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Passing of Subrata Ghose

2015-01-23 09:55:09

Dear family and friends, We're writing to let you know that Dr. Subrata Ghose passed away in his sleep last night. As one of his former colleagues expressed to us, Dad had a wonderful and well-lived life. Fluent in ten languages, he traveled to over 50 countries across seven continents. He made important scientific discoveries such as the new mineral Ghoseite and worked on the first lunar samples from the Apollo missions. And last year, he established the Ghose Foundation to support underprivileged women and children in developing countries such as Afghanistan and India. Dad is survived by his children, Avikk and Aditi, daughter-in-law Elaine, and grandchildren Arianna (6) and Kiran (4). He is also survived by all of you, whose friendship, love and laughter helped make his a well-lived life. Thank you for being a cherished part of Dad's life. We are glad he's at peace. Much love Avikk and Elaine

Source: Full Story