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  • Bremerton earthquake 'promising' test for new warning system |
    Monday, May 8, 2017
    Just before a 3.3 magnitude earthquake rattled Bremerton earlier this week , seismologists were celebrating. John Vidale, state seismologist, UW professor, and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, noted that his earthquake early warning app told him to expect to feel shaking for the quake. Read More
  • UW professor digs in to our problem of soil degradation in 'Growing a Revolution' | The Seattle Times
    Friday, May 5, 2017
    University of Washington geomorphology professor David R. Montgomery offers three steps to rebuilding our damaged soil in his book. He will speak at Town Hall Seattle on Tuesday, May 9. Read More
  • 20 small earthquakes hit near Kitsap Peninsula | Q13 FOX News
    Friday, May 5, 2017
    At least 20 small earthquakes hit near the Kitsap Peninsula in less than 24 hours, between Wednesday and Thursday. UW seismologist John Vidale is quoted. Read More
  • New book by UW's David R. Montgomery addresses how to rebuild Earth's soils
    Tuesday, May 2, 2017

    In the introduction, University of Washington geologist David R. Montgomery writes that he never thought he’d write an optimistic book about the environment. Montgomery’s first popular book, “Dirt,” was about how erosion undermined ancient civilizations around the world in places like modern-day Syria and Iraq.

    GrowingARevolutionYet his new book, “Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life,” is a good-news environment story. Available May 9 from W.W. Norton, it comes almost exactly a decade after the book that propelled Montgomery to pop-science stardom. During the years since, he has won a MacArthur Fellowship, also known as a ‘Genius Award,’ and published several books for general audiences.

    The success of “Dirt” also brought invitations to speak at farming conferences. Along the way, Montgomery met farmers who talked about successes in restoring health to degraded soils.

    “I kept running into examples of farmers who had restored fertility to degraded land,” said Montgomery, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences. “So I started asking, what did you do? How long did it take? I began to recognize patterns among farmers wh o had be en successful not just in restoring soil, but in restoring profits to their farms.”

    • Celebrate the book’s launch with a public lecture Tuesday, May 9 at Town Hall
    • Montgomery will give a talk June 14 in UW’s Kane Hall

    At one event he shared the stage with Howard G. Buffett, Warren Buffett’s farmer-philanthropist son, who stressed the importance of restoring health to U.S. soils. American soils are currently estimated to have lost about half their pre-agricultural organic matter -- a key ingredient in fertile soil.

    “What really impressed me was how he presented examples of real farmers who had restored fertility to their soil, showing the potential for what he called a ‘Brown Revolution,'” Montgomery said. After that en counter, Montgomery set out to visit farmers around the world who were restoring their soil.

    farmer in front of cattle herd

    Gabe Brown surveys his cows at Brown Ranch in North Dakota.David R. Montgomery/University of Washington

    The new book weaves a travelogue with history and science to tell of visits to farms in North and South Dakota, site of the famous Dust Bowl, as well as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Africa and Costa Rica. These farmers use technology ranging from hand-powered machetes to enormous modern no-till seeding machines. Seeing approaches that worked in very different situations, Montgomery sought out the common ground for building fertile soil as a consequence of farming.

    These farme rs had a ll moved away from tilling their fields, which chops up worms, erodes soil and disrupts beneficial microbes. Instead they focused on boosting soil health, thereby bolstering a crop's natural defenses.

    “It boils down to a combination of three factors: Park the plow to minimize soil disturbance; grow cover crops, including legumes to get nitrogen and carbon into the soil; and grow a diversity of crops, so that you can break up the pest and pathogen carryover problem,” Montgomery said. “Those three principles -- ditch the plow, cover up, grow diversity -- were common among the farmers that had restored degraded soils and returned profitability to their farms.”

