshop will be coming to the department on Friday February 10 to speak to us on this subject GeoClub Hawaii trip Nelson o We were looking for a faculty member to lead this but Bergantz volunteered just before this meeting 7 Adjourn to Executive Session 3:05 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees: Faculty Abramson Bergantz Brown Buick Christianson Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Licht Nelson Nittrouer Steig Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winglee Staff Students and Guests Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Koehler Ludwig McManus Northway
  • December 2, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 2 2016 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of November 4 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements New copiers update from Sue Bernhardt ESS Food Drive 2016: Dates October 24-December 14 o Please bring your donations to the ESS Front Desk in 070 or ESS Student Services FLSA UPDATE: Revised Fair Labor Standards Act regulations are currently on hold due to an injunction issued last week This should have no direct effect on us at this time but we will update as it plays out This is the conversation regarding Research Associates being paid 1 0 FTE at a minimum of 3957 month Reminder: As part of the UW s new fundraising campaign Be Boundless the University will match gifts made by current and retired faculty and staff members to endowed scholarships and graduate fellowships at a 50% rate This program runs until the matching funds are exhausted or until June 30 2020 HUSKY 100 nominations are now open Contact Bruce with suggestions The Amazon Catalyst program will continue Grants up to 100k Tent City 3 will occupy the parking lot between Wallace and the Fisheries Buildings For the three months of winter quarter See addressing homelessness page 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to Report Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider - Updates Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to Report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to Report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz College Council Representation Waddington - Updates 5 Old Business Colloquium Chairs for Winter and Spring quarters 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 2 2016 JHN 175 2:30 p m MINUTES Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes November 4 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements New copiers update from Sue Bernhardt The University s contract with Xerox has ended and the new copiers are Ricoh Installation will take place prior to 1 1 17 in JHN 062 and JHN 339 Over the Holiday Break please be vigilant regarding building security issues ESS Food Drive 2016: Dates October 24-December 14 o Please bring your donations to the ESS Front Desk in 070 or ESS Student Services FLSA UPDATE: Revised Fair Labor Standards Act regulations are currently on hold due to an injunction issued last week This should have no direct effect on us at this time but we will update as it plays out This is the regulation regarding Post-Doctoral Research Associates at 1 0 FTE receiving a minimum of 3957 month Reminder: As part of the UW s new fundraising campaign Be Boundless the University will match gifts made by current and retired faculty and staff members to endowed scholarships and graduate fellowships at a 50% rate This program runs until the matching funds are exhausted or until June 30 2020 HUSKY 100 nominations are now open Last year ESS undergrad Linnea McCann reported having a great experience Contact Bruce with suggestions The Amazon Catalyst program will continue Grants up to 100k Tent City 3 will occupy the parking lot between Wallace and the Fisheries Buildings For the three months of winter quarter See addressing homelessness page There will be a Diversity Lunch sometime the 2nd week of Winter quarter Huntington will be coordinating The GeoClub Holiday Party is this afternoon following the Faculty Meeting 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report Undergraduate Program Roe The teaching matrix for 2017-18 is out We ve done our best to make sure that the matrix reflects the reality of the last time you taught each course so please look at it and check the days times rooms to make sure everything is correct Graduate Program Creager We are still looking for TAs for ESS 102 We are always on the lookout for TAs Bergantz noted that there s been some pushback from grads who are teaching sections back-to-back 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to Report Computing Harnett Nothing to Report MESSAGe Crider Comprehensive exams are complete and all 12 students have passed Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to Report Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to Report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to Report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to Report College Council Representation Waddington The Associate Dean for Diversity and Access search has failed The Dean is looking at different options Waddington noted that if we want to hire at the Associate level that must be explicitly stated from the beginning when the hiring plan is submitted to the Dean There was also discussion of Executive Order 64: Faculty Salaries There is a lack of uniformity across units for dealing with compression issues 5 Old Business Colloquium Chairs for Winter and Spring quarters o Knut Christianson will coordinate Winter quarter and Kate Huntington and Bernard Hallet will share coordination of Spring quarter and Autumn quarter 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session 3:15 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Brown Catling Cowan Creager Crider Duvall GormanLewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Huntington Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Bernhardt Dakins Kelson Northway Oxley
  • November 4, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 4 2016 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of October 7 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Good News Items Jody Bourgeois sends her thanks to everyone who was able to attend her retirement celebration She was deeply moved 2017-18 Sabbatical Requests due to Chair November 15 ESS Food Drive 2016: Dates October 24-December 14 o We re collecting non-perishable human food items for the University District Food bank and non-perishable pet food items for the Seattle Humane Society o Please bring your donations to the ESS Front Desk in 070 or ESS Student Services Effective December 1 2016 the new Fair Labor Standards Act is in effect The result of this for the department is that there will no longer be any Research Associate positions of less than 1 0 FTE allowed All Research Associate positions must be at 1 0 FTE at a minimum rate of 3957 month As part of the UW s new fundraising campaign Be Boundless the University will match gifts made by current and retired faculty and staff members to endowed scholarships and graduate fellowships at a 50% rate This program runs until the matching funds are exhausted or until June 30 2020 UW Transitional Support Program applications are due December 1 2016 o Support available for outstanding tenured and tenure-track faculty in STEM who are undergoing life transitions that may impact their research productivity 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Short Announcement regarding curriculum Undergraduate Program Roe Announcement regarding review of current required and recommended undergraduate course pre-requisites Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to Report Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to Report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to Report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz College Council Representation Waddington 5 Old Business Colloquium Chairs for Winter and Spring quarters 6 New Business Conversations on Diversity and Community 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 4 2016 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35pm 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes October 7 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved 2 Announcements Good News Items o David Catling recently received a 1million grant from the Simons Foundation to study the origin of life o Erika Harnett has been working with EHS on the Johnson Hall safety floorplans We will now be able to access them via ARC GIS and make useful updates o In the latest USNEWS rankings UW Geosciences is ranked 5 globally o Alexis Licht thanks everyone for clearing their rock samples out of various locations in Johnson and ATG The cleanup of the Rock Prep Lab has been a huge undertaking and we truly appreciate his efforts A new access system will be developed over the forthcoming months to help track who s using the room for the purpose of ensuring accountability and facility training Jody Bourgeois sent her thanks to everyone who was able to attend her retirement celebration She was deeply moved 2017-18 Sabbatical Requests are due to Chair November 15 ESS Food Drive 2016: Dates October 24-December 14 o We re collecting non-perishable human food items for the University District Food bank and non-perishable pet food items for the Seattle Humane Society o Please bring your donations to the ESS Front Desk in 070 or ESS Student Services Effective December 1 2016 the new Fair Labor Standards Act is in effect The result of this for the department is that there will no longer be any Research Associate Post-doc positions of less than 1 0 FTE allowed All Research Associate positions must be at 1 0 FTE at a minimum rate of 3957 month As part of the UW s new fundraising campaign Be Boundless the University will match gifts made by current and retired faculty and staff members to endowed scholarships and graduate fellowships at a 50% rate This program runs until the matching funds are exhausted or until June 30 2020 UW Transitional Support Program applications are due December 1 2016 o Support available for outstanding tenured and tenure-track faculty in STEM who are undergoing life transitions that may impact their research productivity Spring 2017 classroom assignment requests are due to the scheduling office by end of day Friday Dec 2 Today Please be responsive to requests from Gerard and Lauren regarding your course scheduling preferences and needs 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis We are embarking on a review of undergrad curriculum and degree requirements A short survey will be sent out to the faculty who will have until November 15 to respond Undergraduate Program Roe There will be an upcoming review of current required and recommended undergraduate course pre-requisites 4 Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 5 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to Report Computing Harnett Nothing to Report MESSAGe Crider Nothing to Report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to Report Prelim Schmidt Steig Nothing to Report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to Report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to Report College Council Representation Waddington o A reminder that the State of the College address is this coming Monday November 7 Email has been sent out to everyone regarding this o College budget is due to central administration on November 18 o There is an opportunity to apply for teaching buyouts to spend time conducting research at the Friday Harbor Labs 6 Old Business We are still looking for volunteer Colloquium Chairs for Winter and Spring quarters 7 New Business Bergantz announced a colloquium on November 17 with Terry Plank from Columbia University Conversations on Diversity and Community o How do we make progress day to day on having conversations about diversity and community in the department An informal self-identifying group open to faculty staff gran students is starting to form to have regular discussions on issues of inclusiveness and community Announcements of formation and meetings will go out to the department An example was presented regarding how to avoid gender bias in writing reference letters Studies show a significant difference in the language used when writing references for women than for men even when the letter-writer is a woman We might relate discussion subjects to events in the academic calendar in that there are yearly milestones that relevant issues of diversity and inclusiveness can be addressed in order to keep the conversation moving and relevant 8 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:23 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Christianson Conway Cowan Creager Crider Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Licht McCarthy Nelson Roe Schmidt Steig Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bennett Bernhardt Dakins Kelson McManus Oxley
  • October 7, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 7 2016 JHN 175 2:30 p m AGENDA Short presentation by Dean Lisa Graumlich regarding ADDA search and EarthLab update Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of June 3 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Good News Items 2017-18 Sabbatical Requests due to Chair November 15 Child Abuse Reporting Requirements Bernhardt Assoc Dean for Diversity and Access candidate Brian McAdoo will give a talk on Monday October 10 at 1:30 in FSH 102 Geohazards and Risk: What can earth sciences tell us about the nature of disasters Welcome new Assistant Professor Alexis Licht Welcome new graduate student representatives 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Schmidt Steig Updates on recent prelim exams Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz College Council Representation Waddington Council activities 5 Old Business ESS Research Gala 6 New Business Colloquium Chairs for Winter and Spring quarters 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes
  • June 3, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 3 2016 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Short presentation by Dean Lisa Graumlich regarding ADDA search Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session 1 Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of May 6 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes 2 Announcements Good News Items Projector Upgrade Project update Reminder regarding bridge funding for grant-writing GeoClub Spring BBQ: Friday June 3 following the Faculty Meeting Courtyard Assoc Dean for Diversity and Access candidate Brian McAdoo will present his Vision talk on Monday June 6 at 3:30 and his technical talk on Tuesday June 7 at 12:30 Both talks are in FSH 203 ESS Graduation Ceremony: Saturday June 11 2016 HUB Lyceum 8:30am reception to follow ATTENDANCE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED and we ll need greeters at the door 3 Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Informational update Undergraduate Program Roe nothing to report Graduate Program Creager nothing to report 4 Standing Committees Admissions Buick nothing to report Computing Harnett nothing to report MESSAGe Crider nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Report on use of RCR funds Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling merit recommendations will be discussed in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz nothing to report 5 Old Business Update on Kerry Key visit Creager 6 New Business 7 Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 3 2016 JHN 026 2:30 p m Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson Called the meeting to order at 2:35 Approval of Meeting Minutes May 6 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Good News Items o New Assistant Professor Alexis Licht will be visiting the last week in June Please welcome him when you see him in the halls o Today is Jody Bourgeois last Faculty Meeting After 36 years with the department she is retiring A celebration of her career will be held in the fall o Last Friday Nelson met with the Grad Students regarding Communication Strategies The meeting was very productive including establishing processes for iterative feedback to faculty and greater involvement of graduate students with department initiatives Projector Upgrade Project update: replacement project is ongoing New projectors providing automatic higher resolution Reminder regarding funding for grant-writing during quarters when one s only salary source is federal 20% of one month of salary will be allocated from the 75-0440 RCR budget GeoClub Spring BBQ: Friday June 3 following the Faculty Meeting Courtyard Assoc Dean for Diversity and Access candidate Brian McAdoo will present his Vision talk on Monday June 6 at 3:30 and his technical talk on Tuesday June 7 at 12:30 Both talks are in FSH 203 ESS Graduation Ceremony: Saturday June 11 2016 HUB Lyceum 8:30am reception to follow ATTENDANCE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED and we ll need greeters at the door Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Faculty who are co-teaching courses with graduate students are requested to make sure Lauren is notified of this so she can make the notation in the time schedule ensuring everyone has appropriate access to Canvas etc Discussion regarding the Bio option for the undergrad major No proposal to change but to allow exceptions for 400-level Bio courses to substitute for 400-level ESS electives Also to allow Bio concentration students to petition to take Greg Wilson s Biology summer field course Geobiology in place of ESS Field Camp Heads up regarding re-examination of possible ESS degree changes next year Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick Nothing to report Computing Harnett Nothing to report MESSAGe Crider MESSAGe Program about to graduate it s 40th student Oversight Brown McCarthy Brown reported on the Academic Year 2015-16 oversight report The RCR allocation for Indirect costs for 2015-16 total 506 000 The total RCR projected expenditures for 2015-16 total 421 937 which is consistent with years past Expenditures include spending on payroll startup funds RA support technology fees facilities office supplies graduate recruitment bonuses open house etc which is also consistent for with past years spending For full details see either Brown or Sue Bernhardt Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Merit recommendations will be discussed in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business Creager presented an update on Kerry Key s visit to UW Key interviewed last month APL is attempting to secure funding from several departments to support the position ESS strongly supports the appointment but is unable to provide funding Key is currently an associate professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in their Marine EM Laboratory A major area of collaboration with ESS would be in study of subduction zone processes New Business Adjourn to Executive Session 3:07 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Christianson Collins Conway Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Koutnik Nelson Nittrouer Roe Sletten Swanson Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Ludwig Oxley Schleicher
  • May 6, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 6 2016 JHN 111 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of March 4 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Good News Items ESS Awards Ceremony: Thursday May 26 2016 JHN 102 3:30pm with reception to follow in the Courtyard GeoClub Spring BBQ: Friday June 3 following the Faculty Meeting Courtyard ESS Graduation Ceremony: Saturday June 11 2016 HUB Lyceum 8:30am reception to follow ATTENDANCE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED and we ll need greeters at the door Time Schedule Office updates regarding scheduling for Autumn 2016 and change requests Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett MESSAGe Crider Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Grad student rep presentation on the new peer mentoring program i e the pods Schleicher Schanz Polster Discussion of possible hire of Kerry Key in APL and relationship with ESS Creager Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 6 2016 JHN 026 2:30 p m Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson Called the meeting to order at 2:35 Approval of Meeting Minutes March 4 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Good News Items o ESS recently received another bequest from a donor estate raising the number of bequests for 2016 to two Please thank the advancement team when you see them for the great work they re doing o Jody Bourgeois has received a Fulbright Fellowship for 2016-17 She ll be spending January-June in Russia o The College of the Environment Awards Ceremony will be held on May 11 ESS has two award recipients this year: Brad Markle: Graduate Dean s Medalist Robert Winglee: Outstanding Commitment to Diversity o ESS Senior Linnea McCann has been named to the Husky100 honoring 100 undergraduate and graduate students across the three UW campuses who are making the most of their educational experiences o The ESS Gala held April 31-May1 was a success Thanks to faculty judges and donors 1600 in prize money was disbursed and there are plans to grow the event next year o UW College of the Environment was recently named the 1 most cited institution in the recent NATURE Citation Awards http: www natureindex com annualtables 2016 institution academic earth-and-environmental New Assistant Professor Alexis Licht will be visiting in late June Please welcome him when you see him in the halls ESS Awards Ceremony will be held at 3:30 on Thursday May 26 in JHN 102 with reception to follow in the Courtyard ESS Graduation will be held at the HUB Lyceum on Saturday June 11 at 9:00 Faculty and summer graduates are encouraged to attend Please RSVP Student Services by May 13 Classroom Scheduling for centrally owned space is becoming increasingly difficult during prime time hours Please be aware that everything is being done to accommodate requests as they come in but there are no guarantees that you will be what you request Final reminder to faculty to submit their Scholarly Activity Reports Preliminary information from the Provost s office indicate merit raises will be coming but amounts are yet to be determined Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe An issue has arisen regarding the Department Honors Program Current information on the website indicate that the Honors course counts for elective credit towards the major but this is inconsistent with other listed guidelines Brown moved to amend the website and to eliminate the Honors course as being listed as an elective with a grandfather clause for current students in the program Vote passed unanimously Graduate Program Creager Graduate Student Activity Reports are due The department will be enforcing completion of GSARs this year Standing Committees Admissions Buick 13 admitted Graduate students have accepted 10 have declined 60 admissable prospectives still on list until denials are sent out next week Faculty please take another pass at the list to see if there are any applicants you d like to admit Computing Harnett Harnett notes that she has been asked by the Chair to re-examine the current Enhanced Computing Support Fees structure and benefits MESSAGe Crider Of 45 applications to the MESSAGe program 18 were admitted and 1315 are expected to accept Program s reputation continues to grow as evidenced by strength of applicant pool Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Committee is halfway through its decisions will be meeting on Monday to finalize all decisions Old Business Waddington reported that the Faculty Senate continues to discuss salary models that the latest proposal has reached a length of 80 pages and that the senate is highly polarized New Business Graduate Student Representatives Schanz and Schleicher presented on the new peer mentoring program for graduate students i e the Pods Graduate student pods are crossmixed by both cohort and research area Participation is voluntary but placement is automatic Key points regarding Pods are to connect junior and senior students provide peer mentoring encourage a proactive approach to getting research accomplished and to help build community among the grad students Creager led discussion of a potential hire of Dr Kerry Key in UW-APL and a collaborative relationship with ESS Key is currently an associate professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in their Marine EM Laboratory A major area of collaboration with ESS would be in study of subduction zone processes Adjourn to Executive Session 3:24 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Christianson Conway Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Nelson Nesbitt Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Swanson Teng Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gomberg Oxley Schanz Schleicher
  • March 4, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 4 2016 JHN 026 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Discussion with Dean Lisa Graumlich Approval of Meeting Minutes February 5 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Good News Items Save the Date: July 22 2016 Inaugural College of the Environment Prospective UNDERGRAD Open House aimed at high school students and their families 2017 Prospective Graduate Student Open House dates February 22-25 2017 Associate Dean for Diversity and Access position search updates Harnett Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 4 2016 JHN 026 2:30 p m College of the Environment Dean Lisa Graumlich made a presentation to the department regarding the new UW EarthLab initiative Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Department Chair Bruce Nelson Called the meeting to order at 3:30 Approval of Meeting Minutes February 5 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Good News Items o Professor Jody Bourgeois has received the 2016 Distinguished Alumna Award from the University of Wisconsin Geosciences Department o There has been a marked increase in seminar attendance over the past several weeks Thanks go out to the grad reps for their efforts in this area o UW has received a Murdoch Foundation Grant in the amount of 850 000 This is a cross-unit effort with Oceanography to fund a new lab Fangzhen Teng and Alexis Licht from ESS are part of this project Reminder to faculty to submit their Scholarly Activity Reports Preliminary information from the Provost s office indicates merit raises are likely but yet to be determined ESS raises require updating one s Scholarly Activity Report UW is changing the definition of capitalized equipment from 2000 to 5000 Much inventory will be coming off the list due to current values less than 5000 The effect of the new definition on F&A calculation will become effective May 1 2016 ESS Research Gala will be held March 31-April 1 Organizers are still looking for faculty judges and donations for prizes Please encourage all grad students to participate Reminder that the undergraduate open house will be held July 22 More info to follow ESS Graduate Student Open House held February 24-27 was a great success with 100% turnout among those invited The Dinner held at the Burke Museum was packed with over 90 ESS community members in attendance Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Graduate Student Activity Reports are due 25% have completed them to date Encourage your students to get these done as soon as possible Standing Committees Admissions Buick Open House a success To date ESS has admitted 17 graduate students We ve had one acceptance and one declination Faculty are encouraged to reach out to the prospectives Holzworth questioned the timing of the Open House in the recruiting season Buick notes that many of the prospectives already have offers in hand when they visit UW Computing Harnett Nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report Old Business - None New Business Jon Stone reported that he had recently attended Faculty Senate and that proposed changes to the faculty salary policy were debated The Senate voted down the policy change and sent it back for further amendment This is relevant given that UW faculty members are currently weighing unionization vs shared-governance i e Faculty Code & Senate as the means for setting salary policy Adjourn to Executive Session 3:57 p m Minutes by Scott Dakins Attendees Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Buick Catling Collins Cowan Creager Crider Duvall GormanLewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Nelson Roe Schmidt Sletten Stone Vidale Waddington Walters Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Ludwig Oxley Schanz Schreiber Schleicher
  • February 5, 2016
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 5 2016 JHN 162 2:30 p m AGENDA Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes December 4 2015Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Good News Items Introduction of Meghan Oxley new Academic Counselor Prospective Graduate Student Open House ESS Colloquium Series Surveys: 5-year review of Dean and CoENV Culture Study Associate Dean of Diversity position search Harnett Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown McCarthy Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Open Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 5 2016 2:30 p m JHN 162 Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:33 p m Approval of Meeting Minutes December 4 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes were circulated and approved Announcements Good News Items o Assistant professor Juliet Crider has been promoted to associate professor with tenure effective 9-16-2016 o The White House held an event the first week of February announcing development of a West Coast Early Earthquake Warning system Vidale Bodin and Steele were in attendance for the announcement and associated panel discussions o Winglee announced the successful award of a NASA-funded consortium supporting science education in Washington Oregon and Montana at the K-12 level with special emphasis on outreach to underserved and underrepresented communities o ESS grad student Jill Schleicher was one of nine winners of the Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting held in San Francisco in December o Alan Gillespie agreed to Chair of the GSA National meeting being held in Seattle October 2017 He will be looking for support in this effort from others in ESS o Donations to ESS were up markedly during December including 2 large gifts that generated 50% matches by the University o Annual Faculty Scholarly Activity reports due first day of spring quarter As per policy no raise is possible without submitting a Faculty Scholarly Activity Report Introduction of Meghan Oxley new Academic Counselor She recently completed her Ph D in Linguistics at UW and has been advising students in the Integrated Sciences program Prospective Graduate Student Open House will be held February 24-27 To date 14 prospective students will visit Grad student Joel Gombiner announced the 2016 ESS Gala will be held March 31-April 1 They are looking for faculty to serve as judges as well as looking for prize donations Nelson encouraged all faculty to attend the ESS Colloquia each week and to encourage their students to attend as well There have been recent changes to the speaker guidelines encouraging a broader approach to the subject in the first part of a talk to make the material more accessible to attendees Suggestions on further improvements are welcome Roe reports that Dean Lisa Graumlich is undergoing a five-year review of her performance as Dean Roe is a member of the review committee Feedback is sought from all members of the College community The College of the Environment is currently conducting a Culture Study Emails have been sent to all college faculty staff and graduate students soliciting participation and feedback Harnett reported on the current Associate Dean for Diversity and Access position search The evaluation rubric was discussed and Harnett explained the search committee s selection process Nelson asked that any feedback be directed to Harnett for the committee to hear ESS faculty are eligible and encouraged to apply or nominate Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Standing Committees Admissions Buick - 14 prospective graduate students have been admitted to the program and invited to attend the Open House February 24-27 Buick requested additional admits noting both a shortage of TAs for ESS classes and that there are still many great candidates on the waiting list Cowan reminded everyone of the serious commitment each admit represents to the department in terms of both supervisors and funding It was also noted that our graduate students need both Research and Teaching experience Computing Harnett Nothing to report Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report Graduate student attendees were dismissed at 3:05 p m to leave for the grad student retreat at the Friday Harbor Labs Old Business Safety Building key inventory and door security study has been completed There have been instances of exterior doors being jimmied preventing them from securely locking Tell Nelson if you find anything amiss in the building since it does not appear that we are receiving reports from UW police regarding all incidents in Johnson Hall We need to be vigilant and centrally document all incidents Lab safety The UW s chemical database MyChem requires 100% compliance of chemical inventories throughout the building This information is used by first responders to determine any special safety precautions they need when responding to emergency calls for the building Any rooms that are not in compliance will be physically inventoried in the next few weeks by Stephanie Harrington from the Dean s office Announcement of UW Safety Sustainability Preparedness expo being held on Feb 10 Space Starting with the classroom support storage areas teaching collection specimens need to be unscrambled from research collections Cleanup is underway and JHN 121 is now done At the end of every quarter all material temporarily on countertops in JHN 121 will be stored away if for class or discarded Items dumped in the classroom support areas e g JHN 121 not related to class labs will be disposed of during quarter breaks New Business - None Adjourn to Executive Session 3:18 p m Minutes by: Scott Dakins Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Christianson Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Dakins Gombiner Oxley Schanz Schleicher
