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Brad Lipovsky's Profile Picture

Brad Lipovsky
Assistant Professor
Office: ATG 218
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Interests: Distributed Acoustic Sensing and optical fiber geophysics. Environmental geophysics and computation applied to problems in glaciology, seismology and tectonics, and volcanology

Graduate Students:
Steph Olinger
John-Morgan Manos
Parker Sprinkle
Veronica Gaete Elgueta
Simon Hans Edasi

Current Research:
Brad Lipovsky's research compares a wide range of Earth phenomena. His current work focuses fracturing processes along tectonic plate boundaries; in glaciers, ice sheets, and ice shelves; at volcanic centers; and on planetary bodies. This research uses a range of models to explain geophysical observations, and involves actively developing both model-based and geophysical methods. A topic of particular interest is the use of fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to make high spatial-resolution measurements of active deformation processes.

Recent Publications:
Lipovsky (2020), Ice shelf rift propagation: stability, three-dimensional effects, and the role of marginal weakening. The Cryosphere .