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  • John Booker Receives AGU William Gilbert Award
    Wednesday, July 5, 2017
    Please Congratulate John Booker who just received The William Gilbert Award! This high honor is the top award given by the Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism section of the American Geophysical Union. It is presented annually to one honoree in recognition of outstanding and unselfish work in magnetism of Earth materials and of the Earth and planets. The 2017 AGU Section and Focus Group Awardees and Named Lecturers are given here: Read More
  • Seattle Times reports Alaska Volcano Eruption detected by WWLLN lightning network
    Wednesday, June 28, 2017
    A 14-minute eruption by an Alaska volcano sent an ash cloud to 30,000 feet in the Aleutian Islands. The Alaska Volcano Observatory says Bogoslof Volcano erupted at 3:17 a.m. Tuesday. Ash clouds above 20,000 feet can harm airliners flying between Asia and North America. The observatory raised the aviation alert code to “warning,” its highest level. Winds were blowing to the northeast, which would push a cloud into the Bering Sea. The observatory says the cloud was not expected to drop ash on Aleutian communities or the mainland. A cloud was not immediately spotted but the World Wide Lightning Location Network detected lightning strokes with the volcanic cloud. Read More
  • The fight to save thousands of lives with seafloor sensors | Nature News
    Wednesday, June 21, 2017
    Geophysicists are ramping up their efforts to monitor major undersea faults for movement, and search for signs of the next catastrophic quake. The UW's Emily Roland, an oceanographer, Heidi Houston, a seismologist, and William Wilcock, a marine geophysicist, are quoted. Read More
  • Shifting water weight can trigger small earthquakes in California | Science
    Sunday, June 18, 2017
    Water shapes California powerfully, deluging the state with El Niño-generated rainfalls and drying it out with punishing droughts. Now, a new study suggests that water may play yet another role: triggering earthquakes. John Vidale, UW professor of Earth and space sciences, is quoted. Read More
  • ESS Graduation Saturday!
    Wednesday, June 7, 2017
    The ESS Graduation Celebration will be held this Saturday in the HUB Lyceum. We will also have a live video stream for those unable to make it to the celebration.
    Campus Map
    Live Video Stream Read More
  • Researchers Test New Technology That Could Lead To Longer-Lasting Satellites
    Thursday, June 1, 2017
    Students within the Space Sciences group in the Department of Earth Sciences are developing long duration, high altitude capabilities to provide new remote sensing and/or communications for remote areas. Read More
  • Something in the air: The search for life on distant planets
    Thursday, June 1, 2017
    Searching for life on other planets can be done by looking at biogenic gases in planetary atmospheres. David Catling, a UW professor of Earth and Space Sciences, explains this in the FifteenEightyFour blog of Cambridge University Press (CUP), which is named after the year (1584) when CUP published their first book. This year, 2017, CUP have published a book co-authored by David Catling. Read More
  • UW students building first Washington student-built tiny satellite
    Wednesday, May 31, 2017
    DubSat1, as its builders are calling it, will become the first Washington state student-built satellite, and it will help launch some University of Washington graduates into space careers. Project is housed in Earth and Space Sciences Read More
  • A look at the fate of California's earthquake early warning system | 89.3 KPCC
    Tuesday, May 30, 2017
    What does President Trump's proposed budget mean for the system that alerts West Coast residents when an earthquake hits? John Vidale, professor of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is interviewed. Read More
  • Missing from President Trump's budget: Funds for California's earthquake early warning system | LA Times
    Friday, May 26, 2017
    President Trump's budget would eliminate federal funding for an earthquake early warning system being developed for California and the rest of the West Coast which, if enacted, probably would kill the long-planned effort. John Vidale, UW professor of Earth and space sciences, is quoted. Read More