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Louis Agassiz Medal 2012 Awarded to Ian Joughin

2011-11-14 11:42:12

Many congratulations to Ian Joughin, winner of the 2012 Louis Agassiz Medal! Original Message from Hilmar Gudmundsson: "It gives be great pleasure to be able to announce that the Louis Agassiz Medal 2012 is awarded to Ian Joughin. This medal was established in 2005 by the Division on Cryospheric Sciences of EGU iin recognition of the scientific achievements of Louis Agassiz. It is reserved for individuals in recognition of their outstanding scientific contribution to the study of the cryosphere on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system. The Louis Agassiz Medal is awarded to Ian Joughin for outstanding contributions to the study of the dynamics and mass balance of polar ice sheets using differential SAR interferometry and other techniques that he has helped to pioneer. Greetings Hilmar Gudmundsson President of the EGU Division on Cryospheric Sciences"

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