  • December 4, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 4 2015 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes November 5 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Nelson: Good News announcements Bergantz: informational shout-out regarding rock storage issues Harnett: poster sign-up process Nelson: Husky100 nominations Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Teaching Matrix Update Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown McCarthy Will report in spring quarter Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt - Crider: Report regarding MESSAGe Comprehensive Exam Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business - Cowan: 2017 GSA meeting in Seattle Nelson: Campus & Department Safety Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday December 4 2015 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of the November 6 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Good News Announcements Brian Atwater received the Franklin Institute Award Dana will be moving up to a position with Electrical Engineering Thank you Dana for all that you have contributed to ESS The GeoClub Holiday party is Friday 12 11 at 4:30 in Johnson 162 and 170 Annual call to faculty to donate to the ESS discretionary fund b Announcements Rock Storage Bergantz a Develop criteria b Understand and assign limited resources c Dave McDougall will inventory rock storage space and Bruce will communicate the outcome d Should also include teaching collection Poster sign-up Harnett a Please use sign-up spreadsheet and also indicate who will need wall space b Plotter use must be charged to a course fee budget Husky 100 Nelson a Will include undergraduate and graduate students who are making the most of their time at the UW b Bruce is soliciting names or if preferred faculty may go directly to the website 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Nothing to report b Computing Harnett ESS will be replacing classroom projectors on a rolling basis c Oversight Brown McCarthy Will report in spring quarter d Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Crider explained the MESSAGe comprehensive exam e Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Nothing to report f Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report 4 Old Business - none 5 New Business a The GSA meeting will be held in Seattle in October 2017 Cowan UW faculty may contribute in a variety of leadership positions to organizing the meeting Please contact Cowan for more information b Campus and Department safety Nelson Would like to have an on-going conversation concerning common everyday situations All instructors should review the ESS Safety Plan on our website We will perform a key inventory for Master and Sub-Master keys encourage faculty to ask for key inventory of spaces they oversee Will discuss earthquake preparedness Please communicate ideas concerns and issues Do not let people draft in when you open the door report all security anomalies or issues to Chair Will distribute links to UW pages describing active shooter situations on campus Please also be aware of and report physical hazards Cowan 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 3:15pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: Sue Bernhardt Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Christianson Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Koutnik McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Chair Nittrouer Schmidt Swanson Teng Waddington Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Bernhardt Hansen Schanz Schleicher
  • November 6, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 6 2015 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes October 2 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Chuck Sloane University Ombud Assistant to Chair introduction UW Combined Fund Drive Dana Hansen Reminder that PLP requests are due to Bruce on November 18th Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown McCarthy Will report in spring quarter Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday November 6 2015 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Bruce Nelson opened the session at 2:35 p m Prior to business UW Ombud Chuck Sloane made a presentation to those in attendance regarding the services of the Ombuds Office His office serves the entire UW community providing confidential services to explore options and formulate plans for the future when addressing conflict resolution Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:50 p m Meeting synopsis: 1 Approval of minutes 2 Announcements 3 Reports and Business 4 Standing Committees 5 Old Business 6 New Business 7 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Approval of the October 2 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved 2 Announcements a Introduction of Scott Dakins new Assistant to the Chair b A hearty thank you to April Huff for covering the Assistant to the Chair position while moving into her new role as Program Manager for the Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium c A Combined Fund Drive announcement was made by Dana Hansen Facing Homelessness is this year s focus Contributions of socks are being collected in her office as are canned goods for donation to the University district food bank d November 9 is the State of the College Address by Dean Lisa Graumlich e November 18 David Montgomery is presenting at Town Hall on his new book on microbes The Hidden Half of Nature f The College of the Environment lecture series Surviving Disaster: Natural Hazards & Resilient Communities has been a great success and John Vidale s lecture on Seattle-area earthquakes quickly sold out g Juliet Crider reports a very successful meet-up with ESS alumni at the GSA meeting h The 2017 GSA Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle UW ESS will be hosting this event to be held at the Seattle Convention Center There will be many tasks and positions to fill in anticipation of a successful event i The 2016-17 Teaching Matrix will be distributed for comment around November 10 Please let Roe and Dakins know of any changes or updates that need to be made j A final reminder that PPL requests sabbaticals are due to Bruce by November 18 2015 3 Reports and Business a Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Gorman-Lewis reported via information provided to Nelson that the Curriculum Committee will be starting a re-evaluation of the preliminary exams process This will be discussed further in executive session b Undergraduate Program Roe There is an increasing problem with add codes being issued to students who lack the prerequisites for the class This is creating a situation where some students are under the impression that those prerequisites are therefore waived creating a problem for their progress towards graduation If add codes are being issued without these prereqs for instance Phys 114 117 it needs to be made clear to the student that they will still need to take that class in order to graduate with their ESS degree c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 4 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Nothing to report b Computing Harnett A reminder was made to everyone to make sure they re backing up their files in multiple secure locations It was noted that some people s backups had failed Over the summer the computing labs were updated and there is weekly sanitization of public disk space so please make sure working files are properly backed up A reminder that there is a fairly new plotter in JHN-029 which is providing much better quality than the older plotters were Students are encouraged to ask for help with printing their posters It has been reported that some Windows 7 machines have been auto-updating to Windows 10 This is causing some driver issues especially in the labs This problem does not affect the machines running Windows 7 Enterprise but does affect machines running other versions of Windows 7 Affected parties are encouraged to speak with Ed Mulligan or Nathan Briley about this c Oversight Brown McCarthy Nothing to report d Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt To present during Executive Session e Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling To present at Executive Session f Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report 5 Old Business none 6 New Business a Winglee reports that reserving UW fleet vehicles is becoming more difficult due in part to the fleet downsizing and not replacing large SUVs in favor of more economical small cars This presents a problem for us obtaining vehicles for field trips and field work where we need to transport larger numbers of people Further discussion is needed to explore various options b Winglee brought up the question of how best to approach the matter of regaining space in Johnson Hall currently occupied by Biology once they move into their new building Nelson noted that presentation of any arguments for this should include the benefits to the College overall rather than simply to the department Harnett noted that during last year s space survey there were several errors overall with how space for the College was accounted for 7 Adjournment to Executive Session The faculty adjourned at 3:13pm to Executive Session -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: Scott Dakins Attendees - Faculty: Bergantz Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Christianson Cowan Creager Duvall Holzworth Houston Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Chair Nesbitt Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winglee Woods Staff Students and Guests: Bennett Bernard-Kingsley Dakins Gomberg Hansen Huff Ong Schanz Schleicher
  • October 2, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday October 2 2015 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes June 5 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Introduction of Lauren McOwen new Office Assistant Various Good News Announcements Alan Gillespie s retirement party at the Burke Museum October 7th at 5:30 p m Report all field camp and any other incidents through OARS PPL requests sabbaticals due to Bruce by November 18th Visa extensions and date changes o If the incoming visitor needs to change their dates or want to extend their visit and a new DS2019 has to be re-issued the visitor will be responsible for the charges Depending on the circumstances costs range from 45 to 213 per change This information will be updated shortly on the International Visitor Request Form on the ESS intranet o Other Visa notes: Please allow a minimum of three months prior to the visitor s arrival when requesting a visa They are taking a lot longer to issue Reminder about Teaching Matrix - Roe Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown McCarthy Will report in spring quarter Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty Friday October 2 2015 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Bruce Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of the June 5 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Introduction of Lauren McOwen new Office Assistant b Various good news announcements Alexis Licht will begin September 1 2016 Jody Bourgeois received the Sloss Award from the Sedimentary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America GSA The award will be presented at the GSA on November 3 2015 Ian Joughin was announced as a newly elected AGU fellow Faculty and professional staff received merit increases as of 9 1 15 Next year s merit increases are projected to be at 1 8% and the Department may have to pay the difference to bring the increases up to 2% The Departments endowment total is just over 5 million and it would be great if we could double this amount during the UW campaign The year s colloquia speakers will present expertise from within the Department and the schedule filled very quickly Thank you to all volunteers UW Innovation Award opportunity announced The UW is looking to give 250K for two years without overhead for high risk innovation Please do not pass-up this opportunity c Alan Gillespie s retirement party will be at the Burke Museum Wednesday October 7 at 5:30pm d Please report all Field Camp accidents and all other incidents or injury through OARS e PPL requests sabbaticals due to Bruce by November 18 2015 f Visa extensions and date changes The department pays the fee for the initial visa application If the incoming visitor needs to change their dates or wants to extend their visit and a new DS2019 form needs to be re-issued the sponsor or visitor will be responsible for additional charges Depending on the circumstances costs range from 45 to 213 per charge This information will be updated shortly on the International Visitor Request Form on the ESS intranet Other visa notes: Please allow a minimum of three months prior to the visitor s arrival when requesting a visa They are taking much longer to issue g Reminder about Teaching Matrix Please let Roe know about buyouts and PPL s as soon as possible 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Nothing to report b Computing Harnett Tabled until next meeting c Oversight Brown McCarthy Will report in spring quarter d Prelim Gorman-Lewis Schmidt To present during Executive Session e Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling To present at Executive Session f Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Nothing to report 4 Old Business - none 5 New Business - none 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 3:05pm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: Sue Bernhardt Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Christianson Collins Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Koutnik McCarthy Nelson Chair Nittrouer Odom Roe Schmidt Sletten Stone Swanson Teng Vidale Waddington Walters Winebrenner Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Hansen Schanz Schleicher
  • June 5, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 5 2015 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes May 8 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Bruce Nelson New ESS Chair effective July 1st Jessica Creveling turned down the offer for the Geobiology position Negotiations with Alexis Licht are continuing and look promising Geoclub Spring BBQ starts at 4:00 p m today Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick - Duvall to report on MESSAGe cohort Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Presentation of Oversight Report Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Report in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business Salary raises for faculty will go into effect September 2015 However there is currently no budget from WA New Business Proposition: Central Keeper for scheduled poster sessions for ESS Classes Harnett Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty Friday June 5 2015 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of May 8 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Bruce Nelson will be the new ESS Chair effective July 1 2015 b Jessica Creveling turned down the offer for the Geobiology position Negotiations with Alexis Licht are continuing and look promising c Geoclub Spring BBQ starts at 4:00 p m today 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Waddington Waddington reported on adding ESS 508: Great Geological Issues to list of approved breadth classes The motivation is the lack of a breadth course that deals with the nature of discovery in Earth Sciences and related concepts such as deep time Course highlights include: i Accessible to students with a variety of backgrounds ii Introduces concepts such as deep time tectonics stratigraphy extinction climate change iii Discusses history of science and geology women in science modern scientific controversies and other topics ESS 508 Learning Goals: i ii iii iv v Introduce students to or review the nature of scientific inquiry by examining case histories Expose students to the historical writings and thoughts of natural historians who have examined the earth sciences and related fields To help students develop as a critical thinkers and evaluators of scientific ideas and controversies To engage students in discussions of different points of view To improve students discussion reading and writing skills particularly in the analysis of scientific ideas and data Motion was presented to include ESS 508 to the list of approved breadth classes ESS 501 502 503 504 505 22 approved 0 opposed 2 abstained b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager Peer-to-Peer Mentoring was presented by Noell Bernard-Kingsley She is working on putting together more structure to student groups pods for the fall to match more senior peers with new incoming grads 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Duvall reported on MESSAGe admissions Goal was 12 made 16 offers 13 accepted Received 35-40 applications Out of the 13 students 3 have UW undergraduate degrees 60% outside of WA 1 international student 40% women Program marketing has been by word of mouth not much outside marketing no students have dropped out of program but students have extended the time to complete the degree Approximately 75% job rate in the field b Computing Harnett Harnett reported that JHN 021 will be out of commission from June 10-18 to replace the new computers Ed Mulligan will be sending out an official email if you want to request a spare computer c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Brown reported on the academic year 2014-15 oversight report i Indirect costs total 500 00 which includes spending on payroll startup funds RA support technology fees facilities office supplies graduate recruitment bonuses open house etc ii Pattern of spending in line with prior spending To see full details contact Brown or Sue Bernhardt iii Report accepted by faculty d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling Report in Executive Session f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz Nothing to Report 4 Old Business a No state budget has been approved Merit raises will not go into effect July 1st however maybe September 1st if state legislation approves a budget Raises will not be retro-active 5 New Business a Harnett discussed the concern of classes having a lot of poster sessions towards the end of the quarter Need to develop a way to chart sessions so they can be managed Suggested that Victor Aque in the main office to assist with scheduling Also need to make sure that the course has a lab fee if using the plotter 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 3:05 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Conway Creager Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Koutnik McCarthy Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gomberg Gonzalez Hansen Huff Schanz Schleicher
  • May 8, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 8 2015 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes April 3 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Teaching Matrix Time Schedule Textbooks Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Report at June 5th meeting Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Holzworth Catling Report in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Vote on Date for Open House next year February 25 2016 or March 3 2016 Noell Bernard-Kingsley ESS Newsletter Information Request Pay Increases - Winglee Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty Friday May 8 2015 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of April 3 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Noell Bernard-Kingsley Director of Student Services won the 2015 National NACADA National Academic Advising Association Outstanding Advising Certificate of Merit recipient in the Academic Advising b ESS Annual Awards will be Wednesday May 20th at 4:40 p m in JHN 102 c Mike Harrell will be sending out a teaching lab survey shortly to determine future course needs 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Roe presented an overview of teaching matrix and teaching schedule process that the staff has to go through to get classes set up Having a preplanned schedule is also important for student planning In order to reduce errors and last minute changes on the final time schedule Roe proposed a once a year mandatory response back to the teaching matrix email request indicating if the course date time location enrollment limits etc are all correct The response also needs to include if the faculty member plans to buyout or is considering future sabbatical The email for the full review of the academic year which will be the year ahead will be sent in November Those who teach in other departments need to update Roe April as soon as they know the other departments plan An email will be sent mid-March to remind faculty of schedule but no response is required unless there are last minutes changes that the faculty need to apprise Roe April about Textbook emails will continue to be four times a year Follow the instructions given on those emails if textbooks need to be ordered and respond to Victor Aque by the given date Faculty agreed to new plan The first email will be sent out immediately to finish out the 20152016 academic year The next mandatory response will be in November 2015 to finalize the 2016-2017 course schedule c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Buick reported that 12 students have officially accepted There are still more students on the books that have not been denied so let Buick or Noell Bernard-Kingsley know immediately if you want to admit any other students b Computing Harnett Reported by Winglee for Harnett 1 A survey will come in a couple weeks about the needs desires that members of the faculty can identify It will survey desires regarding technology in the ESS controlled classrooms both regular instruction and computer labs web services and software packages for both instruction and research Please be thinking about this in preparation for the survey 2 An allocation strategy has been developed for the computers surplused from 366 and 021 First priority is replacing any ESS general dept computing infrastructure After that faculty and grad student computers that are not at least a Core2 Due and Windows 7 will be upgraded These upgrades are planned to occur during the summer Comp help will create a list of computers to be replaced and send out a request at the end of Spring quarter for grads and faculty to let them know if they were missed in the initial accounting of systems to be replaced The remaining computers will be allocated 1 3 to grad students 1 3 to faculty and 1 3 a combination of both Requests with justification will be gathered at the beginning of fall quarter If more request than available computers are received the computer committee will determine allocation based on justification provided with highest need receiving priority 3 Looking forward the UW will be dropping the Red Hat Enterprise site license June 30 2016 After that date updates will not be able to occur for Red Hat systems For machines with 172 addresses it will be expected that most of those systems will be fine and just live out their natural lifetime without the need of an OS switch For systems with a 128 address those will need to be switched over to CentOS for security reasons More to come on this matter 4 A system is going to be instituted on all ESS general access machines 366 021 grad computer lab etc that the D drive and class file share locations will be wiped of uploaded documents every Saturday evening There are space issues developing but more importantly this is a source of issues with cheating It is anticipated that the system will be developed over the summer for implementation Fall quarter Prior to that Comp help will provide instructors with training on how to communicate this to your students and point them to using places like UDrive and Google Drive instead for file storage c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling Report in Executive Session Winglee noted that the Provost plan is to authorize a minimum of two percent salary increase depending on state budget if allowed There will be a tuition freeze this year f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz Awards process has been completed The question about undergraduate research award funding was discussed and will be addressed on next year s application so the opportunity is presented clearly Winglee did note that there are some funds available year round for undergraduate research opportunities Contact Winglee to learn about options 4 Old Business 5 New Business a Naomi Oreskes the Danz Lecturer will be in town March 1st and March 2nd b Dates for next Open House 2016 were discussed whether it should be on February 25 or March 3 Possible conflict would be the Polar Science Weekend Winebrenner said he would find out the date and let Winglee know so the final date could be decided c If you want anything in the Spring Edition of the ESS Newsletter please email April Huff as soon as possible d Reminder to fill out TA evaluation forms for the 2014-2015 year 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 3:03 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Buick Cowan Creager Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Holzworth Houston Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Odom Roe Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Huff Schanz Schleicher
  • April 3, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 3 2015 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes March 6 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Faculty Resources Molly McCarthy and Jen Davison Student Wellness Noell Bernard-Kingsley Reminder that ESS Annual Awards will be Wednesday May 20th at 4:40 p m in JHN 102 Reminder that Geobiology Candidate Interviews begin next week on April 9th and go through May 1st Chair Search Committee Update Winglee Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report until Spring Quarter Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Student Applications are due Monday April 6th by 5:00 p m and so are faculty letters of recommendation Merrill Prize Inquiry Bergantz Old Business New Business Building Evacuation locations towards Mary Gates or Fountain Winglee Construction Conflicts Nano Building and Issues with Field Trips - Winglee Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty Friday April 3 2015 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:34 p m Approval of March 6 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Molly McCarthy John Meyer and Jen Davison from the College of the Environment presented the science communication outreach and engagement program that assists faculty with training and tools when reaching out to the public Examples of support available is for preparing a press release working with media and policymakers or making effective presentations Any further questions they can be reached at coenvcom uw edu b Noell Bernard-Kingsley presented information from the following website regarding student mental wellness: http: www intheforefront org help concerned The information was presented to encourage faculty to be aware of signs if a student may harm themselves If a student is in need do not leave them alone rather walk them to Hall Health or contact Student Services for assistance If you need more information please contact Noell c ESS Annual Awards will be Wednesday May 20th at 4:40 p m in JHN 102 d Reminder that Geobiology Candidate Interviews begin next week on April 9th and go through May 1st e The Chair Search Committee has been selected and will be setting dates times to meet with the faculty The committee consists of Tom Ackerman Greg Ettl Carolyn Friedman and ESS rep Drew Gorman-Lewis 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Buick reported that nine 9 students have officially accepted five 5 rejected one 1 has accepted but waiting a year to attend three 3 are outstanding and two 2 more are planning to visit b Computing Harnett JHN 366 computers have all been replaced and upgraded with programs installed If you use something that has an old java script make sure to test computers to confirm that program will function Old computers will be available at a later announced date Remote computers are working great so far Tell Ed Mulligan if there are any problems Projectors are going to slowly be replaced and JHN 021 computers will be the next upgrade c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling Report in Executive Session f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz i Student applications and faculty recommendations are due Monday April 6th by 5pm ii Bergantz was discussing with the faculty the idea of sending in nominations for exceptional seniors to be considered for the Merrill Award instead of the criteria being weighted on grade point average Nominations could be sent in and the awards committee could review and make a decision This idea will not go into effect this quarter rather something to consider for next year 4 Old Business 5 New Business a Due to the construction when there is a need to vacate the building evacuate towards Mary Gates or Fountain Do not try to go in the courtyard area b Loading the vans for field trips is becoming difficult due to construction Arrangements can be made ahead of time to have the bollards removed and can drive down to the north doors 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 2:58 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Buick Conway Cowan Creager Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Koutnik McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Roe Schmidt Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gomberg Hansen Huff Schanz Schleicher
  • March 6, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday March 6 2015 1:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes February 6 2015 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements ESS Research Gala - Julia Kelson Awards Ceremony: Wednesday May 20 at 4:40 p m in JHN 102 Winglee Spring quarter Faculty Meetings will move back to 2:30 p m in JHN 111 - Winglee Danz Lecturer: ESS nomination of Naomi Oreskes Bourgeois Reports and Business Curriculum Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report until Spring Quarter Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 2:15 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty Friday March 6 2015 1:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 1:35 p m Approval of February 6 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes Start here The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Graduate student Julia Kelson announced that the annual ESS Gala will be held April 2nd and 3rd The committee is looking for faculty volunteers to serve as judges They are also soliciting donations to help fund prizes Checks can be made payable to the University of Washington Any questions please contact essgala2015 gmail com b Winglee announced that the annual ESS Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday May 20 at 4:40 p m in JHN 102 c Winglee announced that the chair search will be re-convened in spring quarter d Spring quarter Faculty Meetings will move back to 2:30 p m in JHN 111 e ESS nominated Naomi Oreskes for the Danz Lecturer and she was accepted Her visit will be in the spring of 2016 Bourgeois f Final Reminder that all Activity Reports are to be submitted by Friday March 13th Winglee 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Buick reported that two 2 officially accepted three 3 rejected Faculty are strongly encouraged to finishing reviewing applicant files of those who were not yet rejected b Computing Harnett The third floor computer lab will have all computers replaced If you are interested in an old computer for backing up lab data etc please ask Ed Google Earth Pro is now free Stone c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Report in Executive Session e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz - Information has been sent out to students to begin applying for the scholarships Reminder to faculty to please submit letters of recommendation on time 4 Old Business a Faculty Salary Policy Harnett There will be a delay in the implementation of the new salary policy due to lack of funds to support this plan b Geobiology Search Update Buick Candidates are scheduled during the month of April Please sign up to talk with them 5 New Business a Nelson announced that the Phase II Nano Technology Building will have two general assignment classrooms One holding approximately 80-120 students the other holding approximately 40-55 students Part of the building will be a warm shell and not fully completed There will be an open area for students to work and meet 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 1:50 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Creager Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Nelson Nesbitt Roe Stone Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernhardt Booker Gomberg Hansen Huff Kelson Schanz Schleicher
