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Michelle Koutnik's Profile Picture

Michelle Koutnik
Research Associate Professor
Office: ATG 717
Phone: 206-221-5041
Fax: 206-543-0489 (shared)
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Interests: Glaciology, Planetary Science
Research Groups: Glaciology

PhD in Geophysics, University of Washington (2009)
B.S. in Astrophysics, minor in Geophysics/Planetary Science, UCLA (2001)
Current Research:
I am interested in the dynamics and histories of glaciers and ice sheets over time. This requires understanding the controls on ice flow, including climate changes. I work with data from Greenland and Antarctica, and apply ice-flow models and geophysical inverse methods to address process-based questions at these sites. I am also interested in the history of ice on Mars, in particular the large ice masses at the Martian poles.
Please visit my webpage to find out about current research projects and opportunities.