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  • Ice is melting 3 times as fast as it did 25 years ago | E&E News
    Tuesday, June 19, 2018
    The Antarctic ice sheet lost 3 trillion tons of ice between 1992 and 2017, scientists announced. Knut Christianson, a UW assistant professor of Earth and space sciences, is quoted. Read More
  • Green gems shooting from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii as lava forms new peninsula | Fox News
    Thursday, June 14, 2018
    After weeks of spewing ash and lava, Hawaii's Kilauea volcano is now shooting green crystals into the air. George Bergantz, a volcanologist at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Guatemalan volcano offers warning for Washington | KIRO Radio
    Tuesday, June 12, 2018
    At least 70 people have been killed in the eruption of the Guatemalan volcano and experts say the same could happen here. George Bergantz, professor of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is interviewed. Read More
  • Rattlesnake Ridge near Yakima still sliding, popping, squeaking -- but nature may be hitting brakes | The Seattle Times
    Monday, June 11, 2018
    Cracks on the slope above Interstate 82 continue to widen and spread, and rockfalls have increased, but the danger remains low. Steve Malone, professor emeritus of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Plate tectonics may be essential for life | Quanta Magazine
    Friday, June 8, 2018
    Life needs more than water alone. Recent discoveries suggest that plate tectonics has played a critical role in nourishing life on Earth. The findings carry major consequences for the search for life elsewhere in the universe. Katharine Huntington, associate professor of Earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Diana Park (ESS UG) Featured in UAA's Engaging Questions Video
    Thursday, June 7, 2018
    Throughout their experiences, UW undergraduates have been challenged by a broad set of views and perspectives on a wide range of topics, and they have learned to think critically about them. As thousands of our students graduate, we wanted to share some questions of a few graduating seniors who have lived the breadth and depth of the Husky Experience. Read More
  • NW scientists say our volcanoes just like ones in Guatemala; upgraded monitoring systems needed | Q13 FOX News
    Thursday, June 7, 2018
    While the world is watching lava and ash clouds from separate volcano eruptions in Hawaii and Guatemala, scientists here say our monitoring system needs a big upgrade. George Bergantz, professor of earth and space sciences at the UW, is quoted. Read More
  • Lahar hazards in the Cascades
    Tuesday, June 5, 2018
    ESS Prof. George Bergantz is interviewed about the potential for deadly lahars in the Cascades like those occurring at Fuego volcano in Guatemala. Read More
  • Deep Tremor and Subduction Zone Observatory
    Thursday, May 31, 2018
    Brendan Crowell, ESS Research Scientist in geodesy and Paul Bodin, PNSN Director/Manager are interviewed by Glen Farley of KING-TV on May 25 about the ongoing Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) event and a possible future Subduction Zone Observatory Read More
  • Habitability of the young Earth could boost the chances of life elsewhere | Astrobiology Magazine
    Thursday, May 31, 2018
    The conditions on the early Earth have long been a mystery, but researchers from NASA and the University of Washington have now devised a way to account for the uncertain variables of the time, in turn discovering that the conditions of early Earth may have been more moderate than previously thought. Joshua Krissansen-Totton, a UW doctoral student in Earth and space sciences, is quoted. Read More