  • February 6, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 6 2014 1:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes January 16 2014 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report until Spring Quarter Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 2:15 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty Friday February 6 2015 1:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 1:35 p m Approval of January 16 2015 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements Reminder: Activity Reports are due Friday March 13th Winglee 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Buick reported that nine 9 have been admitted 12 have been denied four 4 more are probable If anyone wants to admit anyone tell Buick now so they can be invited to Open House If miss deadline then faculty member has to pay 50% of travel costs b Computing Harnett Nothing to Report c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling Nothing to Report f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz - Nothing to Report 4 Old Business a Faculty Salary Policy Harnett There will be a full faculty vote on faculty salary policy which will be available to review at the end of winter quarter b Geobiology Search Update Buick announced that to date almost all of the committee members have read the 95 applications There are 12 that everyone agrees on to ask for letters There are two to three superstars in the bunch 5 New Business None to report 6 Adjournment a The faculty adjourned at 1:41 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Roe Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Booker Hansen Huff Schanz Schleicher
  • January 16, 2015
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Faculty Retreat Session Two Smith Room Suzzallo Library - Room 324 February 20 2015 1:00 p m 5:00 p m AGENDA Old Business Geobiology Search Committee Recommendations Buick Implementation of the recommendation of the reorganization committee Winglee Chair Search Update Winglee New Business MESSAGe Tuition Increase Sue Bernhardt Update on Grant Waiver Policy Sue Bernhardt Casey Saenger of JISAO Graduate Faculty Membership Huntington Ben Baker Visiting Lecturer Appointment Vidale Faculty Presentations David Catling ESS and UW Astrobiology 15 minutes Small Group Break Out Session Break Next Steps All Faculty
  • December 5, 2014
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday December 5 2014 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes November 7 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements New Salary Process Harnett Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report until Spring Quarter Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday December 5 2014 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of November 7 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a GeoClub Holiday party at 4:30 p m today b Harnett reported that the new salary process has been reviewed by the Senate on December 4th It is important that faculty review and send their comments to the Senate prior to policy being implemented The Senate admitted that cuts will be in place possibly at the TA level to fund the 12 step pay structure for the faculty Winglee mentioned that it is important for those funded on grants to review if there are salary caps 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Gorman-Lewis announced that the Mass Extinction course ESS 204 passed College approval and is currently being reviewed by the University Course should be taught in the Spring 2015 by Ward b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to Report c Graduate Program Creager i Graduate Activity Reports are due in two weeks end of the month Advisors need to review and sign off 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Buick reported that there has been a change to the admissions process this year They are already reviewing and circulating underrepresented minority applications early so faculty can contact prior to closing date They have received 20 applications so far which is average ARCS can help with funding for diversity applicants b Computing Harnett - New graduate system online Security holes in CEMS c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling Report in Executive Session f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz - Nothing to Report 4 Old Business Nothing to report 5 New Business a Nothing to Report 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 2:43 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Creager Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Schmidt Teng Vidale Winebrenner Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Hansen Huff Ong Schanz Schleicher Sorenson
  • November 7, 2014
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday November 7 2014 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes September 26 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements Combined Drive Fund Dana Hansen MyGrad Application Access Dana Hansen Reminder that all Sabbatical requests are due to Robert by November 21st Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Gorman-Lewis Undergraduate Program Roe Success of Online Plagiarism Link Erika Harnett Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report until Spring Quarter Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:00 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday November 7 2014 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of September 26 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Dana Hansen announced that the Combined Fund Drive CFD is currently underway The jar for change donations was passed around and was noted that it will be at the front desk The CFD website is another place for online donations that are tax deductible b Noell Bernard-Kingsley will be contacting faculty about Mygrad access and application updates c Holiday party with GeoClub will be held on December 5th following the faculty meeting They have begun selling raffle tickets d All sabbatical requests are due by Friday November 21 2014 to Winglee e Winglee reported on the latest information about the new building next to Mole The architecture drawings were passed around for everyone to review and present further comments It will be the Nano Engineering which will house one larger classroom for 120 students Survey activities begin the week of November 10th and full construction begins in January 2015 The contractors will be parking their trailer in the courtyard next to Johnson Hall and fencing will affect pedestrian traffic 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe i Harnett reported that she has had success regarding no plagiarism by suggesting students to submit their papers into paperrater com prior to turning it in c Graduate Program Creager i Graduate Activity Reports are due at the end of December Advisors need to review and sign off 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Noted that students are starting to apply for next year b Computing Harnett - Nothing to Report c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Completed the prelim process for the year e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Catling Report in Executive Session f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz - Nothing to Report 4 Old Business Nothing to report 5 New Business a Bourgeois announced that we intend to nominate Naomi Oreskes for the Danz lectureship with ESS being the lead She is just in the early stages of developing broad support for the nomination from a number of departments If anyone has questions or suggestions please contact Bourgeois 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 2:48 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bourgeois Conway Cowan Creager Duvall Gorman-Lewis Harnett Houston Huntington Koutnik McCarthy Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Schmidt Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernhardt Hansen Huff Schanz
  • September 26, 2014
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday September 26 2014 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 06 06 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements Dale Durran Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Chair Search Announcement o Appointments will begin October 1st and go through November 26th on Wednesdays from 2:00 p m to 4:00 p m and Fridays from 1:00 p m to 3:00 p m o Can be booked individually for 15 minutes or booked in groups for longer o Appointments can be scheduled through April Bruce Nelson Associate Dean Position continued for the next three years Congratulations to Dave Montgomery significant anonymous donation to write his next book Jody Bourgeois has been added to the Executive Committee Unit Adjustments Effective October 1st Canvas Teaching Online Presentation October 10th from 3:00 p m 4:00 p m in JHN 127 RSVP s to Noell PLP Sabbatical Requests are due December 1st for 2015-16 academic year Internal deadline is November 21st Plan now as the Teaching Matrix will be emailed out soon Reports and Business Curriculum Huntington Roe Undergraduate Program Roe Student Misconduct Field Camp Instructors Graduate Program Creager Graduation Ceremony Students graduating in the summer should be encouraged to walk in the ceremony in June Standing Committees Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Oversight Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report until Spring Quarter Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeios Holzworth Catling Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Bergantz Old Business New Business Senator Election to replace Erika Summary of Salary Increases Requirements for Retirement 40% pay out Department buyout Plan New Faculty Line Search Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:15 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday September 26 2014 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:33 p m Approval of June 6 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Dale Durran Professor of Atmospheric Sciences who is the lead of the Chair Search Committee announced the upcoming meetings with faculty to discuss the chair search Dale Durran and Deborah Kelley will be conducting the meetings Meetings begin October 3rd and go through October 31st Wednesdays from 2:00 p m to 4:00 p m and Fridays from 1:00 p m to 3:00 p m Individual meetings will be 10 minutes and groups of three people or more will be 25 minutes An email will be sent out following the faculty meeting to sign up b Bruce Nelson s Associate Dean Position will be continued for the next three years c Congratulation goes out to Dave Montgomery who received a significant anonymous donation to write his next book d Jody Bourgeois has been added to the Executive Committee e Reminder that Unit Adjustments went into effective October 1st f There will be a Canvas Teaching Online Presentation on October 10th from 3:00 p m 4:00 p m in JHN 127 If interested please RSVP to Noell g PLP Sabbatical Requests are due December 1st for 2015-16 academic year Internal deadline is November 21st Plan now as the Teaching Matrix will be emailed out soon If you are planning on a sabbatical email Robert immediately 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Huntington Roe Peter Ward s proposal for ESS 204 Mass Extinction course that will be taught in the spring has been forwarded to the College for approval b Undergraduate Program Roe i Student Misconduct at Field camp - Winglee discussed the issues of pranks at Field Camp which have led to harassment Pranks are not acceptable because of misinterpretation Be firm with students in the field that it will not be tolerated ii Field Camp Instructors Cowan will no longer lead field camp though will assist in logistics and Glacier NT Park component USGS Ralph Haugerud will teach for one more year Long term faculty commitment to the course is needed for the continuation of field camp 1 Due to no faculty volunteers to cover course a committee was selected to help solve the problem Committee members include Bergantz Nelson Teng chair Duvall Cowan and Crider will contribute from afar Options for the committee to discuss include: a Identify ESS faculty members to teach course b Decide if hiring out the faculty from community colleges or other affiliates is a better alternative c No longer require field camp in the curriculum c Graduate Program Creager i The new requirement for all Ph D students is that they need to take their general exam at the end of their third year before beginning their fourth year Noell is currently meeting one-on-one with each graduate student to make them aware and that they need a committee ii Robert will be on travel during Open House in February It has been agreed upon by the faculty to keep the Open House dates and Robert will choose an Acting Chair to fill in for him iii Students graduating in the summer should be encouraged to walk in the ceremony in June 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Crider Nothing to report b Computing Harnett i There is vulnerability to Linux and Mac systems Do your system updates ii New student Linux cluster that will be arriving in two to three weeks that can only be used by students for the next five years iii There is a new experimental ESS Windows RDP Cluster that will allow remote student use of our classroom windows computer environment This can be done from at home but must have medium or greater speed broadband a win-7 or win-8 home windows computer or OS 10 7 or greater Mac computer The main purpose of this service is to provide access at home to specialty ESS education software like Matlab ArcGIS IDL ENVI etc Students will be able to see online if cluster is available to logon First come first serve basis c Oversight Committee Brown Gillespie Nothing to Report d Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Report to occur in Executive Session e Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Catling Nothing to Report f Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Bergantz - Nothing to Report 4 Old Business Nothing to report 5 New Business a Senator Election to replace Harnett at the end of the academic year No volunteers so Robert has been approved to choose two possible candidates to be voted on in winter quarter b Requirements for Retirement plan After retirement you can only teach five 5 credits in an academic year and receive 40% of your pay No committee work required c Buy out Winglee proposed a new percentage plan for buying out due to high buy-out rate lately leaving gaps in faculty available to teach Proposed plan would be 50% for first time year 75% for second time year and 90% for third time year within three years Then plan would restart again after year three Certain scenarios could be negotiated with the chair Grandfathered agreements will not be changed Discussions were held amongst faculty and this plan was voted upon as proposed 30 approved 1 opposed 0 abstained d New Faculty Line Search i With Nelson renewed for another three year Associate Dean term and Montgomery s donation to write book this opens up enough funding for a new assistant professor faculty line This position will have three years funding and then will be leveraged on upcoming retirements to continue funding ii Faculty all agreed this was a priority and that Geobiology Sedimentology position was next hire Faculty reviewed language in job position ad ensuring that key words were included Position will be hired at the Assistant Professor level Committee members for this position include: Bourgeois Buick Teng Gorman-Lewis and a graduate rep Motion was made to approve ad and move forward with search 31 approved 0 opposed 0 abstained iii Discussion was held about second hiring priority The agreement was to hold two special faculty meetings each two hours long in lieu of a faculty retreat to determine five year plan for the department 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:34 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Collins Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Mercer Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Schmidt Sletten Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gromberg Hansen Huff Schleicher Schanz
  • June 6, 2014
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday June 6 2014 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 05 02 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements Commencement Ceremony June 14th Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Development Winglee Oversight Conway Schmidt Presentation of oversight report Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Steig Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Old Business New Business MolES Phase II Building Winglee Space Allocations Current usage and Future forecast Planning team is Huntington Vidale Crider Nelsen and Noell Bernard-Kingsley Winglee Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:15 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday May 2 2014 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of May 2 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 Announcements a Eric Cheney will have a session in his honor at the upcoming Vancouver GSA b Darrel Cowan received the 2014 Geological Society of America Structural Geology and Tectonics Division Career Contribution Award for his work towards advancing the understanding of structural geology and tectonics c Graduation Ceremony please respond to Noell to be a greeter and confirm your role at the ceremony 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Curriculum committee was tasked with exploring new options to reduce pressure on ESS 400 Field Camp Options discussed: i Greg Wilson s Montana dinosaur field course BIOL 475 as a potential alternative to ESS field camp and or 400-level elective for ESS major 1 Bottom line is: - it would be great addition as ESS 400-level elective and should be co-listed as ESS course - it is not alternative to field camp - on case by case basis could be alternative to field camp if combined with other field courses to reach 10-12 credits - Committee is following up with Greg Wilson to co-list with ESS but it s not straightforward due to two colleges ii A potential ESS chemistry track 1 Bottom line: - It is a good idea to develop a low-T geochem track that would not require field camp high-T geochem students need field camp and so are well served by the geology track - Curriculum committee is working on a structured plan for this option - Like the Physics option no required capstone experience Alternatives could be discussed e g Drew s environmental geochemistry part 2 which includes field and lab work Other curriculum items: i Data-analysis course requirement for all grad students This requirement has been on the books for a few years but it hasn t been well announced or explained Ken Creager GPC proposes to make it explicit for the incoming class of 2014 but to waive the requirement for older cohorts -This does NOT affect MESSAGe students ii Diversity courses - Following the discussion at the last faculty meeting Ed proposed ESS 320 at the College Curriculum committee as a possibility for a DIV course within the College of the Environment if some support could be available to teach it There was interest and will need follow up ESS 320 Changing Rivers of Puget Sound 5 NW Explores the physical and ecological evolution of Puget Sound rivers their geologic origins hydrogeomorphic processes and associated ecosystems Uses methods for detecting and evaluating natural and anthropogenic environmental change and the historical context of resource management and restoration including Native American treaty rights and impacts of population growth and climate change Offered: jointly with AIS 320 ENVIR 320 Sp iii Student Cheating - Turnitin software is linked through Canvas web sites can check electronically submitted papers against huge volumes of other papers to find copied passages - College is establishing information resources that can be linked in syllabi - Establish good practices teaching students about plagiarism & misconduct - If plagiarism is detected the case must be handled by the Dean s Office not the instructor b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report c Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Crider - Buick reported 1 offer still outstanding 12 accepted 15 rejected All but two were open house attendees who accepted Crider reported that MESSAGe has a full cohort of 18 students and maybe one part-time student b Computing Harnett i Graduate student Matt Tilley wrote up a student technical proposal for 86K towards a computer cluster and was awarded the funds The timeline would be available to students in winter quarter Proposal funding requires that this is for student use only for 5 years Going to be located in the sub-basement of ATG ii ARGON email is going away For those on ARGON need to change over to Google or Microsoft Outlook If need assistance on Outlook your request will be pushed to late summer as it is going to Outlook 365 geophysics and geology will get a failed response to those who send an email to those accounts c Development Winglee Labs uncorked and Labs Unlocked were both successful events Advancement received positive feedback d Oversight Committee Conway Schmidt With the assistance of Administrator Sue Bernhardt the Oversight committee presented this year s report Total ICR indirect cost return - 525 509 Total Expenditures - 397 063 and Total Cash flow 2013-2014 - 128 446 This year s cash flow is 25K les than last year s cash flow of 154K Committee reviewed and find expenditures cash flow to be in order Remaining funds will be used for startup funds towards the glaciology position One reason expenditures have increased because of higher subsidy for graduate students and this year research students were given 1000 towards their startup relocation For those faculty who have not used your startup funding now is the time The Provost requires the department to stay balanced and within 10% of our budget Motion was made to approve the July 1 2013 June 30 2014 Oversight Report 30 in favor 0 oppose and 0 abstain e Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to Report f Promotion Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzoworth Steig Report to occur in Executive Session g Scholarship Fellowship and Awards Stone - Nothing to report 4 Old Business Nothing to report 5 New Business a MolES Phase II Building WInglee Petition was passed around concerning the removal of Grant Circle and losing access to Johnson Hall and central part of campus This area serves as a drop off point for students faculty and staff with disabilities and as a loading unloading area for Johnson Hall field trips There are three options for the building but it seems that they are moving towards option without circle With new building plan the courtyard area will also be declared unsafe for evacuations Message about our concerns needs to be conveyed to Provost Please sign petition Discussion was held that if need be faculty could meet with the Provost directly to have a face-to-face conversation b Space Allocations Winglee Planning committee consisting of Huntington Vidale Bodin Crider Nelson Noell Bernard-Kingsley Sue Bernhardt and April Huff met with Brodie Bain of Perkins-Will Consulting to discuss current and future space needs of the department and to update SIMS data Meeting went well as they took significant notes and asked good questions Winglee took them on a tour of the building so they could see the space constraints of the department 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:10 p m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Crider Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Harnett Hernandez Holzworth Huntington Koutnik McCarthy Montgomery Odom Schmidt Schrieber Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gauglitz Hansen Huff Ploskey Sumner
  • May 2, 2014
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday May 2 2014 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 04 11 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements Association of Professional Advisers & Counselors APAC Award Congratulations to Noell Bernard-Kingsley Winglee Awards Ceremony is Thursday May 15th at 3:35 p m in JHN 102 Winglee Spring Clean Up Winglee Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Creager Standing Committees Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Development Winglee Oversight Conway Schmidt Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeios Holzworth Steig Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Update on Awards Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday May 2 2014 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:37 p m Approval of April 11 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ 1 2 Announcements a Cowan showed a video that that was created by the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas Austin that would be a good video to show for recruitment of students to ESS department Website is www beageo com b Congratulations to Noell Bernard-Kingsley for winning the Association of Professional Advisers & Counselors Award c Awards Ceremony is Thursday May 15 2014 at 3:35 p m d Winglee reminded faculty that it s time for the Spring Cleanup of ESS 056 and the Sandpoint location Please go through and label what is yours and include date Remove anything that does not need to be there If you need to go to the Sandpoint facility contact Dave McDougall a week in advance to set an appointment Deadline for cleanup is May 31st Anything that is left unmarked will be cleaned out this summer Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington The University is now requiring a diversity course in the student s curriculum ESS currently does not have a course that fulfills this requirement Discussion was held regarding creating or looking into the previous course taught by Collins and working with the College of Arts & Sciences to fulfill the diversity requirement as well as be an opportunity to expose students to ESS b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report c Graduate Program Creager An email is being sent out to graduates to submit their Progress reports Several are still missing and advisers need to approve them 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick - Buick reported that 10 have been admitted two are outstanding The remaining they are planning on denying by next Tuesday the 6th Any changes please let Buick know immediately a Computing Harnett Nothing to report Development Winglee Nothing to report Oversight Conway Schmidt Report will be discussed at June 6th meeting Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report Promotions Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Steig Review in executive session f Scholarships Fellowships & Awards Stone Stone announced that the Awards committee has met and this year it is oversubscribed both on RA requests and support funding Graduate Research Support requests were for 39k and availability is 15 829 Committee is trying to fund the students somewhat but their requests are going to be drastically reduced Nine RA s are able to be funded this year Funds for RA s are less because of increase of salary raises 10% each year and tuition increases Winglee did indicate that the endowment funds are back up to pre-crash values with the same rate of return i Noted by faculty the importance of fundraising and development to create endowments for student awards Need to focus more on graduate level as most donors like to give to the undergraduate programs 4 Old Business a None to review b c d e 5 New Business a None to report 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:07 p m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bourgeois Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Holzworth Houston Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Bernhardt Gauglitz Hansen Huff Ploskey Sumner
  • April 11, 2014
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday April 11 2014 2:30 p m JHN 111 Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 03 18 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements Welcome Dean Lisa Graumlich Family Day is Tomorrow Noel Heim s visit April 14th & 15th Full Time Summer Notification Form Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Waddington Standing Committees Admissions Buick Crider MESSAGe admissions Crider Computing Harnett Development Winglee Oversight Conway Schmidt Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Bourgeios Holzworth Steig Call for promotions Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:30 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday April 11 2014 2:30 p m Johnson Hall 111 Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m for informational purposes Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment _________________________________________ Dean Lisa Graumlich spoke at the beginning of the meeting to present updates about the College of the Environment 1 Future of Ice Public Lecture Series was successful with over 5000 attendees at the six lectures 2 Special thanks to Dave Montgomery for responding to the media about the Oso landslide which also provides visibility of the ESS department 3 Hazards & Resilience Initiative is coming along well with engagement cross campus and continues to be interdisciplinary She s hoping to find more resources to make this plan more fruitful 4 College of the Environment is developing three priorities for this upcoming campaign a Environmental Institute Lisa believes there are possibly two donors that can bring in enough funding to make this happen The vision is for researchers faculty graduates staff undergrads to share knowledge with the public and further strengthen public engagement Inquiry from the faculty had Lisa confirm that fundamental science is also key to the Institute to keep focus and discovery orientated work will be critical concepts b Next Generation Leaders - Title represents student scholarships with a twist Need to generate ways to increase donor contribution to enhance and enrich student s experience c Endowed Faculty Recruit mid-career superstars for these types of positions Inquiry from faculty about order of priority when this one particularly seems important to hire endowed professors to help carry the load Response was that there is no particular order or hierarchy of importance just a list of items 5 In general there seems to be a strong momentum and the donor community is ready to engage College is looking for a way to invest in students researchers that state tuition does not provide 6 Issues on the horizon continuing the College budget with raises new faculty lines and new faculty pay structure How to find the resources without removing the key components 7 The College wants anyone to submit funding requests for FY15-17 using the State Funding Request Form Form is due by close of business on April 25th Any ideas are relevant and should be submitted Funding is not guaranteed however this is a good time now to inform the state of upcoming needs and priorities Crider discussed the importance of the MESSAGe program bringing leaders and knowledge to the field would strengthen and support the workforce which is an investment to science This program and necessity of assistance should be submitted 8 Lisa will look into the change of the Full Time Summer Notification Form Department Chair Winglee officially brought the meeting to order at 3:10 p m to approve the March 18 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved 1 Announcements a Family day is tomorrow b Noel Heim will be visiting Monday April 14th and Tuesday April 15th More in executive session 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Nothing to Report b Undergraduate Program Roe Brown reported that a small subset of students are still gaming the system by turning in past assignments as technology allows the passing of files from year to year Brown urged faculty to make changes to assignments even slightly to avoid continual problems Turn students into the College if found of academic misconduct c Graduate Program Waddington Creager Nothing to Report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Buick was absent so Noell Bernard-Kingsley reported that that 8 accepted 11 declined and 7 are still outstanding Crider reported for MESSAGe that 18 students were offered 10 confirmed 8 outstanding Half are ESS alums Received 43 applications total to the program b Computing Harnett Nothing to report c Development Winglee Nothing to report d Oversight Conway Schmidt Nothing to report e Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report f Promotions Reappointment Merit Bourgeois Holzworth Steig 50% of the faculty has not completed their activity reports Review for merit increases is coming up as well as promotions o for those interested in promotions be thinking about it g Scholarships Fellowships & Awards Stone Award applications were due April 7th Suggestions were made by faculty to include a line in the instructions to begin soliciting letters of recommendation as soon as possible preferably four to six weeks prior to give ample time 4 Old Business a Winglee noted that a nice wave of grant proposals came through Please continue to submit by required deadline to allow enough time for review Let Nelson know if you think you may be submitting late but last resort 5 New Business a Bourgeois and Winglee reiterated the importance of requesting priorities to YR 15-17 legislation by submitting the funding form Looking for a least the top five nascent ideas to submit b Nelson also stressed that developing ideas starts the discussion with the Administration to show the innovation that is continually developing in the College The state does want to fund ideas that lead to jobs and technology 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:31 p m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bourgeois Brown Catling Creager Crider Duvall Gonzalez Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Schmidt Teng Vidale Waddington Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gauglitz Hansen Huff
