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  • Researchers trace how complex life lost its first chance to dominate Earth | GeekWire
    Thursday, January 19, 2017
    A team of researchers led by the UW say multicellular life could have arisen in Earth's oceans more than 2 billion years ago, only to fall victim to a drop in oxygen levels. Roger Buick, professor of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Feverish climate is melting glaciers, study confirms | Science News for Students
    Friday, January 13, 2017
    Glaciers are melting. That's nothing new. But confidence about the role of climate change in their retreat has grown substantially. A new study concludes that the loss of glaciers is, in fact, "categorical evidence of climate change." Gerard Roe, professor of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Rapid Arctic warming has in the past shifted Southern Ocean winds
    Thursday, January 12, 2017
    New University of Washington research shows the fierce winds circling Antarctica shifted quickly in response to the Northern Hemisphere temperature spikes. “It’s most surprising that we can see these really abrupt changes in the Northern Hemisphere making it very quickly to the Southern Hemisphere,” said first author Bradley Markle, a UW doctoral student in Earth and space sciences. “The atmospheric circulation is tightly connected across the globe during these events.” Read More
  • This is likely how that 'utterly gorgeous' spinning ice circle formed | The Seattle Times
    Thursday, January 12, 2017
    An ice circle that formed in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie river was a curiosity not only to those who photographed it, but to scientists fascinated by the phenomenon. "I've never seen one in real life, and I study rivers," said David Montgomery, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences. Read More
  • PNSN watches another Seahawks victory
    Tuesday, January 10, 2017
    The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network watched the Seahawks-Lions playoff game this on January 7th with 6 temporary seismometers, and broadcast the cheers. This experiment tested new software, hardware, and cloud resources for speed and robustness. For the fifth time, our monitoring led to a decisive victory for the home team. Read More
  • You're more likely to get struck by lightning here than anywhere else on Earth | Science
    Thursday, December 29, 2016
    If you don't want to get struck by lightning, avoid open areas and tall objects, as the experts suggest. But if you want to be extra safe, stay away from the middle of Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo. Robert Holzworth, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences and co-author of the study, is quoted. Read More
  • Satellite system tracks glaciers' flow in real time | Nature
    Monday, December 19, 2016
    Scientists have a new tool to systematically track the evolution of glaciers and ice sheets as the climate warms. Ian Joughin, a glaciologist at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Mountain glaciers are showing some of the strongest responses to climate change
    Tuesday, December 13, 2016
    In Nature Geoscience, Gerard Roe, Marcia Baker (ESS) & Florian Herla (University of Innsbruck), show that glacier retreat over the 20th century is "categorical evidence of climate change." Read More
  • Analysis | Microbes: Our tiny, crucial allies | IFLScience
    Monday, December 12, 2016
    "After decades of trying to sanitize them out of our lives, the human microbiome, the communities of microbes living on and in us, is now all the rage," writes David Montgomery, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences. (This article originally appeared in The Conversation) Read More
  • ESS researchers detail how the winds change over the Southern Ocean
    Monday, December 12, 2016
    Research by grad student Brad Markle, with his advisor Eric Steig, show that when abrupt climate changes occurred during the last ice age, they caused a shift in westerly winds over the Southern Ocean. Read More