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Kathy Goetz Troost, PhD, LG's Profile Picture

Kathy Goetz Troost, PhD, LG
Teaching Professor
Program Coordinator - MESSAGe Program
Office: JHN 333
Phone: 206-221-1770
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Interests: Director - GeoMapNW - The Pacific Northwest Center for Geological Mapping
Research Groups: QRC, AEG, NWGS

Education: PhD, University of Washington
Current Research:
Quaternary geology of the Pacific Northwest, clay mineralogy and shear strength, geologic hazards, high resolution geologic mapping in urban areas
Recent Publications:
Troost, K.G. and Booth, D.B., 2008, Geology of Seattle and the Seattle Area, in Baum, R., Godt, J, and Highland, L. eds., Landslides and Engineering Geology of the Seattle, Washington, Area, Geol. Soc. Amer., Special Papers XX, p.1-37, 2 plates. Peer Reviewed.

Troost, K.G., Booth, D.B., Wisher, A.P., and Shimel, S.A., 2005, The geologic map of Seattle – a progress report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2005-1252, scale 1:24,000.

Troost, K.G., 2011, Geomorphology and shoreline history of Lake Washington, Union Bay, and Portage Bay, Technical Memorandum, SR-520 I-5 to Medina Bridge Replacement and HOV Project, Prepared for Washington State Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, September 2011, 92p. Peer Reviewed.

Haugerud, R.A., Troost, K.G., and Laprade, W.T., 2017, Geology of Seattle, a Field Trip, in Haugerud, R.A., and Kelsey, H.M., eds., From the Puget Lowland to East of the Cascade Range: Geologic Excursions in the Pacific Northwest: Geological Society of America Field Guide 49, p. 1–24, doi:10.1130/2017.0049. Peer Reviewed.

McCormack, D.H. and Troost, K.G., 2016, Quaternary Geology of Northwestern King County and Southwestern Snohomish County, Washington: in Cheney, E.S., ed., The Geology of Washington and Beyond: From Laurentia to Cascadia: University of Washington Press, p.287-310. Peer Reviewed.

Pratt, T.L., Troost, K.G., Odum, J.K., and Stephenson, W.J., 2015, Kinematics of shallow backthrusts in the Seattle fault zone, Washington State, Geosphere, v.11, no. 6, p. 1948-1974. Peer Reviewed.

Booth, D.B., Troost, K.G., Clague, J.J., and Waitt, R.B., 2004, The Cordilleran ice sheet: Chapter 2, in Gillespie, A., Porter, S.C., and Atwater, B., eds., The Quaternary Period in the United States: International Union for Quaternary Research, Elsevier Press, p. 17-43. Peer Reviewed.

Booth, D.B., Haugerud, R.A., and Troost, K.G., 2003, Geology, Watersheds, and Puget Lowland Rivers: chapter in Montgomery, D.M., Bolton, S., and Booth, D. ., eds., Restoration of Puget Sound Rivers: Seattle, Society for Ecological Restoration, University of Washington Press, p. 14-45. Peer Reviewed.

Hagstrum, J.T., Booth, D.B., Troost, K.G., and Blakely, R.J., 2002, Magnetostratigraphy, paleomagnetic correlation, and deformation of Pleistocene deposits in the south-central Puget Lowland, Washington, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth v. 107, no. B4, art. No. 2079, 10.1029/2001JB000557, paper EPM 6, 14 p. Peer Reviewed.