  • March 18, 2014
    • Agenda Dept of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Tuesday March 18 2014 2:30 p m 175 JHN Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 02 07 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements: Welcome Sue Bernhardt Winglee Committee Meetings and Grad Students Grad Reps Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Vancouver BC from October 19 - 22 2014 with field trips on either side of those dates Winglee Course Syllabi Noell Bernard-Kingsley Scholarly Activity Reports due March 24th Winglee Next faculty meeting will also be moved to Friday April 11th at 2:30 p m in JHN 111 and Dean Graumlich will be in attendance Winglee Reports and Business Curriculum - Brown Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Waddington Standing Committees: Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Development Winglee USEED Crowd Funding Oversight Conway Schmidt Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Old Business Renewals and Non-renewals for Affiliates and Adjuncts Winglee Space Science and Technology Vote Results: 33 responses 27 yes 5 no 1 abstain Winglee Draft Salary Proposal Harnett Follow up on Catalyst Polls for Unit Adjustments Winglee General Status of the Glaciology Search Waddington General Status of the Future of Ice Search Steig New Business: College Council Elections Bourgeois o Need to nominate ESS member and alternate o Need to nominate for the At-Large position Adjourn to Executive Session approx 3:45 p m
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Tuesday March 18 2014 2:30 p m 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of February 7 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment --------------------------------------------------1 Announcements a Welcome Sue Bernhardt as the new administrator Winglee b Committee Meetings and Grad Students Zack Ploskey moved discussion to Graduate Program section c Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Vancouver B C from October 19-22 2014 Winglee d Course Syllabi Noell Bernard-Kingsley i Need to include on syllabus: Center for Teaching & Learning Common Components Student Conduct Statement Disability Statement and Misconduct Statement Any questions please ask student services ii Noted by Bourgeois that everyone should pass out hard copies of syllabus as most faculty during the discussion said they posted it on their website e Next faculty meeting will also be moved to Friday April 11th at 2:30 p m in JHN 111 and Dean Graumlich will be in attendance Winglee f Congratulations to Kate Huntington and Drew Gorman-Lewis as their promotions have been finalized from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Congratulations to Paul Bodin s as his promotion has been finalized from Research Associate Professor to Research Professor Winglee 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Question arose about chemistry track for ESS undergrads Cowan Curriculum committee is currently meeting about various tracks More information to be presented later as it is reviewed b Undergraduate Program Roe Academic Continuation Policy i If a student goes below a 2 0 they will receive a notification via email to see advising to determine a plan for that course If they ignore then they can be expelled ii Many students wait until their junior year to declare ESS major which stresses core classes iii Need to encourage students to declare ESS major sooner Numbers right now are: 5 Freshman 16 Sophomores 57 Juniors 90 Seniors iv Recently started up again this January informal exit interview with Dana Hansen asking about their educational experience with ESS v Discussed that a more formal written questionnaire should be developed and possible tracking of students after completing graduation so information could be shared with chair and faculty Include both positive and negative experience and why they chose an ESS major c Graduate Program Waddington i Zack Ploskey Graduate Student presented the outcome of the graduate retreat The graduate students want to improve the student advisor relationship so they feel that they are getting more support Request is to meet with their graduate committee a minimum of once a year to ensure their progress is successful Twice a year is preferred 1 Bourgeois felt like this was a good idea to meet once in the fall and once in the spring 2 Motion was presented to start with at least one meeting a year and it was seconded 28 approved 0 opposed 1 abstained 3 Discussion was committees are to meet once a year and then try to increase it to twice year if possible Student Services to help remind and enforce meetings 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick - 3 accepted 3 declined 20 more admitted but undeclared Starting to deny applicants so please inform the committee if you wish to admit any replacements for declinations b Computing Harnett Nothing to report c Development Winglee USEED Crowd Funding allows funds to come through to department through Advancement with no overhead Starting point is 10 000 and must have a team of five people Students are able to participate in crowd funding as well Can develop any type of idea to get funded field work exhibitions research etc d Oversight Conway Schmidt Nothing to report e Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report f Promotions Reappointment Merit Bourgeios Files will be reviewed after March 24th due date of Scholarly Activity Reports g Scholarships Fellowships & Awards Stone Deadline has been set for scholarships as April 7th 4 Old Business a Renewals and Non-renewals for Affiliates and Adjuncts Winglee Results were sent via email b Space Science and Technology Vote Results: 33 responses 27 yes 5 no 1 abstain Winglee c Draft Salary Proposal Harnett Proposed Faculty Salary System i Rank Promotion Raises would be 12% ii Tiers within Ranks 1 Assistant Professor 1 2 2 Associate Professor 1 2 3 3 Professor 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 8 9 eminent prof 4 Similar tiers in Lecturers ranks iii 8% increase of average unless you were hired in at market rate There will be a cap iv No salary policy can make up for lack of funds v When resources are tight system can function with no increase costs that funds released by retirements and resignation will be diverted from the salary system to other uses vi When more resources are available it will make it much easier to effectively reward excellence with competitive salaries and begin to close the gap vii Timeline Goes to Faculty Senate Vote on May 2014 Once it gets to President it will be approved since Provost has been involved Full faculty vote in fall viii There is a budgeting committee out of President s office determining monies distribution and if this works financially ix Next academic year would be to figure out who goes into which tier July 2015 tier system would be fully implemented with new accounting software d Unit Adjustments Winglee i Presented results of catalyst poll Option B unit adjustment most popular Executive committee agreed that department should move ahead with unit adjustment ii 3% unit adjustment - 20k from savings staff rehires 20K from Steve Warrens retirement 40k from ABB earnings that are expected to become permanent to the department 80K total Note: This equals one Assistant Professor Faculty line iii Plan has been approved by College and awaits Provost approval iv Choosing this plan will squeeze the department No hiring for one to two years If any faculty out there knows they plan on retiring please let Robert know v The next retirement needs to be considered towards a faculty line or the department will be losing FTE s vi Unit adjustments are available at any time per the Provost with a threshold vii Presentation of graph Trend line based on peer average Everyone will get a 1 5% increase If under the line will get a weighted compression percentage depending on amount earning 1 5% 1% compression 1 5% 2% compression 1 5% 3% compression Would go into effect July 1st viii Recent hires assistant and associate were brought in at market rate ix Side note that everyone will receive a 4% increase effective September 15th x Motion to accept the unit adjustment with proposed compression percentages for academic faculty was seconded 25 approved 3 opposed and 1 abstained xi Research Faculty Can implement a pay increase via their grants Discussion concluded that the pay increase would be based on a case-bycase basis Winglee to discuss with individual research faculty 5 New Business a College Council Elections Bourgeois i Bourgeois not renewing her position Brown has served as an alternate and has been quite active Ideally needs to be a full professor Provides service to the department ii No nominations made at this time Will have electronic vote b Spousal Partner Appointment WInglee i Noel Heim from Stanford is the spouse of a College of Education hire and looking for an appointment of some sort in ESS Biology Burke College of Education willing to pay bulk of startup costs 100k ii Agreed to bring Noel out in the spring to give a colloquium and review references 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:55 p m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Cowan Crider Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Montgomery Odom Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gauglitz Gorman Hansen Huff Ploskey Sumner Tobin Walters
  • March 14, 2014
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Tuesday March 18 2014 2:30 p m 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of February 7 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment --------------------------------------------------1 Announcements a Welcome Sue Bernhardt as the new administrator Winglee b Committee Meetings and Grad Students Zack Ploskey moved discussion to Graduate Program section c Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Vancouver B C from October 19-22 2014 Winglee d Course Syllabi Noell Bernard-Kingsley i Need to include on syllabus: Center for Teaching & Learning Common Components Student Conduct Statement Disability Statement and Misconduct Statement Any questions please ask student services ii Noted by Bourgeois that everyone should pass out hard copies of syllabus as most faculty during the discussion said they posted it on their website e Next faculty meeting will also be moved to Friday April 11th at 2:30 p m in JHN 111 and Dean Graumlich will be in attendance Winglee f Congratulations to Kate Huntington and Drew Gorman-Lewis as their promotions have been finalized from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Congratulations to Paul Bodin s as his promotion has been finalized from Research Associate Professor to Research Professor Winglee 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Question arose about chemistry track for ESS undergrads Cowan Curriculum committee is currently meeting about various tracks More information to be presented later as it is reviewed b Undergraduate Program Roe Academic Continuation Policy i If a student goes below a 2 0 they will receive a notification via email to see advising to determine a plan for that course If they ignore then they can be expelled ii Many students wait until their junior year to declare ESS major which stresses core classes iii Need to encourage students to declare ESS major sooner Numbers right now are: 5 Freshman 16 Sophomores 57 Juniors 90 Seniors iv Recently started up again this January informal exit interview with Dana Hansen asking about their educational experience with ESS v Discussed that a more formal written questionnaire should be developed and possible tracking of students after completing graduation so information could be shared with chair and faculty Include both positive and negative experience and why they chose an ESS major c Graduate Program Waddington i Zack Ploskey Graduate Student presented the outcome of the graduate retreat The graduate students want to improve the student advisor relationship so they feel that they are getting more support Request is to meet with their graduate committee a minimum of once a year to ensure their progress is successful Twice a year is preferred 1 Bourgeois felt like this was a good idea to meet once in the fall and once in the spring 2 Motion was presented to start with at least one meeting a year and it was seconded 28 approved 0 opposed 1 abstained 3 Discussion was committees are to meet once a year and then try to increase it to twice year if possible Student Services to help remind and enforce meetings 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick - 3 accepted 3 declined 20 more admitted but undeclared Starting to deny applicants so please inform the committee if you wish to admit any replacements for declinations b Computing Harnett Nothing to report c Development Winglee USEED Crowd Funding allows funds to come through to department through Advancement with no overhead Starting point is 10 000 and must have a team of five people Students are able to participate in crowd funding as well Can develop any type of idea to get funded field work exhibitions research etc d Oversight Conway Schmidt Nothing to report e Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Nothing to report f Promotions Reappointment Merit Bourgeios Files will be reviewed after March 24th due date of Scholarly Activity Reports g Scholarships Fellowships & Awards Stone Deadline has been set for scholarships as April 7th 4 Old Business a Renewals and Non-renewals for Affiliates and Adjuncts Winglee Results were sent via email b Space Science and Technology Vote Results: 33 responses 27 yes 5 no 1 abstain Winglee c Draft Salary Proposal Harnett Proposed Faculty Salary System i Rank Promotion Raises would be 12% ii Tiers within Ranks 1 Assistant Professor 1 2 2 Associate Professor 1 2 3 3 Professor 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 8 9 eminent prof 4 Similar tiers in Lecturers ranks iii 8% increase of average unless you were hired in at market rate There will be a cap iv No salary policy can make up for lack of funds v When resources are tight system can function with no increase costs that funds released by retirements and resignation will be diverted from the salary system to other uses vi When more resources are available it will make it much easier to effectively reward excellence with competitive salaries and begin to close the gap vii Timeline Goes to Faculty Senate Vote on May 2014 Once it gets to President it will be approved since Provost has been involved Full faculty vote in fall viii There is a budgeting committee out of President s office determining monies distribution and if this works financially ix Next academic year would be to figure out who goes into which tier July 2015 tier system would be fully implemented with new accounting software d Unit Adjustments Winglee i Presented results of catalyst poll Option B unit adjustment most popular Executive committee agreed that department should move ahead with unit adjustment ii 3% unit adjustment - 20k from savings staff rehires 20K from Steve Warrens retirement 40k from ABB earnings that are expected to become permanent to the department 80K total Note: This equals one Assistant Professor Faculty line iii Plan has been approved by College and awaits Provost approval iv Choosing this plan will squeeze the department No hiring for one to two years If any faculty out there knows they plan on retiring please let Robert know v The next retirement needs to be considered towards a faculty line or the department will be losing FTE s vi Unit adjustments are available at any time per the Provost with a threshold vii Presentation of graph Trend line based on peer average Everyone will get a 1 5% increase If under the line will get a weighted compression percentage depending on amount earning 1 5% 1% compression 1 5% 2% compression 1 5% 3% compression Would go into effect July 1st viii Recent hires assistant and associate were brought in at market rate ix Side note that everyone will receive a 4% increase effective September 15th x Motion to accept the unit adjustment with proposed compression percentages for academic faculty was seconded 25 approved 3 opposed and 1 abstained xi Research Faculty Can implement a pay increase via their grants Discussion concluded that the pay increase would be based on a case-bycase basis Winglee to discuss with individual research faculty 5 New Business a College Council Elections Bourgeois i Bourgeois not renewing her position Brown has served as an alternate and has been quite active Ideally needs to be a full professor Provides service to the department ii No nominations made at this time Will have electronic vote b Spousal Partner Appointment WInglee i Noel Heim from Stanford is the spouse of a College of Education hire and looking for an appointment of some sort in ESS Biology Burke College of Education willing to pay bulk of startup costs 100k ii Agreed to bring Noel out in the spring to give a colloquium and review references 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:55 p m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Cowan Crider Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Koutnik Montgomery Odom Roe Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Bernhardt Gauglitz Gorman Hansen Huff Ploskey Sumner Tobin Walters
  • February 7, 2014
    • Agenda Dept of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday February 7 2014 3:30 p m 175 JHN Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 01 10 2014 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements Classroom Scheduling Noell Bernard-Kingsley Field Trip Insurance change Winglee Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse Michele Conrad Reports and Business Curriculum - Usage of Canvas in classes Brown Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Waddington Standing Committees: Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Development Winglee Oversight Conway Schmidt Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Old Business Update on OA Search Michele Conrad Update on Administrator Search Michele Conrad Status of the Glaciology Search Waddington Family Day April 12th from 1:00 3:30pm Winglee April Huff MESSAGe Review Committee Roe New Business: Policies and Practice for unit adjustments Brown Follow-on discussions Winglee Adjourn to Executive Session approx 5:00pm
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday February 7 2014 3:30 p m 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of January 10 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Standing Committees 4 Old Business 5 New Business 6 Adjournment --------------------------------------------------1 Announcements a Classroom Scheduling Noell Bernard-Kingsley i Everyone wants to teach at popular times between 10 a m and 3 p m however due to space constraints faculty will need to be willing to teach at other times ii New biology building will also have no classrooms so space will continue to be limited Winglee b HR Accounting Software Harnett i The total cost to the University will be 35M to 40M to install and 20M annually 100% of the annual cost will be transferred to the units as it is supposed to save the departments money by reduction of staff c Discontinuation of field trip insurance option Winglee i UW is discontinuing its optional field trip insurance This was a supplemental insurance option that departments could purchase: it was secondary insurance the participants insurance would cover any accidents injuries first the UW s cost was going to increase dramatically and thus the cost to units would increase dramatically leading to fewer departmental users and with ACA everyone in theory is covered by insurance unless they are paying the fine to opt out d Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse Winglee i If any type of abuse is suspected by law you must report it 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Brown i Review of current curriculum issues Waddington 1 Prerequisites in required courses 21x 31x a Instructors have concerns about students who are taking 31x classes before the corresponding 21x classes due to scheduling difficulties particularly with transfer students Committee recommends making the 21x a pre-req for the corresponding 31x or permission of instructor This allows for students with special backgrounds for whom the 21x might be unnecessary b The committee is looking into ways to encourage students to declare an ESS major in sophomore year and to finish 31x classes as juniors so that they can take advantage of all the great opportunities for research and advanced classes that the department offers for seniors 2 Roe and Noell are preparing a series of example flowcharts for the website of how to get to a successful ESS degree from various starting points 3 Mike Brown includes a preflight checklist on his canvas page for students to self-verify whether they are ready for his course 212 Mike will give an update on canvas 4 Robert asked the committee to look into ways to reduce pressure on field camp and required courses with labs 5 The committee is starting to look at Liberal Arts BA ideas floated a decade ago to be updated to 2014 6 The committee is looking into possibility of an ESS Chemistry track parallel to ESS Physics and Biology tracks to allow majors to graduate without field camp and potentially other ESS labs ii Canvas Presentation Brown 1 Has a preflight checklist on each Canvas page that includes expectations a short quiz to help the students decide if they are ready for the class So far is effective 2 Canvas is so far going well for him Auto quizzes electronic grading students are super sophisticated using software by uploading homework 3 Harnett Not as easy of a transition with her experience yet Slower transition with students b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report c Graduate Program Waddington Nothing to report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Crider i 17 students admitted 2 students accepted and 4 coming to open house with 3 others coming at different times b Computing Harnett Nothing to report c Development Winglee Nothing to report d Oversight Conway Schmidt Nothing to report e Prelim Committee Brown Cowen Nothing to report f Promotion Reappointment and Merit i Activity reports will be due in March g Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 4 Old Business a Update on OA search Winglee Down to two candidates Selection will be final before end of February b Update on Administrator search Winglee Interviewing candidates and will be making final selection before the end of February c Glaciology Search Waddington Selected five candidates to interview More in executive session d Family Day Winglee Looking for volunteers for April 12th Family Day from 1:00 3:30pm e MESSAGe Review Committee Roe i The committee consisted of Roe Catling Gorman-Lewis and Huntington to evaluate MESSAGe program Committee met 4 times ii History idea was proposed in 1999 and developed in 2008 f iii Currently have 18 students taking 15 to 18 months to finish program 7 in the first graduating class iv Message Budget shows an estimated net savings Concern of in-state tuition versus out of state tuition for the future v Impacts Field camp enrollment vi Reputation Positive response from current and prospective students within the College and local employers vii Does not seem to impact R1status viii Heavily burdens the lecturers as they take on advising and networking for the students in the program Currently program cannot handle more growth ix If additional future tracks are offered would require new faculty x Overall conclusion financially sustainable and have heard broad support Maintains burden on faculty Recommend following up with students after their employment to determine satisfaction of education Use Alumni to get word out about program xi Nelson Suggests this report should go to the Dean Space Technology Masters Committee Review Roe i Committee reviewed options for both B S in Space Sciences and M S in Space Technology to determine viability of programs along with drawbacks and positive impacts The committee reviewed possible curriculum tracks financial impacts sources of funding space availability stability of programs workload instructional needs and advisory Various discussions were held about the concern of adding another professional Master s program impacts on R1 waiting to see how MESSAGe program rolls out to see what issues may occur concern about approving investigative proposal will lead to development of program and faculty impact ii Bergantz proposed a motion to wait a year before the proposed Space Masters be considered again by faculty but withdrew that request after Winglee said it would take a year to get all of the information organized iii Winglee requested departmental approval to move forward with planning process to research the viability of these options Bergantz requested an electronic ballot 5 New Business a Policies on Practice for Unit Adjustments Brown for Bourgeois i Overview of merit raises unit adjustments and monthly salary comparisons that lead directly into Winglee s discussion on unit adjustments b Continuation of the unit adjustment discussion Winglee i Options for unit adjustments 1 Faculty is presently Too big shrink faculty and use budget for bigger salaries 2 Faculty is presently Too small hire two assistant professors for every full professor retirement 3 Faculty is presently Right size Hire one assistant professor for every full professor retirement and use the salary difference for unit adjustments no further hiring 4 Grow majors to earn more ABB ask for Dean for bridging funding of faculty lines 5 Start self-sustaining programs to increase financial basis for the department Notes: Room for 3% increase half get 6% increase the other half get 0% and 3% increase is an assistant professor faculty line ii Several long discussions were held reviewing and clarifying the options as well as what option would best for the department Catalyst survey will be sent out to maximize input for faculty to rank preferences 6 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 5:45 p m -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Attendees - Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Crider Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nelson Odom Roe Schmidt Steig Teng Troost Waddington Warren Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Schreiber Sumner
  • January 10, 2014
    • Agenda Dept of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 10th 2014 3:30 p m 175 JHN Agenda Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes 12 06 2013 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes Announcements New Office Assistant Administrator Position Other Announcements Reports and Business Curriculum Waddington Undergraduate Program Roe Graduate Program Waddington Standing Committees: Admissions Buick Crider Computing Harnett Development Winglee Oversight Conway Schmidt Prelim Brown Cowan Gorman-Lewis Promotion Reappointment & Merit Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Old Business Status of the Glaciology Search Waddington New Business: Unit and Merit Raises for ESS Adjourn to Executive Session approx 5:00pm Reconvene from Executive Session approx 5:00pm Announcements if applicable
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday January 10 2014 3:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of December 6 2013 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment --------------------------------------------------1 Announcements a ESS Gala will be held on April 3rd and April 4th b New position for front desk Office Assistant has been posted and the search has begun for this position c Michele Conrad will be leaving the department and the search has begun for a new administrator Her last day will be February 7th 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Nothing to report b Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report c Graduate Program Waddington Nothing to report 3 Standing Committees a Admissions Buick Crider i Every admitted applicant will have three reviews Those denied will need to have only two denials and then can be not considered ii Need list of top 20 24 candidates by 1 24 14 to invite to open house Open house will be held on 3 6 14 3 7 14 Dinner will be on 3 7 14 iii Grad students slated for 10% increase over next few years b Computing Harnett i Lab computers have been upgraded over the break c Development Winglee Nothing to report d Oversight Conway Schmidt Nothing to report e Prelim Committee Brown Cowen The prelim process is complete for this year f Promotion Reappointment and Merit i If looking up for promotion or tenure make sure CV is updated g Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 4 New Business a Glaciology Search Waddington i 38 applications 11 good More in executive session b Unit Adjustments and Merit Increases Winglee i Please refer to Provost Deans letter for details ii ESS 12 5% behind peers iii iv v vi Eligible for unit adjustment Must be funded by unit resources Future merit CoE will pay 2% greater than 2% may need to be paid by unit CoE 75% confident that they will be able to pay the additional 2% for a total of 4% vii Unfunded mandates 1 ASE s also up for 10% increase which must be paid by unit 2 Also may need to pay tax on the UW s new accounting software which is 60 million initial startup then 20 million year recurring 400K year for recurring costs paid by CoE viii Pool for unit adjustments 1 All faculty salaries research and academic not all would get a salary increase 2 Research Faculty: a Will be responsible for own salary increase b At a minimum if grants can absorb recommended all research faculty for an increase c Motion was made to approve unit adjustments for research faculty and allowing them to opt out Motion was approved by faculty vote 3 If there is a unit adjustment for academic faculty then the cost will require the department to slow down on the hiring plans 4 Decisions on retentions presently performed on an ad hoc basis with recent decisions coming in at essential the costs of a full FTE at the assistant professor level c Presently the department has about 170 majors with about 90 students in its 200 level classes Limitations to future growth include: i Balancing field camp limit is 50 to 60 Need alternative for BS or shuttle to BA ii Question presented of ramping up the BA program Some students interested in teaching instead of research or field work iii The 200-300 level classes are close to saturation should we limit growth in these classes d Motion to requested to send a letter to the dean indicating interest in a unit adjustment within a year and will work on a plan to expand its undergraduate or MS program perhaps BA track or perhaps retirement 5 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:50pm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: Michele Conrad Attendees - Faculty: Bodin Bourgeois Buick Catling Cowan Crider Duvall Gillespie Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Schmidt Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Warren Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Bernard-Kingsley Conrad Gauglistz Hansen Ploskey Sumner
