David Schmidt
Office: ATG 206
Phone: 206-685-3799
Fax: 206-543-0489 (shared)
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/dasc
Interests: Crustal deformation; Earthquakes and faulting, slow slip processes; Subduction dynamics and tectonics; Volcanic inflation; InSAR, geodesy
Research Groups: Seismology and Tectonics
Ph.D. : Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, 2002
B.S. : Physics, University of California, San Diego, 1997
Current Research:
Dr. Schmidt's research focuses on the deformation of the lithosphere from active geological processes. His research group is studying a variety of geological processes and natural hazards, including aseismic slip events on strike slip faults and the Cascadia subduction zone, deformation caused by volcanic inflation, and the kinematics of slow moving landslides. He specializes in the use of geodetic techniques to measure subtle movements of the earth's surface. His primary expertise is the use of satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) in earth science applications. This technique uses reflected radar echoes to measure sub-centimeter surface movements over time periods of weeks to years.