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  • Prof. Vidale laments slow progress fixing old Seattle buildings
    Monday, May 16, 2016
    Prof. Vidale laments slow progress fixing old Seattle buildings Read More
  • It’s not about to blow, but magma is moving under Mount St. Helens
    Wednesday, May 11, 2016
    Seismologists from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the UW are using swarms of small quakes under Mount St. Helens as a natural laboratory to study the way magma moves through chambers deep under the mountain. Read More
  • Early Earth’s air weighed less than half of today’s atmosphere
    Monday, May 9, 2016
    The idea that the young Earth had a thicker atmosphere turns out to be wrong. New research from the University of Washington uses bubbles trapped in 2.7 billion-year-old rocks to show that air at that time exerted at most half the pressure of today’s atmosphere. Read More
  • Prof. Vidale comments on Mount St. Helens swarm
    Monday, May 9, 2016
    This peppy earthquake swarm during the last month was described as not alarming by Prof. Vidale Read More
  • Five myths about the Pacific Rim by Prof. Vidale
    Thursday, April 28, 2016
    John Vidale debunks some of the many myths about the Pacific Rim earthquake/eruption threat Read More
  • Volcanic Lightning (WWLLN in the News)
    Friday, April 22, 2016
    Data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN, managed by ESS) have provided the basis for a new study of explosive volcanic activity in the recent eruption Chile's Calbuco volcano. The study has been highlighted in recent articles of several news sources. Read More
  • Prof. Vidale discounts connection between recent earthquakes
    Monday, April 18, 2016
    Prof. Vidale discounts connection between recent deadly earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador. Read More
  • Prof. Vidale laments the M7 quake in Japan
    Friday, April 15, 2016
    Prof. Vidale laments the M7 quake in Japan today Read More
  • Very mild M3.5 quake deep under the San Juan Islands
    Friday, April 8, 2016
    Prof. Vidale talks about a very mild M3.5 quake deep under the San Juan Islands, felt across the Puget Sound. Read More
  • Congratulations to ESS NSF GRFP Awardees!
    Tuesday, March 29, 2016
    Congratulations to Elizabeth Grant and Ian Stone, both awarded an NSF GRFP Fellowship, and to Zack McIntire, who has been named an NSF GRFP Honorable Mention! Congratulations also to ESS Major Alumni, Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland (UW Class of '12, now at UT-Austin) and ESS Minor Alumni Nancy Thomas (UW Class of '14, now at CalTech), who were also awarded NSF GRFP Fellowships! Awardees were chosen from 17,000 applicants. "The Graduate Research Fellowship Program is a vital part of our efforts to foster and promote excellence in U.S. science, technology, engineering and mathematics by recognizing talent broadly from across the Nation," said Joan Ferrini-Mundy, NSF assistant director for Education and Human Resources. "These awards are provided to individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements, and they are investments that will help propel this country's future innovations and economic growth." Read More