  • December 6, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday December 6th 2013 3:00pm 026 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:00 p m Approval of November 1 2013 Open Session Meeting Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements a Geoclub Holiday Party December 6th at 4:00pm in JHN 170 b Jeff Berman of Civil Engineering presented a proposal for a new Xray CT scanner and is looking for support If faculty have projects that could use this scanner notify Jeff prior to the January 16th proposal due date by emailing jwberman uw edu or email Robert Winglee c Winglee informed the faculty regarding enforcement of OSP deadlines Any late submittals will be denied Proposals must be released to OSP by 5:00pm three 3 business days before sponsor deadline e g Tuesday at 5:00pm for a proposal deadline of Friday To ensure that deadline is met the proposal must be submitted for Department review by 9:00am the day it is due to OSP d Winglee announced that the department will be holding Family Day in the spring of 2014 Dates to be announced 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington Nothing to report b Undergraduate Program Roe i Noell Bernard-Kingsley presented on the mandatory undergraduate meeting held in November 100 students attended and they were able to sign up an additional 25 ESS majors Feedback has been positive thus far on the meeting and plans for an annual mandatory meeting are in consideration c Graduate Program Waddington i Waddington announced that Annual Graduate Scholarly Activity Reports are due December 13th Faculty need to remind graduate students to submit those in on time ii Crider announced that seven MESSAGe students will be graduating this quarter and two have jobs d Admissions Buick Crider i Winglee announced that applications for incoming graduate students are being received and will be reviewed soon e Computing Harnett i Brown presented an overview of the CANVAS platform and what he has set up for his courses emphasizing the benefits of using this software Benefits include ease of passing off a class if need be to another faculty TA member faculty knowledge across the department of what is taught in each course student collaborations and study groups and flexible grading Currently Huntington and Harnett are also using CANVAS ii Nathan Briley has set up three templates ranging from basic to complex that can be easily copied over to the faculty pages for each course Instructions tutorials and examples are also available on the CANVAS link that Nathan will be sending out to all faculty If faculty request a winter course set up prior to December 31st Nathan will get the course set up and then provide follow up training After this deadline Nathan will assist faculty but not set up their course Nathan will be the go to computer contact for CANVAS for faculty TA s f Development Winglee Nothing to report g Oversight Conway Schmidt Nothing to report h Prelim Committee Brown Cowen The prelim process is complete for this year i Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report j Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business a Steig presented on the verbiage of the ads for the Future of Ice positions followed by a discussion to determine how much input the department wants to have in review of the candidates for the Polar Marine Ecosystem since ESS is not formally listed in the ad Bourgeois moved to approve that ESS has a role in reviewing candidates Motion was seconded by Crider and all approved b Winglee requested that if anyone was interested in collaborating with Mongolian University of Science and Technology to let him within the next week c Winglee presented on the Hazards and Resilience Initiative discussing the two descriptions being developed for communicating this project out to agencies and departments Any comments on either description please notify Schmidt or Winglee Looking for a 2015 buy-in date with an estimated 4 million dollar budget d Winglee presented the proposed coursework for a MS in Space Science & Technology degree Concern of the unknown impact of an additional MS program space allocations and the long term strategy of the department were discussed It was decided that the impact of MESSAGe on the department needed to be evaluated alongside a neutral ad hoc committee on the development of another MS program Crider would provide observations from MESSAGe and a committee consisting of Gorman-Lewis Catling Huntington and Roe would begin the process 4 Old Business a Noell Bernard-Kingsley presented the updated verbiage from the College of the Environment regarding the Academic Misconduct Policy Updated version will be posted online b Houston requested that the Seminar location next quarter be moved to Room 075 This quarter there was a room assignment conflict and Noell will try to ensure that ESS can have 075 for the seminars winter quarter 5 Adjournment a The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:45pm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by: April Huff Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Bourgeois Brown Buick Cowan Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Odom Roe Schmidt Steig Teng Troost Vidale Waddington Winglee Chair Winebrenner Wood Staff Students and Guests: Amador Bernard-Kingsley Briley Conrad Hansen Huff
  • November 1, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday November 1st 2013 3:00pm 026 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:00 p m Approval of Minutes of 10 04 13 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements April Huff has joined us as the new Chair s Assistant Dana Hansen is coordinating the Combined Fund Drive please seek her out if you are interested in donating Bourgeois updated the faculty on the College Council The College Council is currently exploring ways to maximize the success of joint hires how prioritizing joint hires affects teaching core disciplinary courses and what is the right size of the College Harnett updated the faculty on proposed salary step changes from the Faculty Senate The current plan would be to increase promotion based increases to 12% from 7 5% and introduce 8% merit step increases The of steps would depend on rank and steps would typically occur 4 years apart It would be keeping the current system of market increases while introducing quality adjustments Michele Conrad reminded faculty that some recently updated polices have gone out including vehicle insurance field trip volunteers and reimbursement deadlines Winglee thanked the faculty for their donations to Friends of ESS which allows us to support events like Open House Awards and Graduation Winglee informed the faculty that classroom space is scarce and faculty should actively prepare to be more flexible or the possibility of having to teach outside of Johnson Hall Winglee announced that Kirk Johnson from the Smithsonian is visiting and faculty should contact him if they wish to meet with him Winglee announced that a celebration of Gary Hansen s life will be held on Nov 2nd and that faculty should RSVP to Ron Sletten Winglee informed the faculty that we recently had an incident where a student brought a firearm to class He encouraged faculty to report any concerns they or their students have immediately Cowan informed the faculty that thanks to an anonymous donor ESS was able to host a private GSA function which saw 40-50 people and may be something we are interested in continuing 2 Reports and Business Admissions Buick Crider Nothing to report Curriculum Waddington All MESSAGe core course applications have been passed along to the College Undergraduate Program Roe Field camp has 2-3 students each year who can t do Montana so Roe is collecting local projects as a possible alternative to the traditional field camp This would be related to student disabilities vs desire but would not require a formal DSO recommendation Roe will work with the Curriculum Committee to further develop this idea Noell Bernard-Kingsley presented on the Academic Misconduct Procedures for the department They are currently in the draft stage but outline faculty options and recommendations on minimizing academic misconduct The procedures will be made available online once finalized Noell Bernard-Kingsley announced that the 1st mandatory UG meeting is happening soon it is hopeful that we introduce our students to departmental resources sooner and try to catch some of the unofficial majors Graduate Program Creager Waddington announced that graduate annual reports would be coming out soon and that faculty should keep an eye out for them Waddington reported that the NSF presentations went well and that this is something we should encourage our students to pursue as they come with tuition waivers and have a high awardance rate The deadline is Nov 8th and it would be helpful to do this earlier next year and possibly making it permanent or part of ESS 594 in the future Development Nothing to report Computing Harnett Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Brown Cowen The prelim process is complete for this year and the graduate students will be providing detailed feedback in the near future which will be presented on in a future faculty meeting Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business Winglee announced that the College Initiatives process is starting for the next cycle and that ESS will be moving forward with the Hazards Initiative again The Initiative needs volunteers and will be headed by David Schmidt Steig announced that the search committee for the Future of Ice Initiative has been formed and they hope to have draft ads out in the near future 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntingon Koutnik Montgomery Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Teng Troost Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Amador Bernarnd-Kingsley Briley Conrad Hansen Huff Sumner
  • October 4, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday October 4th 2013 3:00pm 026 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:00 p m Approval of Minutes of 06 07 13 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements ExxonMobil is recruiting this week Nathan Briley has transitioned to the Computer Support Team Graduate ASE pay has increased an email with the specifics was sent out to the faculty Faculty pay also increased Winglee circulated signup sheets for faculty to volunteer for committees Winglee called on the faculty to send in more photos updated photos for the directory and photoboard and encouraged them to remind their students as well Holzworth requested faculty send him names if they had ideas for Winter seminar speakers or if they were interested in running a Mindlin series A celebration of Gary Hansen s life is being planned and Winglee will forward any announcements that he receives regarding it 2 Reports and Business Admissions Buick Crider Nothing to report Curriculum Waddington Winglee asked the faculty to support filming of all course labs setups and goals as it is very difficult currently to rotate in new instructors due to lack of documentation It is also hard for new TA s to come in cold to a class especially classes with no returning TA s This would be mandatory by Winter 2015 and its first priority is to be used as a resource for instructional TA s rather than distance learning Undergraduate Program Roe Preliminary numbers are showing 155 majors near record enrollment in ESS 211 and Winglee announced we should expect another wave in 300 core classes next year comparable to this year s enrollments Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Development Winglee did an annual call for donations to Friends of ESS which is used to support many student focused events including open house awards and graduation Also the UWCFD is starting soon Winglee also announced that the Danner estate donated 20k for mapping in WA state and that if someone s wish to supplement it to 25k it can become a permanent endowment Cowan announced that an anonymous donor has proved a GSA room for the conference an invitation will be sent out to alumni and current students faculty announcing its availability Computing Harnett There is now a video cart available for easy recording can be run solo and students are responding positively to recorded lectures Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Brown Cowen Reporting in Executive Session Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business Geoclub is planning a Spring Break trip and will need a faculty sponsor location still TBA Brown presented on Learning Technologies He attended trainings on incorporating technology in classrooms and intends to be a resource for faculty in classroom technology issues UW s Canvas is going to be the future and in recent years there has been much more standardization Canvas is already incorporating many UW services including gradebook and is intended to be a centralized platform for courses Winglee asked the faculty to vote to collectively move forward with Canvas as our standard platform but allowing faculty to opt out if they need to The vote passed 19 Yes 1 No 5 Abstain Winglee announced that Dean Oyun from Mongolian University of Science and Technology is visiting next week and is interested in exchanges of students and possible field camps in Mongolia Any faculty interested in meeting with Dean Oyun should contact Wingee Nitrrouer brought up concerns with the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of using smaller vans for large course field trips Previous actions concerning the push to keep 12 person vans were discussed and it was decided the best way moving forward was to drop the fight to bring back 12 person vans and rather work with Fleet Services to make using current vehicles more efficient not tracking down all over campus not empty equipment failures before departure etc Winglee presented on the state of the budget namely that 3 retentions burned through a possible faculty line but the department did receive 80k for TA support 20k for staff support 4 Old Business Schmidt updated the faculty on Oceanography s Subduction Search It stalled a bit over Summer due to fieldwork but is picking back up soon Steig updated the faculty on the Future of Ice initiative 3 positions were approved by the Provost 1 is ESS the other two will be split 1 3:2 3 We are currently waiting on approval from the College but in the meantime a committee for the ESS specific position was formed Waddington Chair Conway Steig Vidale Koutnik and for the Future of Ice initiative Steig chair Waddington Hallet Koutnik A grad rep will be assigned in the near future 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Huntington Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Schmidt Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Briley Buskirk Conrad Gauglitz Ploskey
  • June 7, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday June 7th 2013 3:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 05 03 13 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Winglee requested volunteers to usher at graduation Conrad alerted the faculty that she is conducting lab surveys for indirect cost calculation Winglee reminded faculty that the Spring BBQ will be following the faculty meeting and Graduation is on June 15th 2 Reports and Business Admissions Buick Crider Nothing to report Curriculum Waddington Waddington presented an overview of the current process of evaluation for the research program prelim - general - final and what the goals are for graduate students He stressed the need for faculty and students to be fully informed on this process in order to be successful Specific concerns include: i Prelim Exam - there is a tension between getting students into existing research quickly vs getting them to develop their own research Should we prefer one over the other for first year students ii General Exam Should this be a test of general knowledge or a PhD proposal Undergraduate Program Roe Winglee reported that misconduct is on the rise and is looking for ways to discourage it Some suggestions are stop using mailboxes for assignments lockboxes were installed as an alternative don t leave assignments on departmental computers at the end of the quarter and providing more resources for instructors to educate their students Graduate Program Creager Duvall presented the proposed program and exams guidelines They were discussed and passed unanimously by the faculty Development - Winglee announced that Erik Oswald is visiting and is interested in ESS and Arctic Ice if any faculty are interested in meeting with him Computing Harnett Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Holzworth Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business Winglee announced that updated policies have been circulated and at the faculty s request the Acting Chair policy will be posted for voting update: passed unanimously 7 8 13 Steig presented on a paleoclimate modeling research position Need is growing it would have low startup costs and would be open to long term modeling The faculty approved pursuing this unanimously Winglee updated the faculty on the proposed Space Technology MS Office space was previously identified as a concern but it should be manageable with our current resources It would run at regular hours and provide hands on experience with a flyable product in space Winglee has been meeting with industry leaders to ensure there is demand for this kind of program and there seems to be There would be a goal of a class size of 20 and the program would help stabilize the space and planetary groups and help establish synergistic ties with industry partners The faculty voted unanimously to continue pursuing this with an update before submission to the graduate school 4 Old Business Nothing to report 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Creager Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hernandez Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Odom Roe Schmidt Sletten Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee Wood Staff Students and Guests: Briley Conrad
  • May 3, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday May 3 2013 3:30 pm 117 Johnson Hall Present Faculty: Abramson Bodin Buick Catling Conway Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Schmidt Sletten Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee Wood Staff: Conrad Hansen Graduate students: Campbell Harrold Adjuncts Affiliate USGUS: Gomberg Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm Approval of Minutes of 4 12 2013 Faculty Meeting Open Session Minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review prior to the meeting and were approved Meeting Synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements a Congratulations to Harnett on promotion b Send newsletter items to Bernard-Kingsley c Reminder of mandatory Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training May 10 2013 If cannot attend must attend POD session d Reminder: retreat on May 11 2013 at Museum of Flight e Reminder: Awards on May 16 2013 f Harnett organizing a DRS training session on working with students who have social disabilities 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington i CoEnv taking over WA MESA look for opportunities for outreach ii Approved by faculty vote: require 1 7 GPA on prerequisite basic science courses from outside the department and 2 0 for courses within the department approved by faculty vote b Graduate Program Creager i Effective Fall 2014 will begin enforcing requirement that the general exam be taken by the end of the third year and a reminder that the general exam is a test of general knowledge ii Approved by faculty vote and to take effect immediately: formalized list of courses accepted as the required data analysis course with GPC able to approve other courses on an ad hoc basis to include ESS 522 ESS 523 ESS 580 AtmSci 552 AMAP 506 AMAP 582 iii Grad progress reports are due or won t be considered to be making satisfactory progress c Admissions Buick i PhD program: 38 offers 19 acceptances 80 still admittable and will begin to be declined ii MESSAGe: 45 applications 15 confirmed acceptances 3 outstanding offers & a deep waiting list d Oversight Creager Sletten : Reviewed the report of the FY RCR budget Takeaways: the RCR down a little due to ARRA expirations and likely to be down further in FY 2014 Some increases in staff supported by RCR due to decline in computing cost center but everything is order and will carry forward some funds for retentions recruitments start up packages and other purposes e Scholarships Fellowships Awards Stone : Award decisions are being finalized more requests for funding than available funds so committee will make some hard decisions Brief discussion of nominating process for the Johnston Award since it is a special award
  • April 12, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday April 12th 2013 3:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 03 08 13 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Annual Reports were due April 1st and faculty were reminded to get them turned in Faculty Retreat is on May 11th and the agenda will be resent as a pdf As a reminder there is a 1 week deadline for the department and 3 business day deadline for OSP Taryn Black Kate Allstadt and Carlos Chavez were recognized by the College awards process 2 Reports and Business Admissions Buick Crider 38 Offers 14 accepts 15 declines and 9 outstanding offers for the research program 22 Offers 8 accepts and 1 decline for the MESSAGe program Curriculum Waddington Courses fees can be charged at lower rates than the approved maximum Instructors should request the maximum course fee they will need and if the costs will be lower for a quarter the instructor should inform Student Services to lower the fee amount temporarily Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Nothing to report Development - Bourgeois and Cowan met with our alumns working for Exxon for donor and outreach relations Steig announced the Allen Foundation is interested in ice and artic technology and are becoming a bigger on-campus presence if anyone is working on related projects Oversight Nothing to report Computing Harnett Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Holzworth Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Reporting in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Applications due April 15th Awarding Due May 1st and the Ceremony will be at 3:30 on May 16 in JHN 102 3 New Business Email Concerns Winglee asked the faculty to route complaints up through the chain rather than directly at outside units as well as asked faculty to make an effort to reply in a timely manner so staff could focus more on responding to new emails rather than having to track down faculty who do not respond Alcohol Policy - an updated alcohol policy was passed around prior to the meeting The faculty voted to approve the new document for enforcement and posting on the website Sexual Harassment Concerns Winglee informed the faculty that we have been receiving some sexual harassment complaints and that students were not being encouraged to report all instances The department has a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment and everyone should make an effort to ensure any harassment is reported On May 10th there will be a department wide mandatory sexual harassment training 4 Old Business Space Concerns The department is extremely low on space and will not have enough space for incoming grads without some changes being made Various options were discussed and it was decided that the department will first ask for volunteers to move students or visitors into dry labs and if this is insufficient the Executive Committee was charged with implementing alternative solutions as needed Glaciology Search The search is up and running and the search committee encourages everyone to attend the talks and provide feedback to the committee Waddington is chair Freshwater Search Also up and running Future of Ice Imitative the Ames lecture series and next Fulbright are going to focus on ice issues as well 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bourgeois Buick Catling Conway Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hernandez Holzworth Houston McCarthy Nelson Nittrouer Odom Roe Sletten Steig Stone Teng Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Staff Students and Guests: Allstadt Bernard-Kingsley Briley Campbell Conrad Hansen Harrold
  • March 8, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday March 8 2013 3:30 pm 175 Johnson Hall Present Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Bodin Bourgeosi Brown Buick Catling Conway Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nesbitt Schmidt Sletten Steig Teng Vidale Waddington Winglee Wood Staff: Bernard-Kingsley Conrad Graduate students: Allstadt Harrold Tobin Adjuncts Affiliate USGUS: Joan Gomberg Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm Approval of Minutes of 2 8 2013 Faculty Meeting Open Session The draft minutes were circulated for review prior to the meeting and were approved Meeting Synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements a Gala abstract deadline is 3 8 2013 and judges for the poster & talk sessions needed Volunteers were to submit their names to Tom Tobin b Budget situation is still unclear A 2% pay increase is planned possibility of up to 3% If there state funds are not provided the merit increases will be funded by exiting sources and attrition c Annual reports are due April 1 If a report is not submitted you will not be meritorious d The early retirement plan for faculty is expected to be extended e A facilitator has been hired for the May 11 retreat In preparation the facilitator will hold meetings with small groups of faculty in April to discuss priorities for the department s future direction 2 Reports and Business a Curriculum Waddington : the MESSAGe proposals are being submitted to the College the week of March 11 2013 There was discussion of performance of ESS majors in ESS courses versus outside courses No correlation was found between how the students do in biology e g versus ESS The characteristics of struggling students and the basic required courses they are repeating were discussed and it was suggested that the faculty need to be more rigorous in enforcing the prerequisites It was noted that one of the reasons faculty have been flexible on the prerequisites is the sequencing of courses that impacts a student s ability to graduate A discussion about a minimum GPA for required courses including Math 124 and Chem 142 2 0 and 1 7 were suggested UW sets the minimum for a pass at 7 It was noted that the students must ultimately have a 2 0 in Math and Chem in order to graduate with an ESS degree The curriculum committee was going to review the performance in Math 124 and Chem 142 and recommend the minimum GPA for the prerequisites perhaps 90th percentile b Admissions Buick : 37 admits 21 visited open house 2 rejections to CalTech and UTA 4 acceptances c Promotion Merit Tenure: Reminded again about annual activity reports noted that there will be a number of mandatory promotions next year and asked others to alert the administration if they are interested in promotion The plan is for a committee report and vote for letters in May Faculty were reminded of the requirement for annual reviews peer evaluations and teaching evaluations 3 Old Business a Glaciology Search Waddington : As approved at the February 2013 faculty meeting the top three candidates have been invited to visit campus The interviews are planned for Thursday and Friday of the 2nd 3rd and 4th weeks of spring quarter b Fresh Water Initiative Steig : There are 4 positions and phone interviews are starting The search committee is determining who will be invited for campus visits and some may be of storing ESS interest
  • February 8, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday February 8th 2013 3:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 01 11 13 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Annual Reports are due April 1st and are a being used as part of the merit review process You should include the last 3 years of activity and cannot be found meritorious without submitting your report The Graduate Students received funding for 3 of their STF proposals 2 Reports and Business Admissions Buick 32 Students have been admitted If you have additional people that you would like to come to Open House you need to let the Admissions Committee know ASAP There will be a poster session rather than the usual seminar on that Thursday and there are still some sweeteners available if you have a student on the fence Curriculum Waddington ESS 119 and 546 were approved 519 received College approval and the Curriculum Committee is meeting with the College to see if there is a possibility to get more use out of Friday Harbor Labs Some of the faculty expressed concern regarding the expense of FHL and mentioned this is why they stopped running field trips up there Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager Annual Reports for grads are past due so faculty members should ensure they have met with their students to discuss their progress Committees and taking exams in a timely manner are being closely reviewed Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Harnett there is a push to the new Canvas system and there is a possibility of TA support over summer if there is significant interest in switching over multiple courses at once Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Holzworth Prelim committee will make a recommendation in executive session Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business Faculty Senate Update Harnett reported that the faculty senate is currently discussing introducing salary steps at the full professor ranks so that salaries don t stagnate Faculty Senate Update Harnett also reported that UW is reviewing its Intellectual Property rights agreements so anyone affected by this may want to review UW s policies GIS Lab Montgomery reported that a long term plan for the GISlab is being formulated and welcomes input Specifically what capabilities the lab should have and how to support it are being examined Family Day Winglee announced that a survey on how frequently we should hold family day and who is willing to participate would be going out and encouraged faculty to respond 4 Old Business Future of Ice Winglee reported that there is now a working document laying out the plans for this initiative Freshwater Initiative Montgomery reported that the search committee did a first pass of candidates and that there are some good geomorphology candidates that may be ESS or joint-ESS compatible Glaciology Search Waddington reported that they have 3-4 candidates they are interested in interviewing and that they expect to hold interviews and presentations in Spring quarter 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Bodin Buick Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gillespie GormanLewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nesbitt Odom Roe Schmidt Teng Waddington Winglee Chair Wood Staff Students and Guests: Allstadt Bernard-Kingsley Briley Campbell Conrad Hansen
  • January 11, 2013
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday January 11th 2013 3:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 11 02 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Edward Siegal has been attending classes and presentations He is allowed in the building but not in courses that he is not registered for If you see him causing a disturbance or attending your class when he is not registered please contact Michele Conrad UWPD is aware of the situation and are keeping an eye on the situation Update: Edward Siegal has now been banned from campus There will be a faculty retreat late this quarter or early next quarter It will be a one-day affair most likely on a Saturday The two big topics are: i Hiring Priorities needed because we have a bunch of new people and finished up searches so priorities may change It was decided that the junior faculty should lead a sub-committee to present at the retreat ii Growth Concerns many of our courses are bursting at the seams and we need to decide whether we continue to grow or start limiting growth A subcommittee of Creager Roe Houston Cowan Bergantz and Briley was established to generate some data on various options The Gala needs a keynote speaker and will send out an announcement asking for feedback on current nominees or if there are any new nominees The Gala will be held April 4th and 5th 2 Reports and Business Admissions The Research Program has 179 applications and wants 3 reviewers per file A demonstration of the new review program from the Graduate School was given Curriculum Nothing to report Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Graduate Annual Reports have gone out and are due Jan 22nd Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee One student still outstanding will be reviewed in the near future Promotion Reappointment and Merit As a reminder the Faculty Annual Reports need to be done for merit reviews and they are reviewing the last three years rather than just this year Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business MESSAGe Update the first cohort is going strong and an external overview committee has been established Licensing Update the licensing exam has recently revamped their requirements so that now almost all of our undergrads should meet the requirements by our current major requirements Also the licensing board will be visiting UW Feb 26th and will be giving a presentation and Q&A with our students Open House it was decided it was best to leave it on the planned date and have Nelson do the welcoming rather than try and move it to ensure Winglee s attendance 4 Old Business The College is pursing the establishment of an environment institute funded by private donations through the next UW Campaign drive It would have 1 million annual operating budget and the College is hoping to consult with much of UW to ensure that this is a university wide supported effort as well as being of use to a wide range of people It would fund research that would otherwise go unfunded particularly risky research Hazards initiative has created a broad proposal and is moving forward 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bergantz Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Holzworth Houston Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Steig Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Staff Students and Guests: Baker Briley Conrad Hansen Harrold Tobin
