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Harold Tobin's Profile Picture

Harold Tobin (he/him)
Director, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network Paros Endowed Chair in Seismology and Geohazards
Office: ATG 208A
Phone: 206-543-6790
Interests: Studies of fault zone properties processes, with a focus on fault mechanics, pore fluid pressure, in situ stress conditions, and seismic structure in subduction zones.

Education: Ph.D. 1995 University of California, Santa Cruz. B.S. 1987 Yale University.
Graduate Students:
Alysa Fintel (started 2020)
Madeleine Lucas (started 2020)
Anna Ledeczi (started 2021)
Current Research:
Structure of the modern plate boundary offshore Washington, Cascadia subduction zone; Stress conditions in the Nankai Subduction Zone, SW Japan; Properties of surface faults in Alaska subduction zone, Prince William Sound, AK.
Recent Publications:
Publications since 2018:
Venkateswara, K., Paros, J., Bodin, P., Wilcock, W., & Tobin, H. J., 2021, Rotational Seismology with a Quartz Rotation Sensor. Seismological Research Letters.

Walton, M., Staisch, L., Dura, T., Pearl, J., Sherrod, B., Gomberg, J., Engelhart, S., Tréhu, A., Watt, J., Perkins, J., Witter, R., Bartlow, N., Goldfinger, C., Kelsey, H., Morey, A., Sahakian, V., Tobin, H., Wang, K., Wells, R., and Wirth, E., 2021, Toward an integrative geological and geophysical view of Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 49:367–98.

Han, S, Bangs, N, Hornbach, M., Pecher, I., Tobin, H., and Silver, E., 2021, The many double BSRs across the Northern Hikurangi Margin and their implications for subduction processes, submitted to Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 558: 116743. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116743.

Jeppson, T., and Tobin, H., 2020, Elastic properties and seismic anisotropy across the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21 (8),

Jeppson, T., and Tobin, H., 2020, Acoustic evidence for a broad, hydraulically active damage zone surrounding the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, Tectonophysics, 781, 228410. Doi:

Tobin, H., Kimura, G., and Kodaira, S., 2019, Processes governing giant subduction earthquakes: IODP drilling to sample and instrument subduction zone megathrusts, Oceanography, 32 (1), p. 80-93,

Jeppson, T., Tobin, H., and Hashimoto, Y., 2018, Laboratory measurements quantifying elastic properties of accretionary wedge sediments: Implications for slip to the trench during the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Geosphere, 14 (4): 1411-1424.