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  • Prof. Vidale comments that fracking is not affecting PNW quake risk.
    Tuesday, March 29, 2016
    Prof. Vidale comments that fracking is not affecting PNW quake risk Read More
  • Geology and art connect at UW light rail station
    Monday, March 28, 2016
    “Subterranium,” by UW alumnus Leo Saul Berk, lines the walls of the new UW light rail station with 6,000 unique backlit panels inspired by the geology of the site that was excavated to create the station. UW geologist Alison Duvall, a UW assistant professor of Earth and space sciences, provided an accompanying narration. Read More
  • Alan Gillespie co-authors paper on new technique to map wetlands
    Thursday, March 17, 2016
    Wetlands are valuable ecosystems for maintaining biodiversity, but are vulnerable to climate change and land conversion. Despite their importance, wetland hydrology is poorly understood as few tools exist to monitor their hydrologic regime at a landscape scale. This is especially true when monitoring hydrologic change at scales below 30 m, the resolution of one Landsat pixel. Read More
  • Social media rumors complicate science reporting
    Monday, March 14, 2016
    Prof. Vidale bemoans the false science rumors that often plague social media. Read More
  • Prof. Vidale criticizes false earthquake reports, 'unlikely stories'
    Tuesday, March 1, 2016
    Responding to a spate of fear-mongering news items on the internet, Prof. Vidale tries to separate the wheat from the chaff. Read More
  • PNSN records air wave from exploding house across Puget Sound
    Wednesday, February 24, 2016
    A house explosion was so strong in Port Orchard, that not only did it kill two people and cause collateral damage to surrounding homes and a school, but it rocked seismometers across the Puget Sound. Pacific Northwest Seismic Network tweeted images of seismic activity from air waves, not ground vibrations. Read More
  • NASA-funded consortium to support science education in Washington, Oregon and Montana
    Friday, February 19, 2016
    A new program based at the University of Washington will bring together educational institutions, K-12 teachers and informal education organizations to inspire, teach and recruit the next generation of students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Read More
  • UW part of team that drilled first deep ice core at the South Pole
    Friday, February 19, 2016
    This January — high summer at the South Pole — UW-ESS glaciologist Dr. Eric Steig helped lead a project that surpassed its goal to drill the first deep ice core at the planet’s southernmost tip, providing material to help solve a climate puzzle. Read More
  • Another Seattle Times editorial calling for earthquake early warning
    Tuesday, February 16, 2016
    The Seattle Times urges funding of the earthquake early warning project at the UW. "The federal government should spend far more than a mere $8.2 million on helping the earthquake-prone West Coast detect the next massive shaker." Read More
  • Prof. Vidale enthused about smartphone earthquake alerts
    Friday, February 12, 2016
    Prospects are on the rise that motion sensors in smartphones can augment earthquake early warning, and Prof. Vidale is an enthusiast. Read More