  • November 2, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday November 2nd 2012 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 10 05 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business Admissions Nothing to report Curriculum Waddington updated the faculty on the committee s progress Huntington s ESS 480 580 Advanced Isotope Geochemistry was approved ESS 546 Tsunami Hazards is routing and the prelim changes are in progress Undergraduate Program Roe presented on grades within the department Supporting sciences grades are discouraging ESS core course grades are better but not impressive electives are promising Overall GPA is less than 3 0 Questions are is this typical and what actions should we take change recruiting offer more ESS courses similar to ESS 310 Winglee suggested creating a geocomputing course or courses as CSE courses have very different priorities than a geology course would Graduate Program Nothing to report Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Bodin presented on the committee s activities i The slow internet is due to us sharing service with the HUB which recently reopened ii Video taping of courses is continuing if you want non-Apple software let the committee know iii USGS plotter is being replaced but are still working out the details iv Ed and Ali are prioritizing remote computing access for courses v Adobe CS6 is being added to the JHN 366 computer lab vi UW is moving from Moodle support to Canvas support ESS will support Moodle as long as needed The faculty were curious if the faculty should wait or if we should push for a department wide changeover during Summer maybe provide extra TA support Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Reporting in executive session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business Steig updated the faculty on the status of the freshwater initiative It is planning on 4 hires 2 within the CoEnv A draft ad was presented and it was discussed that we could potentially create a new Applied MS degree The search could commit us to a hire and might lead to multiple joint appointments A question was raised if we are represented adequately on the initiative and we have multiple representatives A motion to continue pursuing this initiative was passed unanimously 4 Old Business Winglee updated the faculty on the status of the budget ABB funding and RCR are changing to maintain similar funding levels ESS was 30k this year despite increasing SCH significantly Winglee will continue protesting the 50% College tax and has faculty support 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair essasst uw edu Present: Faculty: Bergantz Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Creager Crider Duvall Gorman-Lewis Hansen Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Roe Steig Stone Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Staff: Briley Conrad Hansen Greenberg
  • October 5, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday October 5th 2012 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 04 13 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Winglee called for faculty to attend the ExxonMobil recruiting dinner Winglee asked for some volunteers for the 3rd and 4th floor wardens Dave McDougal will be in contact in the near future to finalize the EEOP The departmental newsletter went out and Winglee thanked people for their contributions ExComm needs nominations by the end of the day for the open position Winglee did the annual call for donations to the Friends of ESS fund This fund supports many departmental events including open house orientation and the Gala Winglee announced ESS 211 has reached record numbers and we should expect a large surge through the other 200 & 300 core courses Winglee also let the faculty know that the department is willing to provide resources to assist in making courses more efficient to effectively handle larger class sizes 2 Reports and Business Admissions Nothing to report Curriculum Brown presented on the Flipping the Classroom initiative The goal is to have students watch the more non-interactive portions ie lectures before class then have more time for interactive portions Lectures are presented via video and interactive quizzes and lecture time is devoted to demos of key concepts and labs are used for practical experience There is some concern regarding copyrights that will be looked into and Brown encouraged all faculty to make sure they brand the lectures with the department personal info Winglee and Crider talked about the licensing information that was sent out The results are a bit surprising but do not include our students going into graduate school and are not particularly representative of our department as we are not a formal geology department Undergraduate Program Roe announced that the work to improve the BA is continuing and plans to present a breakdown of grades at the next faculty meeting Graduate Program Creager reminded the faculty that their students should be forming committees shortly after the prelim exams and that they should expect to hold general exams after the 3rd year Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Reporting in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business The Freshwater Initiative is getting off the ground has planned funding from multiple sources and is working on narrowing down on search areas and positions The Ice Initiative is the highest priority and is set for next academic year The NSF Hazards Proposal needs a lead faculty member and participants and should be 3 million over 4 years Faculty interested in participating should contact Winglee A committee consisting of Bergantz Nelson and Stone was established to look at the cost and usage of the MicroProbe and to make recommendations on how it should continue to operate Space is a growing concern We are currently at 95% capacity and any faculty with dry labs should consider moving or hosting graduate student and visitors in their labs Stone requested assistance in cleaning up and creating a purpose for JHN 422 Winglee has asked Harrell to clean up the prep areas in general to make them more usable 4 Old Business Winglee updated the faculty on the status of the budget State support remained flat and our ABB revenue was taxes at 50% by the College On the positive side temporary TA funds were converted into permanent funding and we received a net increase of 33k Winglee will continue to protest the tax amount The Glaciology Search Committee will make their report in the Executive Session 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bandfield Bergantz Bodin Brown Catling Cowan Creager Crider Duvall Gillespie Hansen Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nesbitt Roe Stone Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Chair Wood Students: Allstadt Campbell Harrold Staff: Briley Conrad Mullingan Guests: Bust Steele
  • May 11, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday March 14th 2012 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 04 13 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Dean Lisa Graumlich visited to discuss the College s strategic plan The College is emphasizing interdisciplinary proposals including the Freshwater Imitative Ice in the Environment and Catastrophic Hazards The College is sorting out budget issues and figuring out how to fund interdisciplinary programs fairly The College also has a goal of establishing a more formal communication process and looking into how the College can support faculty in interacting with the public Faculty feedback included that it would be more helpful for the College to provide infrastructure to promote communication rather than trying to run it and NASA was given as a good example Another feedback on the communication policy was that we should go for more targeted communication to make sure the people who need the information ie policy makers are getting it On funding interdisciplinary programs the faculty wanted more guidance on how it will work with cross-college collaborations as well not just intra-college It was also requested that staff support be provided for outreach programs as it currently is all departmental people volunteering time Kate Atatkurk was recognized as the CoEnv Dean s medalist Terry Swanson s promotion was announced Kate Huntington s successful retention was announced Winglee suggested that faculty interested in opening new searches use the Strategic Plan as a starting guide and try to make the searches so that they hit as many goals as possible Winglee announced the Ice Initiative will be sent out for feedback 2 Reports and Business Admissions Buick presented various admissions stats including 23 incoming students 13 MESSAGe 10 Research Program the results of looking at UW vs other schools in ASE pay and of the various reasons for declining Preferred program of study research areas at chosen institution was the most common factor Curriculum Faculty are encouraged to make Youtube videos of fieldwork for our outreach page Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Development - The Awards Ceremony will be held on May 17th and Family Day will be held on May 12th Oversight Conrad gave an end of the year update RCR took in more funds than spent but costs were up 111k The big costs included searches and graduate student recruitment Winglee explained that part of the search concerns was that in the past the Department Dean and Provost each contributed 33% but now the Dean and Provost were providing only 50% combined with the Department providing the other 50% Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Reporting in Executive Session Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 Old Business Geodesy will present in the executive session 4 New Business Retirement is changing faculty should look for emails in the near future 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bodin Bourgeois Brand Brown Buick Cowan Creager Crider Gorman-Lewis Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Odom Roe Steig Stone Vidale Waddington Winglee Chair Wood Students: Cash Tobin Staff: Briley Conrad Guests: Graumlich Meyers
  • April 13, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday March 14th 2012 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 02 03 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements The University s retention policy has been updated course evaluation comment sheets and course creation information must be kept please see http: f2 washington edu fm recmgt retentionschedules gs general for details eFECs contacts are Kathy Gabriel primary and Michele Conrad backup Family Day is May 12 2012 Odegaard Library is closed for the summer for renovations Congratulations to NSF Fellowship winners: Perry Spector Jillian Schleicher Courtney Ray Faculty were reminded of SAGE deadlines and asked that we check with OSP to see if they could incentivize good behavior by giving feedback for timely submitted proposals sooner than the last possible day 2 Reports and Business Curriculum Catling presented on the dual title Astrobiology proposal Graduate students would be able to earn either a dual title degree PhD in ESS and Astrobiology or as a certificate PhD in ESS with a certificate in Astrobiology Students would not be able to get an Astrobiology degree PhD in Astrobiology The department agreed to support the proposal The curriculum committee also recommended approval of an ESS 212 equivalent course at UW Tacoma and a Paleobiology research course Creager presented on the data analysis requirement for graduate students After discussion it was decided to administer it like the experimental learning requirement where students may take a course or show that they have the experience some other way Roe announced that the Math department has given approval for ESS 310 and the application will start routing Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Noell Bernard-Kingsley presented some admissions data 28 students visited 27 were given offers 20 declined offers 4 accepted and 3 are outstanding The faculty discussed whether the department may need to increase financial support especially in light of the College pushing for Tier II tuition Bernard-Kingsley was asked to run some stats on what our competitors pay RA s for consideration The faculty also gave the MESSAGe admissions committee permission to send acceptance letters at their discretion in the same way that the Research Program s admissions committee does so Development - The Awards Ceremony will be held on May 17th and John Garver will be present to honor Joe Vance s academic and philanthropic contributions Oversight Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 Old Business Geodesy will present in the executive session 4 New Business Winglee proposed moving some faculty around to better use the space in JHN as well as letting the new faculty be near their colleagues He proposed moving Emeritus faculty to the ground floor planetary science to the 2nd floor and applied geomorphology to the 3rd floor The faculty approved this and requested that a plan be presented to them prior to it being enforced Also some faculty suggested that they would be willing to do voluntary swaps and Winglee encouraged them to talk to him The Dean will be attending the next faculty meeting to present college initiatives and give clarity on big idea proposals The state budget gave no cut to higher education but tuition will still be increasing 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Hernandez Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Nelson Roe Steig Stone Swanson Vidale Waddington Winglee Chair Staff: Briley Conrad
  • March 14, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday March 14th 2012 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 02 03 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Annual Reviews will be held in Spring quarter Please make sure to complete your Faculty Activity Report and schedule your meetings if due 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Buick -19 offers have been made 3 are on the waitlist Faculty should get their reviews in ASAP and let the committee know if they are interested in someone on the potential deny list Crider The MESSAGe program received 20 apps aiming for a starting class of 10 students 5 students from UW a lot from Washington State There is already a committee but it can grow if needed Going for a smaller group so the program and internship links can develop Crider will present a list for the April faculty meeting Curriculum Nothing to report Development - Pete Paup has made a large donation of 300k to form a new deferred endowment More details on the endowment will be sent at a later time Oversight Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Will report in April Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Announcements will go out after Spring Break and final decisions are due no later than May 10th plaque awards are due May 7th 3 Old Business 4 New Business The College Strategic Plan was sent out it is promoting large interdisciplinary plans If you have any input on the plan please email Winglee A suggested interdisciplinary proposal was Arctic Antarctic Ice and Winglee requested a 2 pager by Spring Break Another potential plan was Earth Hazards Center Winglee asked the faculty to approve a hiring priority plan that placed Glaciology and Remote Sensing at the top The faculty requested an electronic survey to be sent out by Briley Update the results of the survey approved combining Remote Sensing and Planetary Sciences and the results were 1 Glaciology and 2 Remote Sensing Planetary Sciences The Search Committees will give an update in the Executive Session Cowan informed the faculty that we are current ranked 13 in ESS overall and are losing recruits to rank 34 and 58 schools This is something that should be considered when making offers 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Hernandez Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Nelson Roe Steig Stone Swanson Vidale Waddington Winglee Chair Staff: Briley Conrad
  • February 3, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday February 3rd 2012 3:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 01 06 12 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 Old Business 4 New Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements The ESS Gala abstracts are due March 2nd Allison Anders will be the guest speaker and the ESS Gala could use more judges and donations Please contact essgala uw edu for more information Geo Club is interested in doing lab tours if you are willing to participate please respond to the email Nathan will be sending out If you have ideas for what should be on the plaques to describe the various title patterns in Johnson please let Robert know Liz Nesbitt John Stone and Eric Steig were identified as knowing about some of the designs This year s children s day will be more like a fair will have outdoor displays donors and could use some more volunteers to help out If you are interested please contact Michele Conrad or David Rupp Faculty are required to get their lobbying reports done and should do so ASAP The fall Mt St Helens trip could use more real geologists to help out Right now it is Paul and Robert and a real geologist could make it more exciting and provide expertise These trips are important for our students and also are attended by donors Congrats to our graduate students who successfully applied for a student tech fee proposal Tobin Buskirk Hillbun and Harrold 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Buick updated the faculty on the admissions progress 30 invitations for open house were sent out 22 responded they would attend 5 requested an alternate date and 3 did not respond The first round of denials was sent out Open house attendees are not yet accepted and should not be informed otherwise The first round of acceptances will go out after open house has concluded Curriculum The 1503 standard to geology and endorsement changes and the Engineering Geology 447 547 proposals are proceeding through the necessary steps Holzworth presented on best teaching practices highlighting a student grading option he has been using He selects a reviewer for an assignment and all the other students turn in their homework to them The student selects the best answer for each problem to turn into the instructor as a solution set on which everyone is graded It makes it so the faculty is only grading one set and allows students to see the best answer to a given problem Students may contest their grades if they think they were unfairly graded by the reviewer Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report 3 Old Business 4 New Business Winglee announced that ESS has been requested to participate in Husky Day but is waiting to hear more details about the event before committing to participate The current retention policy was discussed and the faculty voted unanimously to continue using it Winglee presented on the current state of the space crunch As the department continues to grow we need to ensure we are using space efficiently Two options were presented i Have research groups control their areas and they are responsible for finding space within their area for any additions ii Have the Executive Committee work together to review the entire department for space needs They could also look into possible renovations as needed The faculty voted 1 opposed to take option ii Michele Conrad will send out a space survey to see current usage and need The department s Strategic Plan was discussed Many areas were identified that we would like to grow but it is currently unranked which will be discussed in April The department is pushing for performance based allocations and planning instead of maintaining the status quo as is current policy The current system is not sustainable and if funding does not grow we cannot continue to offer the 100 level courses at the level we currently do which will lead to a drastic reduction in the number of labs and SCH Currently TA s are being subsidized by research money and without more funding they will be converted back to RA s The department is pushing for funding based on SCH as this allows both planning and reward for effort 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bandfield Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nesbitt Nittrouer Sletten Steig Vidale Winglee Chair Wood Staff: Bernard Briley Conrad
  • January 6, 2012
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday January 6th 2012 3:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 3:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 12 02 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements The ESS Gala will be held March 29-30 and faculty working with undergrads should encourage them to participate They could also use more faculty judges If you have questions please contact essgala ess washington edu We are still having issues with getting JHN rooms but have been working with time schedule to make sure our priority is correctly considered Commencement will be Saturday at 9:00am Darrel Cowan nominated West Ward who got his graduate degree here and spend 33 years with the USGS The faculty unanimously approved this invitation and Winglee requested additional nominations for either next year or if West Ward is unable to attend An announcement was made concerning using personal vehicles for university business Unless your insurance allows business use you will not be covered so please double check The first day of Autumn 2012 has been moved to Monday Sept 24th Candidate meal reimbursement has been increased to 30 per faculty student including tip and still does not cover alcohol We need to get a strategic plan submitted so retreat write ups need to be in by Jan 12 If you know of someone who should be considered for a national organization ie AGU Fellows you should nominate them This increases both the department and their personal recognition and should be done for deserving faculty The Geodesy search ad was approved at the Assistant Associate level and will be posted shortly Stole designs are going out for a vote to both undergrads and the faculty 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Admissions stressed the need to get recruitment data in ASAP if people would like to recruit students A question was raised on how TA assignments were distributed Winglee explained 16 TA assignments are given out per quarter with priority given to underfunded faculty who do not already have TA support Curriculum A new prelim rubric was presented with revamped outcomes It was discussed including fairness across committees what the goals are for this exam and what role the exam committee should have versus the supervisory committee The draft was edited so that the decision to require a student who passes to Phd but whose advisor wants to get an MS first was clearly established as belonging to the supervisor solely and having nothing to do with this exam Two changes to our existing majors were presented in order to assist students desiring a state license The committee recommended renaming the standard option into a geology option as it is the closest to the traditional geology degree and adding an endorsement option meeting the licensing board s requirements available to all majors Both proposals were unanimously approved Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Lab capacity was discussed The department is feeling a space crunch which is making it harder for courses to get lab time when they need it Faculty should be aware of these needs when deciding if they need to be scheduled in labs every week or only some weeks Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report 3 Old Business A google docs signup sheet will be presented it is important that you sign up for the slots and the whole department should take part in this evaluation effort 4 New Business In response to last meetings request for new donation ideas Harnett presented a Omniglobe that generates a 3d image It costs 45k and could be used for both teaching and presentations Many models are open source and currently exist that we would be able to use The faculty unanimously approved adding this to the list of things to pursue for the next capital campaign 3 letterheads were presented and the faculty voted to use all three types of logos for letterhead 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bandfield Bergantz Bodin Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nesbitt Nittrouer Sletten Steig Vidale Winglee Chair Wood Staff: Bernard Briley Conrad Students: Harrold Hotovec Schleicher Spector Tobin
  • December 2, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday December 2 2011 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 10 07 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Holiday Party today from 4:00-7:00 Olivier Bachmann has accepted a position at Zurich and is leaving UW at the end of the academic year 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions It was announced that all materials this year would be online only and that faculty should fill out a MyGrad access form if they have not already done so Faculty also need to respond to the admissions recruiting survey so that we know if they would like students Winglee informed the faculty that there would be limited TA support for this admissions cycle due to increased demand by current students Curriculum Huntington presented on Best Teaching Practices and she can provide the powerpoint for those interested Winglee raised concerns about the core class teaching distribution with some classes only having one instructor year after year This can lead to burnout and if an instructor retires we have no backup Advantages include faculty not having to teach the same course perpetually and can have a more fair distribution but cons are that a new instructor has to be brought up to speed in order to teach it and that takes time The faculty approved going to two names per core course and the Executive Committee will work on generating possible names Crider agreed to present a prelim process update at the January faculty meeting Winglee stressed that there can be no more delays in the proposal as the changes need to be implemented before students start preparing for next year s exams Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing A large monitor has been installed in JHN 241 and the keyboard trays in JHN 366 have all been installed enhancing its multiuse ability Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Will report in executive session 3 Old Business The searches presented updates Space Sciences has narrowed their list down to 4-ish and will talk to some of the candidates at AGU Applied Geosciences plans on narrowing their medium list then going to electronic ballots Bachmann retiring adds urgency to needing to hiring into the volcanology group however the faculty voted to keep the search broad but to only consider stellar candidates regardless of area of expertise 4 New Business Winglee asked faculty to start thinking about big idea items for the upcoming capital campaign Some ideas that were floated were named chairs MS scholarships a named postdoc scholarship similar to other schools Commencement is being held at Century Link this year so if ours was on Saturday it would have to be done by 10:30 This means we can start Saturday morning at 8:00 or Thursday at 4:00 Update: after the meeting the University changed the time of the Commencement allowing ours to start at normal time Winglee presented on the Strategic Plan that was discussed at the retreat A goal of increasing majors over the next five years and increasing the FTE count to 30 was announced We will also likely see more lecturers to lead 100 level courses the 200 core classes will be increasing to 100 students 300 core classes increasing to 50 with more frequent offerings or adding more 300 core class options There is also a goal of reinvigorating the BA to make it more in line with professional goals It was also suggested that more faculty retreats could be useful A hiring plan needs to be turned in by Dec 16 and prioritizes hiring in critical areas 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bodin Brown Catling Creager Crider Gillespie Gomberg Gorman-Lewis Hallet Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Roe Sletten Steig Vidale Warren Winebrenner Winglee Staff: Bernard Brand Briley Conrad Students: Harrold Tobin
  • November 4, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday October 7 2011 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 10 07 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Jody Bourgeois has volunteered to be the faculty lead for the GeoClub Hawaii Trip We could use another faculty volunteer for the trip Jody Bourgeois was also elected to the executive committee and Bruce Nelson will stay on as ex officio The faculty retreat is November 5th 6th and the strategic plan will be discussed Mandatory trainings need to be completed Also if you have not done your mandatory federal reporting you also need to do that Peer reviews also need to be done they should be as often as Annual Reviews 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Winglee presented a possible change for new graduate student recruitments with them getting 1500 for moving and expenses after they accept and another 500 one-time award after their prelim exam for research The faculty unanimously approved Curriculum Brown did a call for Early Fall Start volunteers You get a month of salary and more information will be coming from the College No developments on the prelim policy Field camp has two sections the traditional six week program and a section being called 3 3 for 3 weeks of field work and 3 weeks of lab work The faculty were updated on the MESSAGe program and approved progress to date Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Winglee informed the faculty that a large TV was being installed in 241 for video conference presentations and that the JHN 021 Undergraduate Computer Lab was being upgraded to better support GIS courses Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Promotion Reappointment and Merit Will report in executive session 3 Old Business The proposed budget cuts represent a 5% department cut and is expected to be offset with expected tuition increases RCR is still growing Search committees will make a presentation in the executive session 4 New Business Seismology has recently been awarded a 2 million Moore Grant to implement an early warning system for the West Cost 3 schools in all received funding and in agreement with the College they are going to pursue a Geodesy search and hire It is expected that this position will be academic and will teach geodesy courses something we currently lack 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bodin Brown Catling Creager Crider Gillespie Gomberg Gorman-Lewis Hallet Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nelson Nittrouer Roe Sletten Steig Vidale Warren Winebrenner Winglee Staff: Bernard Brand Briley Conrad Students: Harrold Tobin
