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John DeSanto's Profile Picture

John DeSanto
Postdoctoral Scholar
Office: ATG 229
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Interests: Seafloor Geodesy, Subduction zones, Offshore earthquakes, GPS, InSAR

Education: 2018: Ph. D. in Earth Sciences at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego 2013: B.S. in Physics and Geophysics at University of Texas at Austin
Current Research:
Improving the accuracy of GPS-Acoustic measurements along the Cascadia Subduction Zone by better constraining the sound velocity profile of the water column
Recent Publications:
DeSanto, J. B., D. T. Sandwell (2019), Seafloor geodesy from repeated sidescan sonar surveys: Optimal survey and processing parameters, Marine Geodesy.
Cook, M., J. B. DeSanto (2019), Validation of seafloor benchmark stability using structure-from-motion and seafloor pressure data, Earth and Space Science.
DeSanto, J. B., C. D. Chadwell, D. T. Sandwell (2018), Kinematic Post-processing of Ship Navigation Data Using Precise Point Positioning. Journal of Navigation.
DeSanto, J. B., D. T. Sandwell, C. D. Chadwell (2016), Seafloor Geodesy from Repeated Sidescan Sonar Surveys. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121: 4800-4813, doi: 10.1002/2016JB013025.