    He intentionally did not seek out “alternative” or “environmental” practices. Except for the Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania, the farms he visited were not certified organic. Most farmers were strongly motivated by economic worries and the skyrocketing costs of herbici des, pesticides and diesel. By nurturing healthier soils that can retain water, suppress pests and don’t require as much fertilizer, pesticides or work of diesel-powered machines, they reduced their costly inputs by at least 50 percent and up to 90 percent.

    farmer in front of field

    Kofi Boa discusses farming practices at the Center for No-Till Agriculture in Ghana.David R. Montgomery/University of Washington

    Beyond the economic payoff for farmers, adopting these practices also produces environmental benefits by reducing chemical use and sequestering carbon from the atmosphere to help counter climate change, Montgomery says.

    “I think there 's a big opportunity to make conventional agriculture more ‘organic-ish’ by adopting this suite of practices,” Montgomery said. “By moving away from high-disturbance, high-input agriculture you can reap many of the benefits of soil health without necessarily going fully organic.”

    Montgomery’s most recent book, “The Hidden Half of Nature,” co-written with his wife, Anne Bikl?, looked at the power of microbes in the soil and in human health. That book told the story of how Bikl? nurtured microbial life to restore the soil in their home’s yard, seeing results more quickly than they had imagined was possible.

    “This new book was my attempt to ask the question: Can soil be restored at scale? On real farms, not in some little yard in Seattle. Could it be done on real, commercial farms in the developed world, as well as on subsistence farms in the d evelopin g world?”

    His answer is a strong argument for yes.


    For more information, contact Montgomery at 206-685-2560 or


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  • Antarctica's Blood Falls: not so mysterious, but still freaky as heck | Popular Science
    Monday, May 1, 2017
    In a new study, researchers report new information on Antarctica's 'Blood Falls': they believe they've traced the water's exact starting point to an reservoir of brine beneath Taylor Glacier. Jessica Badgedley, graduate student in Earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Melting moons could support liveable atmospheres for aeons | New Scientist
    Thursday, April 27, 2017
    Many of the planets we've spotted outside our solar system are Jupiter-like gas giants, unsuited to life as we know it. But if they host rocky moons, those moons could make for livable habitats. Owen Lehmer, graduate student of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • WWLLN Lightning used to diagnose Strongest Tropical Storm on Record
    Wednesday, April 26, 2017
    Typhoon Haiyan was already one of the strongest tropical storms on record. Now it has another claim to fame. Analysis of satellite data has revealed that the storm, which hit the Philippines in 2013, hosted a spectacular lightning show in its innermost core – something not seen in recorded storms of similar intensity. Haiyan was found to have lightning at its core for 49 per cent of its life between 3 and 11 November that year, when it killed some 6300 people and wreaked huge damage to property and infrastructure. By comparison, hurricanes Rita and Katrina had lightning at their cores for just 5 and 3 per cent of their existence, respectively. Read More
  • The habitability hype around LHS 1140b is real; here's why | Inverse
    Monday, April 24, 2017
    There's more hope that LHS 1140b possesses better odds of hosting life than two other recently discovered systems -- and it all comes back to atmosphere. David Catling, a professor in the UW's astrobiology and Earth and space sciences departments, is quoted. Read More
  • Why I'm Marching for Science in Seattle (despite the risk) | KUOW
    Monday, April 24, 2017
    David Montgomery, a science professor and MacArthur Genius award winner at the University of Washington, told KUOW why he's marching for science on Saturday. [This story was published Friday, April 21 prior to the March for Science] Read More
  • Scientists have discovered vast systems of flowing water in Antarctica -- and that worries them | The Washington Post
    Thursday, April 20, 2017
    The surface of the remote Antarctic ice sheet may be a far more dynamic place than scientists imagined, new research suggests. Decades of satellite imagery and aerial photography have revealed an extensive network of lakes and rivers transporting liquid meltwater across the continent's ice shelves. Knut Christianson, a glaciologist at the University of Washington who was not involved in the research, is quoted. Read More