  • October 7, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday October 7 2011 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 05 13 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Congratulations to Kate Huntington Gina Schmalzle with their White House visit Fall Reception after meeting at 5:30 Holiday Party is Dec 2nd Violence Prevention Sexual Harassment and Diversity group trainings coming up Wilderness First Aid training in Fall quarter call coming up Anyone with Winter or Spring colloquium speaker suggestions should contact one of the coordinators Crider Roe Hallet 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions An outline of this year s process is as follows: i End of January we invite without admitting strong students ii We hold open house Feb 23 24 with first invites the next week iii We have all offers out by March 13 Buick has agreed to chair the committee this year Improved student support was brought up with the goal of retaining more students in the admission process Possible solutions was increasing funding possibly to 2k per student for research 2k for discretionary such as moving This could either be for all students or just select students Other possibilities are increasing TA RA rates Briley will look into this Other ideas were marketing faculty research and projects better so students know what is available or maybe giving students 4k to start up their own research projects Curriculum Brown discussed adding I&S to courses that are either already offering or could easily add I&S material to help with the Environmental Literacy focus The committee is going to contact instructors for courses it thinks are appropriate and other instructors may contact the committee as well Field Camp Cowan and Winglee discussed adding an additional field camp with 3 weeks in the field 3 weeks in the labs with a GIS Geospatial component to have a total mapping experience Someone asked how this affects state licensing and after Briley viewed the requirements online and contacted the office we now know that there is no field experience requirement for the education portion There was a call for who would take run the third field segment and interested instructors should contact Winglee Gregg Petrie s geospatial course have very high demand he is assigning mini-projects to students and could use another one so if any faculty have a project that could be done should contact him Roe wants to develop an ESS math course in place of Math 126 It would use applications to teach calculus rather than proofs Students would not take both but how the Math and ESS course would interact needs to be fleshed out Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Scholarship Nothing to report Prelim Committee Annual discussion about the prelim test format and possible results Five possible changes were discussed: i Pass into PhD or Pass into MS conditions are okay This is the same as the current system but is clearer on what results mean ii Pass or Fail conditions okay This would create difficulties in restricting students to MS or PhD as everyone would have same result but would let students pursue goals if they are ready iii Remove Exam This option would require student advisor s committees to have cojones to tell students they are not ready cannot go on if needed iv Have the student s committee do the exam They know the student best as they work with them directly but once again they would need the cojones to tell students they are not ready cannot go on if needed v Just use the General Exam as a make or break exam Students who were ready to go on to PhD would do so students who did well but not well enough would have a terminal MS and students who failed would either have to re-exam or be dropped The faculty decided to push this back to the curriculum committee and Robert instructed them to make sure if they pass something that it gets put into the guide before the next exams because we cannot change the format mid-process Promotion Reappointment and Merit Will report in executive session 3 Old Business Budget issues were discussed Enrollment is rising classroom sizes are rising space is not and we are getting bumped more often Tuition is rising state support is diminishing Committee assignments are up because full faculty are down We will need a new executive committee member because Bruce Nelson was selected for new Associate Dean of Research a ballot will go out soon Applied Geosciences update the program is called MESSAGe Masters in Earth and Space Sciences: Applied Geosciences track It is a 45 credit non-thesis degree 4 New Business Geoclub is making an AEG section Crider is advising Department sash sketches were presented and numbers 1 2 and 7 were well received and will be touched up for a department wide vote The faculty retreat is November 5th and 6th at Pack Forest A survey for headcounts and details will go out shortly 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Cowan Creager Crider Gorman-Lewis Hallet Harnett Hernandez Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Sletten Steig Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee Wood Staff: Briley Conrad Students: Harrold Hotovec Tobin
  • June 3, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday June 3 2011 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 05 13 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Reminder Spring BBQ at 4:00 Reminder Commencement Saturday June 11 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Nothing to report Curriculum The department will be funding lab modernization to increase efficiency in high demand classes The 200 core courses and 100 classes will be worked on first Goals are improving lab grading creating online tools to assist with lab prep and switching to easy to grade formats Development - Nothing to report Oversight RCR funds have a projected surplus in healthy shape helps with startups and a report will be presented Computing Nothing to report new teaching aids Scholarship Nearly complete with award decisions Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report 3 Old Business 4 New Business Ads Crustal Materials Space Physics and Master s lead ads were presented There were corrections and if the Dean approves they can be published Two members are finishing their terms on the executive committee Bruce Nelson and Drew Gorman-Lewis A new election will be held for the full professor slot and Olivier Bachmann volunteered for the new faculty slot Proposal deadlines need to be 5 days out in order to give time for review exemptions to this rule need to go through the Chair The faculty voted unanimously to give the Chair authority to approve post-doc positions 23 yes 0 no 18 absent 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hansen Harnett Hernandez Holzworth Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Odom Prager Sletten Swanson Vidale Warren Winglee Staff: Bernard Briley Conrad Rupp Students: Argento Huybers
  • May 13, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday May 13 2011 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 04 01 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Congratulations to Olivier Bachmann on his promotion to Associate Professor Reminder - Awards Ceremony will be May 19th Reminder - 10 Year Review will be May 23-24 Steven Walters introduced will be teaching an undergraduate GIS course Winter and possibly a graduate version Spring Safety averaging a significant accident every two years through no active fault of the participants but occurring through a set of unfortunate circumstance the most recent occurring on a field trip this Spring The Wilderness First Aid course is appropriate for situations like this and faculty should participate and encourage any of their students who may do remote field work to take the course It had a 50 fee this year but the goal is for next year to have a 50 fee refunded on successful completion of the course Also sat phones are an invaluable tool and Mike Harrell handles the checking out of them 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Announced changes in open house with invites going out at the end of January for strong candidates not yet admitted and Open House being the third week of February Initial offers would follow right after Open House This was approved by the faculty present Curriculum The curriculum committee announced that the 200 core classes have had their entry requirements changed to prevent people retaking the class from registering until period 2 all current students will get an opportunity to register prior to someone retaking it The curriculum committee is going to explore making the major minimum requirements major and will work on crafting specific requirements to present to a faculty meeting The integrated science degree is on track to come online next year and the committee expects it will increase enrollments in our 200 core classes by 20 per year The college support of this degree is very high Robert expects that there is a chance for college support for the additional burden and it could be a strategic investment There were no objections to continue ESS s involvement The committee recommends that ESS 594 be changed to a tutorial style class with many different faculty teaching it It would have an assigned faculty the instructor schedule faculty to come and present and would have quarter themes writing data analysis etc This means faculty would need to use seminar to access first year students Noell made an announcement about the climate minor It is now up and running involves multiple CoEnv departments and is administered by PCC Development - Nothing to report Oversight Michele Conrad will create a report on the 75 budget for Oversight Computing Ed and Ali presented on electronic teaching aids The goal is to increase students without increasing workload Ed presented a possible setup involving two cameras a powerpoint and a tablet to have digital and interactive presentations This would allow for both live streaming and recording and replaying Possible uses are lectures with class time being devoted to questions and lab explanations to give more time for labs themselves The system is designed to be easily upgradable to adapt to future needs Ali presented on new online tools namely Moodle 2 0 This has expanded possibilities including more indepth and varied quizzes expanded grade book options and UW netID authentication This will allow students to login without needing to create a Moodle specific account ESS 101 103 211 212 and 213 all volunteered to explore using these new teaching aids Scholarship Nearly complete with award decisions Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Will report in executive session 3 Old Business Master s program update The new plan is to propose it through ABB vs Education Outreach EO has a 50% tax would be forced to use their equipment and couldn t use their equipment for non-MS purposes funding overall is expected to be about the same and it will be easier to change Would have a faculty director as well as a hiring a faculty program manager and lecturers Hydrogeology and fluvial geomorphology are up and running GIS is close and engineering is finalizing their courses The program would qualify you to be a state geologist The new faculty program manager would need an appropriate title as it is more than a lecturer but not quite a tenure track position Montgomery and Crider were both nominated as possible directors 4 New Business Hiring Plans the highest priority is Space Sciences followed by Crustal Materials Dean will possibly support both advertising for both and the executive session will form search committees Teaching Loads need to be addressed the preliminary proposal is that for a two year average instructors would be expected to 4 substantial large lectures 10 students and 2 seminars 2 large lectures 1 seminar per year The executive committee will draft proposed guidelines for proposal at another faculty meeting Proposal Writing support increase The dept presently spends about 16k of RCR supporting research proposal development Robert suggested raising it from10% of 1 month to 20% of one month The motion passed unanimously Cowan presented on possible changes to the Capstone ESS 400 Currently it is something that sets us apart from other campus departments and many other ESS departments around the country and is very well received by students However demand is growing past what the course can actually serve as demonstrated with 68 students requesting to go this year and only 45 being accepted The proposal is to significantly change the course with it only being 3 weeks in Dillon followed by 3 weeks of in JHN The in JHN portion would be used to tie field work to lab work and give students a comprehensive experience This would allow two groups to go increasing the number of class slots cut the course fee in half and involve more faculty than just the two that currently do it There is a call for volunteers Robert reminded the faculty that we are lucky that the same two faculty one of them not even a professor here lead this year after year and that other people should step up if they are able to 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by Nathan Briley Assistant to the Chair nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bachmann Bandfield Bergantz Bodin Booker Bourgeois Brown Buick Catling Conway Cowan Creager Crider Gomberg Gonzales Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Sletten Steig Stone Swanson Vidale Winglee Wood Staff: Bernard Briley Conrad Harrell Mulligan Nikkhah Students: Argento Carns Castle Huybers
  • April 1, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday April 1 2011 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 03 11 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements This year s commencement speakers will be Joe Dufek and Carol Paty Faculty Annual Reports are due April 30th a reminder will be sent out New Administrator: Michele Conrad will start April 11th She is coming to us from Sociology Sociology is about the same size as ESS with less research grants Photos of stuff at Sandpoint will be online soon Claim your stuff or it will be thrown out Newsletter is coming out soon If you have a story to share please send it to chair ess washington edu Pictures are welcomed The Gala was a success and pictures are currently on our website If you have a student who participated encourage them to submit a slide as well 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Creager reported many graduate students still need to have their forms turned in An email will go out notifying those who still need to get them turned in Admissions Cowan reported that 29 offers had been made 12 declined 3 accepted and 14 are outstanding 1 ARCS 1 GO-MAP 3 Top Scholars and 1 PCC Fellowship had been offered Winglee requested that if one of your students has a pending award and has not made a decision to please try to figure out where they stand so we can reallocate the funds if needed Computing Harnett reported that Ed is busy setting up a new Moodle and that 366 is undergoing some changes to make webcasts possible and Winglee reported that it will also be convertible from computer lab to classroom and back Curriculum Nothing to report Cowan asked what the committee plans on doing about record demand for field camp He has proposed for this year to prioritize it based on who needs it to graduate this year or next June Also promoted alternatives such as lab experience Houston suggested possible other programs being advertised Winglee pointed out that ESS 594 will need an instructor for the incoming graduate students and that the committee should suggest someone Development - Getting a steady stream of donations There is a new Mindlin speaker Paul Hoffman He is doing snowball earth seminars and will give an ESS seminar prior to his Autumn public lecture Oversight Nothing to report Scholarship Buick reported that the call has gone out and that students will be asking for letters of reference and asked that people please write them Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Winglee requested that Faculty Activity Reports be submitted on time especially if you wish to be considered for a promotion 3 Old Business None 4 New Business Vidale reported PNSN took over the Eastern Washington Seismic Stations They anticipate this brining in 300 - 400 thousand but do not know how much the manpower will cost Vidale also reported that they are pushing the early earthquake warning system which gave a couple minutes notice in the Japan earthquake It is estimated that it would cost 300 million over the next 10 years to outfit the west coast but whether this will actually occur is anyone s guess Holzworth notified those present that an update on the Atmospheric Electrodynamics Position will be presented in the executive session Winglee briefed about Swanson s text proposal He is asking for help in contributing to an ESS 101 text in place of the current book Textbook costs have been on the rise and if instructors can move to public domain or online resources this could help alleviate some of the student burden Swanson had informed Winglee that when he made the textbook optional he saw enrollment jump 50 students 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes by Nathan Briley Program Coordinator nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Brown Buick Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gomberg Gorman-Lewis Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Prager Roe Sletten Steig Stone Swanson Vidale Winglee Wood Staff: Bernard Briley
  • March 11, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday March 11 2011 2:30pm 022 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:30 p m Approval of Minutes of 02 11 11 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved as amended for attendance change Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements ESS Gala still need donations Call for commencement speaker if anyone has a suggestion they should pass it along to Robert 10 Year Review will be May 23-24 QRC Hiring Steig announced that the QRC has some funding and will be looking to hire two new positions including one possibly being ESS They are still forming the offerings and will give an update when possible Other departments are also looking into funding the QRC 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Cowan reported that there are 21 outstanding offers 4 declines and 1 has accepted The committee will start making award offers Wednesday Cowan encouraged faculty to contact him if they have Computing Bodin reported that ESS computing will be investigated due to how efficient we are and possibly an example for the college Curriculum Bergantz reported that prelim exam review was making progress and that the committee intends to review breadth courses If anyone is interested in teaching breadth courses they should contact the curriculum committee The committee will also be reviewing the B S options and required courses to the requirements are fulfilling the teaching goals Development - Nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Nathan Briley will be sending an email soon concerning faculty activity Scholarship Bergantz reported that the call for scholarships has gone out Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report 3 Old Business Professional Master s Program The search committee has 4 applications Tim Abbe has already been brought on for Fluvial Steve Walters will be developing a GIS program The department is working with CEE in course development It was pointed out they are going to start also reporting to the College of the Environment and asked what effect this may have They were doing this regardless of the program and the effect is unknown The goal is potentially having more students take intro geology courses so that the courses can focus on more upper geology Budget Cuts The numbers in the media are only hypothetical at this point as are named cuts such as PNSN and Arboretum The PNSN is being moved out of the department as a fixed cost This leaves less of a pool for cuts as well as creates a more accurate count of faculty FTE We are also currently down two staff positions with Judi and Kelly gone Nathan Briley is covering Kelly s duties and Robert hopes to make an offer for an Administrator next week 4 New Business Lounge Issues JHN 165 has been updated as a lounge and as such should no longer be used for regular meetings or classes JHN 241 ATG 154 and the Chair s Conference room are all alternatives and the lounge should be used as a last resort TA Usage Enrollments TA s need to work 20 hours or less a week We are currently seeing record enrollments in our core classes It is very likely the TA budget will be cut so faculty need to be thinking about how to reach more efficiently time wise or what needs to be dropped The department also needs to think about where it is going Many science departments are closing their doors leading to our surge We can either close as well or rethink how we teach Activity based budgeting is going to 60:40 from 80:20 declared teach Possible solutions to the over enrollment are institution minimum requirements for the major or restricting classes to majors Core classes should meet with the curriculum committee to discuss efficiencies or what should be cut A request for the actual formula determining how the TA fund will be allocated was made Field camp - currently has more interest than it can possibly do Options include having two field camps which would need another faculty person to lead or alternatives to field camp such as research experience or lab experience Chair Search Committee is being formed Strategic Plan needs to be current in case an opportunity presents itself It should also be updated if possible with the 10 year review in a couple of months If someone has a change they would like made they should send it to Robert Might need to address the current situation of over enrollment 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes by Nathan Briley Program Coordinator nab8 uw edu Present: Faculty: Abramson Bachmann Bergantz Bodin Booker Buick Conway Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gomberg Gorman-Lewis Hallet Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Sletten Steig Stone Swanson Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee Staff: Bernard Briley Kumma Students: Argento Huybers
  • February 11, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday February 11 2011 2:30pm 022 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of Minutes of 12 3 10 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and were approved as amended for time change Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements ESS Gala was changed to March 30-31 in Johnson Hall Information can be found at https: sites google com site essgala2011 Gala representatives encouraged faculty to encourage the students to participate They also asked for donations to support the Gala and reminded all that ESS pint glasses would be given to donors Awards Ceremony May 19 2011 MyGrad Access Noell - Noell Bernard handed out MyGrad forms to the faculty and asked they fill out the forms and return them to her She noted faculty will need access for admissions procedures this year and next Photo Board Chair s Assistant Kelly Kumma announced that she has about half of the photos necessary to complete the new ESS photo board She requested faculty with missing photos send her usable digital photos or have one taken with the department camera Chair Winglee announced that ESS Administrator Judi Gray would be leaving ESS for Undergraduate Affairs in Mary Gates Hall She thanked Judi for her many years of service to ESS and wished her the best of luck in her new position Friday Harbor Labs Strategic Plan Ken Sebens Director Ken Sebens gave a presentation on the Friday Harbor Labs location He explained that there are many ways ESS could use this property both for classroom research as well as for personal use when there is space available He encouraged all ESS members to contact him for information about booking the property Holzworth asked if ESS could put a lightning mast at that site for research purposes and Sebens agreed that this would be within the scope of the nature of the facility 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Cowan reported that ESS has admitted 21 and 1 of those has declined We invited most of them to the open house We have also been in touch with international students and are arranging travel for those candidates There is one PCC fellowship to award as well as two ARCS fellowships The open house is in two weeks Cowan reported that Noell and Nathan from Student Services will be arranging meetings with research groups and grad students Additionally there will be a 2nd more informal open house in March Contact Noell Bernard for a list of confirmed students Creager added that ARCS allows for two student submissions and encouraged faculty to contact him with questions on that process Computing nothing to report Curriculum o Brown reported that the idea of an integrated science program was discussed three years ago however was tabled for budget concerns This discussion has been brought back to life and the committee will submit a slightly modified proposal soon The main concern is adding more students to the 200 level classes that are already full Crider pointed out the alternative is 210 Brown has proposed that and this option is being considered o Brown reported that the new buzz-word in environmental studies is environmental literacy which was a hot topic when the COEV was set up buzz words in setting up the college of environment He noted that there will be some word-smithing done at the UW level to make it a UW version Warren notes that the current definition does not include the natural world and currently only addresses environmental problems Winglee agreed and does not want the focus to be only on environmental problems He asks curriculum committee to represent ESS and them to bring to the forefront that the natural world is important o Brown reported on graduate curriculum graduate students were polled on breadth courses and disciplinary courses Responses were mixed Students are generally happy to have the courses but have offered some suggestions Brown would like faculty teaching the breadth courses to get together and discuss some new options Winglee suggests rotating teaching faculty in order to offer some variations Huntington suggested combining forces to change things up a bit rather than adding a whole new course Faculty generally agreed and decided those teaching breadth courses would meet and explore options Development Winglee reported that the Mindlin lecture was just held and was a huge success There was a full house of 450 attendees including the President and the Dean Faculty discussed bringing in a new Mindlin lecturer for the upcoming year and that the budget for this was around 4k Oversight Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report 3 New Business Winglee announced that Mike Harrell is available for anyone with class labs to get organized If faculty have inventory stored at Sandpoint they need to sort it and eliminate as best you can so that the department can move inventory from Johnson Hall to the Sandpoint location The department will pay for a dumpster and Winglee urged faculty to do some spring cleaning 4 Old business Budget cuts: looking at 5 billion and the units are possibly taking double digits cuts The University will probably balance it with a double digit increase in tuition Statement from ESS is that we cannot take 10% cut 80% is in faculty salaries 7% is PNSN 13% is staff and TA Discussions are continuing at 5% and 10% cut scenarios ESS refusing to provide 10% scenario He advised everyone to be prepared to adapt He reminded faculty to come to him ASAP for TA funding support numbers 10-Year-Report: 10-year review was postponed due to bad weather the outside evaluators could not travel to Seattle They might reschedule for 1st week of spring quarter Winglee suggested to groups that they keep working and to use the time wisely 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:36 p m Minutes by Kelly Kumma Assistant to the Chair Kumma uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Booker Bourgeois Brown Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Mercer Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Swanson Steig Stone Swanson Waddington Ward Winebrenner Winglee Chair Wood Staff: Bernard Kumma Students: Argento
  • January 7, 2011
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday January 7 2011 2:30pm 022 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:35 p m Approval of Minutes of 12 3 10 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and no revisions were received A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes The motion was passed unanimously by the quorum of faculty present Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Chair Winglee turned the floor over to ESS Gala representatives Bret Buskirk and Osa Igbinosun They announced that the Annual ESS Gala would be held March 31 and April 1 2011 Oral presentations would be in the mornings and poster sessions in the afternoons with a banquet and awards ceremony on Friday evening from 5:00pm to 10:00pm They asked for volunteers from the faculty to serve on the awards committee Swanson Crider Gorman-Lewis and Steig Huntington suggested also adding Gary Gray from Exxon-Mobile to the committee as he did an excellent job last year 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Nothing to report Graduate Program Nothing to report Admissions Cowan informed the faculty that as of January 5th there were 107 completed applications and 184 total a substantial increase from last year He asked that faculty be available to review the student application files He commended Nathan and Noell on their collaborative efforts on the application website Cowan said the site is excellent and that he ll send a link around to the faculty so that they can view it as well Winglee noted that if you need TA support for a student to please contact him promptly as TA funds have been reduced dramatically There was a discussion among faculty members regarding the current admissions process and whether or not to change the order of the open house prior to accepting students to ESS A motion was made to continue with the current scenario 12 votes for 9 against no abstentions Winglee suggested revisiting this discussion after the admissions process this year to see if it needs adjustment He advised faculty to screen students thoroughly to ensure that they will be a good fit for ESS Computing nothing to report Curriculum 3 o Brown reported that he will report early in Winter Quarter on the graduate response to the survey concerning courses o There is also concern on the continuity of the prelim process from year to year main items of contention are the process and there is concern over categories i e pass and pass with distinction About half of the students are passed directly to PhD program and the rest are given option to continue with master s work and be reconsidered for PhD later Brown noted that other departments separate the process The Curriculum Committee is going to make a recommendation that a partial cure is to establish a more definitive rubric for the prelim process Brown reported that the oral presentation is a just fraction of what the prelim process should be The Committee would like to see a more critical evaluation of examinees Grad Student Representative David Argento would like to see welldefined expectations and felt this would be the most helpful toward the students After a lengthy discussion among faculty Chair Winglee proposed new categories be defined as: Pass Pass w entry to PhD Pass w conditions Retake Fail o Winglee reminded faculty that the department no longer guarantees RA TA support for master s students and noted that ESS is going to launch Professional MS Program soon o ESS 212 and 311 are enrolled at record levels Partly due in part to increase in majors as well as a shift in major requirements as well It was noted that other departments are launching 100-level courses to compete with ABB modeling Some faculty pointed out that it is too difficult to find the ESS classes the way ESS is appearing in the schedule Winglee stated he would talk to the COEV about this issue Development nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Prelim Committee Nothing to report Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report New Business There was no new business 4 Old business Budget Cuts: UW needs to cut low performing units The Provost has issued a report to set up criteria for Program Evaluation a continuing effort to quantify how departments are performing ESS received a new rubric sent by the Dean s office Winglee informed faculty that he will continue to solicit information from them regarding this subject Winglee asks faculty to send information containing information on their publications national excellence awards and high profile students in the last year Budget cuts: Discussions are continuing at 5% and 10% cut scenarios ESS refusing to provide 10% scenario Winglee noted that 80% of the ESS budget is in faculty salary and 7% is in PNSN funding He advised everyone to be prepared to adapt He reminded faculty to come to him ASAP for TA funding support numbers 10-Year-Report: Winglee had the faculty generate statements to deliver to the 10-Year Review Committee Each group came up with a focused topic or theme Topics included: ESS has pioneered many new fields in the last 10 years and looking to grow and move forward in the next 10 years Faculty identified rigorous coursework undergrads involved in research and the experiential learning process in place in ESS at UW Winglee asked faculty groups to be ready to present to the Review Committee Feb 3 and 4 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:36 p m Minutes by Kelly Kumma Assistant to the Chair Kumma uw edu Present: Faculty: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Booker Bourgeois Brown Catling Cowan Creager Crider Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington McCarthy Mercer Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Nittrouer Odom Roe Swanson Steig Stone Swanson Waddington Ward Winebrenner Winglee Chair Wood Staff: Bernard Kumma Students: Argento
  • November 5, 2010
