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Elizabeth Davis 's Profile Picture

Elizabeth Davis
Graduate Student
Office: JHN 362
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Interests: Field geology, earthquake evidence, natural hazards

Professional Talks
November, 2022: Universidad Andres Bello, Chile "GeoCharlas": "Terremotos, cambio ecológico, y modificación humana: el registro sedimentario del estuario Duwamish" October, 2022: Northwest Geological Society talk, "Surf 'n' turf earthquake records in the Seattle Fault Zone" April, 2022: Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference e-poster, "Earthquakes, ecological change, and human modification: records in sediments of the Duwamish delta, Seattle, Washington" April, 2022: Seismological Society of America poster, "Marine geomorphology across the Seattle Fault Zone: clues for one or more ruptures since deglaciation" October, 2021: Geological Society of America meeting poster, "Intertidal evidence for a Columbia River dam-break flood, 15th century CE?" March, 2021: Invited talk: Association of Engineering Geologists Nisqually section, "Earthquakes and landslides of Seattle's past: geologic and historic evidence" December, 2020: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, e-lightning poster, "High-resolution CHIRP survey offshore Seattle, WA" March 2020: Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium poster, "Two Seattle earthquakes" October, 2019: Marine Geology & Geophysics Seminar, UW School of Oceanography, September, 2019: Invited talk: Seattle Construction Code Advisory Board, "Adoption of updated Known Landslides GIS layer" May, 2019: Green-Duwamish Watershed Sustainability TALKS at Auburn High School, "Lidar technology reveals geology," "What's under the Duwamish Waterway?" May, 2019: GSA Cordilleran Section meeting, "Paleoseismology across the shoreline" April, 2019: Seismological Society of America field trip, "Earthquake Geology of Seattle" March, 2019, UW M9 All hands meeting, "Riverbank evidence for earthquakes from Chile and Washington" May, 2018, Green-Duwamish Watershed Sustinability TALKS at Auburn High School, "Earthquake History of the Green-Duwamish Watershed" May, 2018, UW MESSAGe Capstone presentation, "Evidence for liquefaction and flooding in the past 1,000 years along the Duwamish River, Seattle" October, 2017, Geological Society of America, "Known Slide Areas: Updating the City of Seattle's Century-old Landslide Database"