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  • Prof. Dave Montgomery featured on UWTV's UW 360
    Tuesday, October 19, 2010
    Prof. Montgomery was featured on the October 2010 edition of the UWTV show UW 360 where they discuss the Howard Hansen Dam and "Take a look at the potentially disastrous results of building homes and businesses along flood-prone rivers, and what we can do to avoid catastrophe." Watch the segment at the link below. Read More
  • Distinguished ESS Alum Rob Thomas Honored once more
    Tuesday, September 28, 2010
    From "The Montana Board of Regents has bestowed its highest honor on University of Montana Western Professor Robert Thomas. The Regents named Thomas Regents Professor during their bi-monthly meeting, Thursday, Sept. 23 on the campus of Montana Tech of the University of Montana. "During his 17 years of service to the Montana University System, Dr. Thomas has been an exemplary teacher, providing and advocating for experiential education," the Regents' announcement read, referring to Thomas' involvement in Montana Western's implementation of the Experience One block-scheduling program." Read More
  • WWLLN in the news
    Monday, August 16, 2010
    WWLLN made the news again, this time referenced by CNN in an article about the recent bad-weather Columbian plane crash. From "CNN World Weather confirmed the presence of multiple lightning strikes around the San Andres airport at the time of the crash. Analysis of data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network indicates there were 11 strikes within 6 miles (10 kilometers) of the runway in a five-minute span around the time of the accident." Read More
  • "Seismology: The secret chatter of giant faults"
    Thursday, July 15, 2010
    From "An imminent swarm of tiny quakes beneath western North America could help seismologists prepare for a big one - but only if they can learn to interpret the tremors, finds Naomi Lubick." Features UW Seismology research. Read More
  • Pacific Northwest Megaquake Imminent
    Tuesday, June 1, 2010
    Prof. John Vidale discusses the probability of a 'megaquake in the Pacific Northwest with Discovery News. Read More
  • NSF Graduate Fellowships
    Friday, May 7, 2010
    Three ESS graduate students - Sarah Gelman, Zoe Harrold, and Charles Plummer - were each awarded a prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowship in March. Congratulations! Read More
  • Icelandic volcano "Ash cloud thins as eruption loses fizz, reverts to lava"
    Tuesday, April 20, 2010
    "There are two possibilities for why the volcano's pattern of eruption has shifted, says Olivier Bachmann, a volcanologist at the University of Washington." Read More
  • John Vidale talks about the Baja Earthquake on 97.3 KIRO FM
    Monday, April 12, 2010
    "John Vidale, Director of the Northwest Seismic Network, explains to Dori how the pool in Ballard is sensitive enough to slosh around after the Baja earthquake." Read More
  • Former Ph.D. student wins Professor of the Year Award
    Monday, January 11, 2010
    From Prof. Bourgeois: "Rob Thomas [UW ESS Ph.D. 1993] won a Professor of the Year Award announced 19 Nov 2009...Rob is a loyal alum who regularly attends our GSA gatherings. Earlier he got a Distinguished Service Award from GSA." Read More
  • WWLN in the news again
    Wednesday, November 25, 2009
    From "Designed to scan the heavens thousands to billions of light-years beyond the solar system for gamma rays, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has also picked up a shocking vibe from Earth. During its first 14 months of operation, the flying observatory has detected 17 gamma-ray flashes associated with terrestrial storms - and some of those flashes have contained a surprising signature of antimatter...The 17 flashes Fermi detected occurred just before, during and immediately after lightning strikes, as tracked by the World Wide Lightning Location Network." Read More