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday November 5 2010 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:32 p m Approval of Minutes of 10 01 10 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and no revisions were received A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes The motion was passed unanimously by the quorum of faculty present Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Chair Winglee welcomed back Kelly Kumma Assistant to the Chair as she had been out on extended medical leave Winglee announced the addition of personnel in Student Services Noelle Bernard has accepted the position and would be starting in ESS soon He asked everyone to make her feel welcome David Rupp is organizing the Bring Your Child to Work Day for ESS and some grad students are going to assist Winglee thanked Rupp for taking initiative to do that project There will be a Husky football game at 5:00pm on Thursday November 18th The department will be closing early that day to allow employees to leave campus Traffic is expected to be extraordinarily heavy that day and parking will be limited at best Winglee advised alternatives to driving to work that day to alleviate some of the impact Winglee thanked all faculty who made donations to the discretionary fund He encouraged continued support 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program ESS211 hit record 84 students 30% increase Number of possible causes: moving to CoE Nichols recruiting new major requirements and less general classes offered ESS212 will need another lab section cannot have more than 26 Nathan and Olivier will work on it Graduate Program Surge in grad students from 70ish to 88 desks are full Admissions Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report 3 Curriculum was charged with doing a full evaluation of the prelim process Booker is retiring and without replacement faculty running of ESS 494 in its present form will be difficult Committee will make recommendations on how to proceed this qtr Peter Ward noted that Biology has created a minor in paleontology with a summer field component Development nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report Prelim Committee happened on September 24 27 and 28th Executive committee will discuss results Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report New Business Budget cuts - UW getting a 6 3% cut unsure how this will affect the department Unlike prior cuts there will be no tuition increase to soften it amounts to about 180k cit Means cutting TA s faculty or staff cuts A suggestion of more faculty buyout was made though this would impact the number of classes we could teach Agreed form a subcommittee that included the executive committee to evaluate the best ways to make the proposed cuts 4 Old business 10-yr report is due Nov 1 at the graduate school A summary of the self study was made including statistics of FTEs grants and contracts student credit hours and age demographics The status of Masters in Applied Earth Sciences option was discussed including findings of the market survey that was e-mailed to the faculty prior to the faculty meeting A need to find a lead on the program was cited as critical to moving forward with the program 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:40 p m Minutes by Nathan Briley Program Coordinator nab8 u washington edu Present: Faculty: Bandfield Booker Brown Catling Creager Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nittrouer Odom Swanson Stone Vidale Waddington Ward Warren Winglee Chair Wood Staff: Briley Gray
  • October 1, 2010
    • Minutes University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday October 1 2010 2:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Department Chair Robert Winglee called the meeting to order at 2:32 p m Approval of Minutes of 05 07 10 Open Session minutes The draft minutes were circulated for review and no revisions were received A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes The motion was passed unanimously by the quorum of faculty present Meeting synopsis: 1 Announcements 2 Reports and Business 3 New Business 4 Old Business 5 Adjournment 1 Announcements Katie Atakturk representing the Geoclub discussed plans for Geolcub this year including a possible spring break trip to Utah A call was made for potential faculty grad student participation for this trip A presentation of How to Apply to Graduate School by Prof Bruce Nelson will be held on Oct 12 Department newsletter will be launch sometime in Fall stories needed Calls for future Exploration Seminars is presently out 2 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program ESS211 hit record 84 students 30% increase Number of possible causes: moving to CoE Nichols recruiting new major requirements and less general classes offered ESS212 will need another lab section cannot have more than 26 Nathan and Olivier will work on it Graduate Program Surge in grad students from 70ish to 88 desks are full Admissions Nothing to report Computing Nothing to report Curriculum was charged with doing a full evaluation of the prelim process Booker is retiring and without replacement faculty running of ESS 494 in its present form will be difficult Committee will make recommendations on how to proceed this qtr Peter Ward noted that Biology has created a minor in paleontology with a summer field component Development nothing to report Oversight Nothing to report 3 Prelim Committee happened on September 24 27 and 28th Executive committee will discuss results Promotion Reappointment and Merit Nothing to report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Nothing to report New Business Budget cuts - UW getting a 6 3% cut unsure how this will affect the department Unlike prior cuts there will be no tuition increase to soften it amounts to about 180k cit Means cutting TA s faculty or staff cuts A suggestion of more faculty buyout was made though this would impact the number of classes we could teach Agreed form a subcommittee that included the executive committee to evaluate the best ways to make the proposed cuts 4 Old business 10-yr report is due Nov 1 at the graduate school A summary of the self study was made including statistics of FTEs grants and contracts student credit hours and age demographics The status of Masters in Applied Earth Sciences option was discussed including findings of the market survey that was e-mailed to the faculty prior to the faculty meeting A need to find a lead on the program was cited as critical to moving forward with the program 5 Adjournment The open session adjourned to the Executive Session at 3:40 p m Minutes by Nathan Briley Program Coordinator nab8 u washington edu Present: Faculty: Bandfield Booker Brown Catling Creager Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Montgomery Nittrouer Odom Swanson Stone Vidale Waddington Ward Warren Winglee Chair Wood Staff: Briley Gray
  • April 10, 2009
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday April 10 2009 - 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Minutes Present: Bachmann Bandfield Bourgeois Brown Buick Conway Cowan Creager Gillespie Gonzalez Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Odom Nesbitt Nittrouer Roe Sletten Stone Swanson Vidale Waddington Warren Winebrenner Winglee chair Wood Brand Students: Morgan Walsh Staff: Fernkes Gray Mercer Absent: Anderson Bodin Buick Conway Hallet Hernandez Mercer Montgomery Nelson Nesbitt Odom Sletten Swanson Ward Winebrenner Call to Order - Meeting of Faculty in Open Session Winglee called the open session to order Approval of Minutes The open session minutes of the 3 13 09 faculty meeting were unanimously approved Announcements Pacific Science Center Event Harnett Professor Bandfield and graduate students will be involved in a Pacific Science Center event Posters have been posted around the building Harnett invited those interested to attend and thanked those who have volunteered Student Services Summer & Autumn Quarter Coverage Winglee Fernkes is pregnant and will be gone on maternity leave this summer through October Amara Simons will also be gone mid July to mid August ESS Events Winglee Please mark your calendars for the following events: ESS Awards Ceremony on Thursday May 21 from 3:30-5:00 p m in JHN-102 ESS End-of-the-Year BBQ on Wednesday June 3 from 4:30-6:00 p m in the JHN Courtyard ESS Graduation Celebration on Saturday June 13 from 10:00-11:30 a m in JHN-102 Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe No report Graduate Program Report Waddington Amara Simons and he are requesting the formation of Supervisory Committees for Graduate Students It has been 6 months since the last estimate of funding and support plans so expect to hear from the Graduate Program Committee once admissions if finalized 1 Standing Committees: Admissions Cowan Out of 148 applications we have made 38 offers 26 were invited to the open house Nichole has been looking at comparisons from previous years but no official report was made Cowan mentioned that the National Science Foundation has yet to announce the recipients of Graduate Support grants and that may influence the number of acceptances we receive Winglee asked that faculty try to reduce the number of late visitors and acceptances next year as the cost of travel increases It was noted that it is difficult to know before meeting with the individual graduate students Cowan thanked the faculty who have taken the time to contact potential graduate students Winglee thanked Darrel and Nichole for a job well done Computing Bodin No report Curriculum Stone for Brown All of the 200 level core instructors have met and discussed gaps and overlaps in courses The Curriculum committee plans to contact and meet next with the 200L and 300L core instructors then with 300L core instructors to discuss gaps and overlaps Development Winglee Board of Regents have met and are implementing reductions in the pay out of 25% this year and an addition 25% next year for a total of about 40% reduction over the next two years Our department keeps a buffer so that the reduction overall will only be 10% relative to last year Perhaps the following year will be another 10% The amount that actually goes to an RA will probably increase another 10% so the total number of RA quarters available will decrease by a total of about 20% for this year Oversight Bodin Steig No report Judi Gray has the information available for this year usage Prelim AU08 Booker Gillespie No report Promotion Reappoint & Merit Creager Gillespie No Report Scholarships Fellowships & Awards Buick Berganzt No Report New Business Faculty Senate Elections Winglee An e-mail with a voting ballot was sent out to faculty Winglee asked for volunteers Once we have two volunteers an e-mail will be sent to faculty The votes are due Wednesday April 29 2009 Strategic Plan for ESS Winglee A strategic plan is required from the Department as we begin our transition into the College of the Environment An e-mail with an initial draft was sent to all faculty comments and suggestions were requested Winglee reviewed the initial draft with the faculty beginning with last year s hiring priorities Winglee will update it to include the future lack of funding for new hires the increase in student scheduled hours versus the decrease in faculty numbers A suggestion for the mission statement was made that ESS s emphasis be our commitment to increasing knowledge in the core sciences and in addition our commitment to the study of the environment Another suggestion to 2 stress the need for additional research faculty was made Winglee requested that feedback be returned to him by April 13 2009 A motion was made and seconded to accept the Strategic Plan subject to revisions All faculty present were in favor 42 eligible 27 yes 0 no 0 abstained 15 absent Old Business UW A&S Budgetary Situation Update Winglee Winglee explained how the budgets are still in flux and discussed the two separate budgets mentioned in the news Please contact your legislators but do not use the University of Washington resources to do so Winglee discussed the budgetary impact of tuition increases to 14% He suggested that we wait until the dust settles before making plans Everyone will be kept up to date on this issue Winglee suggested that if possible faculty should post their class papers and notes on a class website to try and reduce the cost of printing College of the Environment Update Winglee Winglee forwarded an e-mail to faculty with a memo from the Dean of Arts & Sciences that discussed the move towards quantitative methods This was followed by a memo from the Provost to the Dean Cuts would be based on learning discover excellence impact and visibility Winglee will provide statistics but the pressure remains on us to keep classes full and turn reports in a timely manner No comments or questions were presented The RCEP letter was sent out It is believed that Oceanography and Aquatic Fishery Sciences will join later since their letters were sent out too late to join July 1 2009 They will most likely join near the end Autumn Quarter A question was raised about the e-mail forwarded to faculty regarding the Dean of Arts & Sciences decision on ESS remaining joint Department after our move to the College of the Environment The Dean did not see any value in retaining ESS as a joint department but that we could still plan on continuing the Integrated Science Program and double degrees could be worked out across the two colleges Some discussion about other departments that hold joint status occurred A question about the search for the Dean of the College of the Environment was raised Winglee reported that there is currently no search It is believed though that a donor has provided funds for support of a new top-level Dean Molecular Engineering Building Update The planning for the building is still underway but no one knows if they will begin construction any time soon Adjournment Professor Winglee adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p m 3
  • March 13, 2009
    • Minutes Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday March 13 2009 - 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Minutes Present: Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Bourgeois Brown Buick Conway Cowan Creager Gillespie Gonzalez Gorman-Lewis Harnett Holzworth Houston Odom Nesbitt Nittrouer Roe Sletten Stone Swanson Waddington Warren Winebrenner Winglee chair Wood Brand Students: Morgan Walsh Staff: Fernkes Gray Mercer Call to Order - Meeting of Faculty in Open Session Winglee called the open session to order Approval of Minutes The open session minutes of the 2 06 09 faculty meeting were unanimously approved Announcements Robert thanked everyone who participated in the voluntary reduction of phones The Department will save 15 000 a year 1 3 reduction in phone operating costs This is equivalent to 3 T A Quarters A notice was sent out regarding the lead bricks that have become available in ATG 056A These are radiation free Please contact Robert if you would like to salvage any of these A speaker for Commencement 2009 is needed any suggestions for potential speakers usually Alumni should be forwarded to Robert for consideration Reports and Business Undergraduate Roe No report Graduate Report Waddington No report Standing Committees: Admissions Cowan We have accepted 32 students Six declined one deferred three accepted One of those three that accepted has been offered the PCC fellowship Waddington asked what advice the Admissions Committee would give those who have already made offers Cowan advised that we still have a couple of signing bonuses or RAs available and please contact the committee if you d like to utilize those It was noted that the committee has done a great job Cowan acknowledged the help of the student services staff Computing Bodin No report Curriculum Brown Brown gave a presentation that summarized the committees work in reviewing the undergraduate program The committee s current focus is on the transition into the College of the Environment and the review of our current goals since it has been ten years since the last major restructuring of the undergraduate program One issue discussed was the 90 credit limit we currently have on required courses Most other universities have more than 90 credits required and the transition to the College of the Environment is an opportunity to reconstruct a degree program Brown discussed program assessment in light of the decadal requirements and accreditation requirement that will be coming soon The committee suggests that there be more consideration of learning objectives for degrees and individual courses and that we evaluate goals as we have described them to majors Brown provided an example of other institution s goals and there was discussion Winglee cautioned faculty on increasing the credit limit because there will be consequences like impediment to students wishing to double degree Bourgeois suggested this could be dealt through advising Another suggestion the committee made was for implementing the concept of portfolios Nationally and internationally digital portfolios have become standard The portfolios would consist of posters notebooks etc that are used as evaluation tools This would establish a new level of commitment to assessing students learning Most were favorable to the idea It is more formal and ensures communication Brown presented the committee s final recommendations Winglee asked for a timeline The 200 level faculty will meet this Spring It was stated that we need a working copy ready by the end of Spring Quarter in preparation for RSEP Bourgeois reported that next Academic year matrix is finished and asked faculty to contact her if they had questions about their teaching duties next year Development Winglee Endowments are down and the Board of Regents appears split on how to proceed Either they ll decide to protect the base or spent the capital Winglee asked for a report from a Faculty Senate representative on the status of the 2% annual raise Stone mentioned that the President of the University makes the call Washington state government wants faculty to abstain from the raise The final decision will be made by President Emmert on Monday March 16 Winglee mentioned that the status of increases associated with promotions had not been determined Oversight Bodin Steig No report Prelim AU08 Booker Gillespie No report Promotion Reappoint & Merit Creager Gillespie No Report Scholarships Fellowships & Awards Buick Berganzt No Report New Business Space Grant Outreach Programs Winglee PI s with NASA grants that have EPO invitations are allowed to pool together with other PI s and submit one proposal This would allow for a larger budget up to 45 000 One example of what EPO funds can be used for is the Rock ing Out program Winglee asked faculty with qualified NASA grants and interest to contact him Old Business UW A&S Budgetary Situation Update Winglee The House is recommending a deeper cut about 20% than the governors We don t know what the Senate is recommending Both the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of the Environment will introduce metrics We are still required to do annual reports Winglee asked junior faculty to continue with full annual reports for promotional reasons Holzworth stated that if the faculty don t get raises this year or the next everyone should make an effort to review the previous 2 to 3 years when reviews will include raises Molecular Engineering Building Update Paul Bodin provided a photo of the Molecular Engineering Building s design and placement next to Johnson It was requested that it be put on the ESS website for viewing College of the Environment Update Winglee RSEP has been initiated The letter initiating RSEP will be distributed to the faculty Adjournment Professor Winglee adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p m
  • February 6, 2009
    • Minutes Dept of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday 6 February 2009 2:30pm 175 Johnson Hall Minutes Present: Abramson Bachmann Bandfield Bergantz Bodin Booker Bourgeois Brown Buick Cowan Creager Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Odom Matsuoka McCallum McCarthy Nesbitt Nittrouer Roe Sletten Stone Swanson Vidale Waddington Warren Winglee chair Wood Prager Gomberg Students: Kayzar Morgan Walsh Staff: Fernkes Gray Mercer Call to Order - Meeting of Faculty in Open Session Winglee called the open session to order Approval of Minutes The open session minutes of the 1 09 09 faculty meeting were unanimously approved Announcements Debbie Mercer will be taking over academic affairs duties from D Ellen and can be contacted at assistant ess washington edu There will be a party for D Ellen on February 25 2009 from 2:30 p m to 4:30 p m in the QRC Library room 337A We have a new undergraduate student representative attending Faculty meetings please welcome Lucy Walsh who will be replacing Suzie Cruchon Reports and Business Undergraduate Roe no report Graduate Program Waddington There is nothing specific to report on the Graduate School Dean Search but they have posted a new organization chart with the graduate students and faculty at the center The NRC comparative report from 2007 on graduate programs will hopefully be coming out in about a month Departments will not be individually ranked but will be grouped into classes i e top 5% 5-10% etc There will be a workshops held on the 19th for graduate students & post-docs in the morning and a workshop in the afternoon for faculty advisors If interested please see the graduate school website: http: www grad washington edu pff events07 08events htm conflict There has been a change to the Grad School s Thesis rules the library will only check the first 5 pages for format and no longer reviews appearance of Students Theses and Dissertations Students faculty committees are now responsible for determining appearance including measuring margins 1 Standing Committees: Admissions Cowan Cowan reported that 23 prospective graduate students have been invited to the ESS Open House on February 26th and 27th So far 11 have confirmed All faculty graduate students and staff are invited to attend the potluck dinner at 6 p m on Thursday February 26th It will be held at the WAC Water Activities Center Please bring side dishes and desserts to share with everyone Computing Bodin no report Curriculum Brown Stone no report Development Winglee Endowment balances are lower than typical at this time of year The regents are reviewing endowments and we are waiting for their report but we are assuming a budget cut Oversight Bodin Steig Report will be given at a spring quarter faculty meeting Prelim W08-A08: Booker Gillespie no report Promotion Reappointment & Merit Creager Gillespie no report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Buick Bergantz no report New Business no report Old Business UW A&S Budgetary Update Winglee We won t know the actual budget cuts until about May In order to prepare Winglee proposed two areas where cuts can be made telephones and printing If you have telephones that you are not using please inform the Administrator A question was raised about providing a voice mail service by extension number This option will be looked into further Winglee asked that everyone avoid printing particularly in color if possible A question regarding grants covering the cost of cartridges and printing was raised however printer cartridges are not allowable on grants Suggestions to inform other faculty staff and students about the cost of printing were made as well as a suggestion to place stickers on the printers with the cost of printing advertised on them The college is still running the 10% budget cut scenario Robert gave details about the College of Arts & Sciences plan for the 12 5 million cut ESS will be running sections at 28 rather than 24 The core classes will remain as they are but the higher division courses with marginal enrollment will no longer have T A positions Houston asked why the UW needs to keep up student hours when facing a large budget cut Winglee emphasized our duty is to maximize utilization our resources for the next two years as a compromise Winglee reported that a couple of non-science major courses will be dropped Bourgeois suggested talking with friends neighbors and university personnel to argue why our programs are essential during these tough economic times Holzworth commented on the plan for Bellevue Community College to become a four-year university that might be new competition for us Kayzar wanted clarification on the cuts to T A s Winglee answered that all effort would be made to provide requested TAs Creager asked if the R A money could be used for T A positions Winglee R A money cannot be used for TAs 2 Situation & College of the Environment Update Winglee Winglee compared the potential 10% budget cut to ESS in the College of Arts & Science with the prospective cuts on entering the College of the Environment CoEnv We have been assured that ESS would not receive any greater cut than in A&S and there was a slight potential for the resumption of the frozen search though that was dependent on the severity of the final budget cuts The faculty discussed the various pros and cons to initiating RCEP Reorganization Consolidation and Elimination of Programs and the plan that has been initiated by the College s Vision and Governance Committee There was concern that vision in the plan was binding Brown as a representative of the committee assured faculty that the process is just beginning and invited feedback to be sent to him Winglee asked faculty for feedback on the request that ESS maintains a joint department with the College of A&S This would eliminate the need for a double degree and allow students to keep double majors A motion was made and seconded to authorize Winglee to request that the Dean of A&S initiate RCEP with an acceptable financial plan 43 eligible 25 yes 2 no 3 abstained 13 absent A second motion was made that if ESS joins the CoEnv then ESS shall remain a joint department with the College of A&S to maintain current degrees and majors and allow continued development of the Integrated Science Degree 43 eligible 30 yes 0 no 0 abstained 13 absent Adjournment Prof Winglee adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p m 3
  • January 9, 2009
    • Minutes Dept of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of Academic and Research Faculty in Open Session Friday 9 January 2009 3:30pm 111 Johnson Hall Minutes Present: Abramson Bachmann Bandfield Bodin Booker Bourgeois Brown Buick Cowan Creager Gillespie Gorman-Lewis Hallet Hansen Harnett Holzworth Houston Huntington Nesbitt Nittrouer Sletten Swanson Vidale Waddington Winebrenner Winglee chair Wood Prager Gomberg Students: Kayzar Morgan Cruchon Staff: Fernkes Gray McDannald Mercer Call to Order - Meeting of Faculty in Open Session Winglee called the open session to order Approval of Minutes The open session minutes of the 11 07 08 and 12 05 08 faculty meeting were unanimously approved Announcements The faculty meeting time may change back to 2:30 p m if we are able to secure a room In the interim meetings will be held from 3:30 p m to approximately 5:00 p m The all-College faculty meeting on January 14th will be postponed due to difficulties finding a room The December U S News report on top graduate programs in the U S ranked our department 11th with Princeton UCLA and Yale and in Geology alone the department ranked 10th In addition we are the highest ranked science program at the University of Washington Janina Nina Klaus was appointed Research Associate Ph D 2008 Isotope Geochemistry University of Gottingen and is working with Bachmann on laser ablation techniques Reports and Business Undergraduate Program Roe no report Graduate Program Waddington no report Standing Committees: Admissions Cowan There were 146 applications and the deadline was January 2 2009 There are binders with applications in the conference room and each represent one of the sub disciplines Cowan invited appropriate faculty to review files and give feedback He also advised that committee members will be contacting individual faculty The committee will send out letters of invitation by February 6th for the open house that is scheduled for February 26th and 27th so please give your feedback soon Some faculty responded to the committee canvas that they would not be able to support any students but if an outstanding student wants to work with a particular faculty the committee will work with that faculty member Winglee advised faculty to act like it is any other year when reviewing admission candidates in spite of the troubling economic news Computing Bodin Winglee announced that a prototype of the new ESS website redesign might be online soon Curriculum Brown Stone no report Development Winglee 1 Acknowledgement of new graduate student support endowments was announced: Bourgeois Jody Bourgeois Graduate Student Support Fund field-based research Crosson Robert & Mary Crosson Endowed Graduate Student Support Fund fellowship Harnett Space Physics Fellowship space physics grad student fellowship Waddington BTK Endowed Graduate Support Fund fellowship Oversight Bodin Steig Report will be given at a spring quarter faculty meeting Prelim W08-A08: Booker Gillespie Report will be presented in the Executive Session today Promotion Reappointment & Merit Creager Gillespie no report Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Buick Bergantz no report New Business Teaching Matrix 2009-2010 Bourgeois The Autumn Quarter 2009 matrix is close to completed Bourgeois asked faculty to share their teaching commitments with each other including long term goals what courses to offer what courses will be shared Winglee reminded faculty that courses with low enrollment will be reviewed since there is a strong push to increase enrollment Question: how small is low enrollment Winglee answered that if you have only one course with five or six enrolled but many others are enrolled in your other course s that s okay Question: What should be our priorities 100 level 200 level Winglee answered that our first priority is towards our majors If all courses are full in the lower levels then mix and match and help out where possible Bourgeois reported the deadline for the fall 2009 teaching matrix is February 6th then they will begin working on the winter and spring matrix Winglee mentioned that sabbatical requests will be reviewed more slowly it s unknown when or if requests will be approved Salary retention increases will be delayed also Old Business Molecular Engineering Building Update Winglee If the stimulus package is passed by the legislature then the construction of the MoleE Bldg will occur So expect construction around Johnson Annex to occur in the near future UW A&S Budgetary Situation & College of the Environment Update Winglee Budget: In Autumn quarter the governor asked UW to project what a 20% cut would look like and delivered a 13% budget cut instead The UW President is determined to put pressure on the legislature to change their minds The College of the Environment CoEnv : RCEP Reorganization Consolidation and Elimination of Programs is a process to move us from A&S to the new college which has not yet been initiated Winglee sent a letter again to the Dean of A&S and CEnv reiterating the department s budgetary conditions had to be addressed before RCEP would be initiated Details are still to be worked out The chair reported on the advantages and disadvantages of staying within A&S The faculty discussed future options in doling out TA positions and will decide at a later date Brown stated that the Governance and Vision Committee has met with the President and the Provost and asked them how they would continue with the CoEnv in the midst of budget cuts They responded strongly that the CoEnv will happen with six core departments for decades to come Winglee reiterated the process of RCEP The Dean won t initiate until the Chair submits a formal written request to the Dean Winglee asked if faculty wanted to authorize a letter initiating RCEP should the financial issues be resolved Brown motioned to authorize the letter 22 faculty were in favor and one abstained Adjournment Prof Winglee adjourned the meeting at 4:19 p m 2
  • November 30, -0001
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 11 2018 JHN 111 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Stephanie Harrington and Kiana Swearingen Discussion regarding the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination training for all incoming ASE s Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of December 7 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27th to March 3rd The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28th Faculty reviews for Assistant and Associate Professors will begin this term Michelle Barr will be contacting you to set up the meeting Please update your CV and personal statement on the Faculty Activity report Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term please plan to schedule one in winter or spring and submit them to Michelle Barr ESS GALA will be held April 4th and 5th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Reports and Business Standing Committees Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Admissions Buick Update on admission Computing Walters Curriculum Schmidt Diversity Huntington Micro-aggression discussion MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Senate Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to Report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session
    • Agenda Department of Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Faculty Friday January 11 2018 JHN 111 - 2:30 p m AGENDA Stephanie Harrington and Kiana Swearingen Discussion regarding the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination training for all incoming ASE s Call to Order - Meeting of the Faculty in Open Session Approval of Meeting Minutes Approval of December 7 2018 Faculty Meeting Minutes Announcements The Open House for prospective graduate students will be from February 27th to March 3rd The departmental dinner will be held on the evening of February 28th Faculty reviews for Assistant and Associate Professors will begin this term Michelle Barr will be contacting you to set up the meeting Please update your CV and personal statement on the Faculty Activity report Each Faculty will need to submit a peer teaching evaluation by the end of spring term please plan to schedule one in winter or spring and submit them to Michelle Barr ESS GALA will be held April 4th and 5th The Awards Ceremony is scheduled for May 9th Reports and Business Standing Committees Undergraduate Program Roe Nothing to report Graduate Program Catling Admissions Buick Update on admission Computing Walters Curriculum Schmidt Diversity Huntington Micro-aggression discussion MESSAGe Crider Nothing to report Oversight Bergantz Conway Nothing to report Prelim Gorman-Lewis Winglee Promotion Merit & Reappointment Steig Montgomery Senate Scholarships Fellowships and Awards Stone College Council Representation Bergantz Steig Nothing to Report Old Business New Business Adjourn to Executive Session