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Tom Brown's Profile Picture

Tom Brown
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Research Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Participating Faculty, UW Quaternary Research Center
Office: Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Phone: 925-423-8507
Fax: 206-543-0489 (shared)
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Interests: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Global Climate Change, Geochronology, Actinides
Research Groups: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Global Climate Change, Geochronology, Actinides

Recent Publications:
TP Guilderson, SJ Tumey, TA Brown and KO Buesseler (2013) The 129-Iodine content of subtropical Pacific waters: impact of Fukushima and other anthropogenic 129I sources. Biogeosciences: DOI 10.5194/bgd-10-19935-2013

SJ Tumey, P Zhao, JDC Begg, TA Brown, RE Martinelli, AB Kersting and M Zavarin (2012) Investigating the natural abundance of U-236 in uranium ore concentrates. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: DOI 10.1007/s10967-012-2217-9.

SJ Tumey, TP Guilderson, TA Brown, T Broek, KO Buesseler (2012) Input of I-129 into the western Pacific Ocean resulting from the Fukushima nuclear event. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: DOI 10.1007/s10967-012-2217-9.

KR Laird, HA Haig, S Ma, MV Kingsbury, TA Brown, CFM Lewis, RJ Oglesby and BF Cumming (2012) (LLNL-JRNL-554075) Expanded spatial extent of the Medieval Climate Anomaly revealed in lake-sediment records across the boreal region in northwest Ontario. Global Change Biology 18, 2869: DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02740.x

RD Hoffman, SA Sheets, JT Burke, ND Scielzo, T Rauscher, EB Norman, L Phair, AM Hurst, D. Bleuel, TA Brown, JL Fisker, PG Grant, MA Stoyer, S Tumey, T Wooddy (2010) (LLNL-JRNL-423904) Reaction rate sensitivity of 44Ti production in massive stars and implications of a thick target yield measurement of 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti. Astrophysical Journal 715(2), 1383: DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/715/2/1383.

PM Anderson, AV Lozhkin, TB Solomatkina and TA Brown (2010) (LLNL-JRNL-423287) Paleoclimatic implications of glacial and postglacial refugia for Pinus pumila in western Beringia. Quaternary Research 73, 269, DOI 10.1016/j.yqres.2009.09.008.

JZ Drexler, CS de Fontaine, and TA Brown (2009) (LLNL-JRNL-415058) Peat accretion histories during the past 6000 years in marshes of the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta, California, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 32, 5: DOI 10.1007/s12237-009-9202-8.

JW Dalling and TA Brown (2009) (LLNL-JRNL-407522) Long-term persistence of tropical forest soil seed banks. The American Naturalist 173(4), 531: DOI 10.1086/597221.

PE Higuera, LB Brubaker, PM Anderson, FS Hu and TA Brown (2009) (LLNL-JRNL-408239) Vegetation mediated the impacts of postglacial climatic change on fire regimes in the southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska. Ecological Monographs 79, 201.

HD Kokorowski, PM Anderson, RS Sletten, AV Lozhkin and TA Brown (2008) (LLNL-JRNL-404036) Late Glacial and Early Holocene Climatic Changes Based on a Multiproxy Lacustrine Sediment Record from Northeast Siberia. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 40(3) 497.

NA Shilo, AV Lozhkin, PM Anderson, TA Brown, AYu Pakhomov and TB Solomatkina (2007) (UCRL-JRNL-228019) Glacial Refugium of Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel in Northeastern Siberia. Doklady Akademii Nauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences/Earth Science Section) 412(3), 401-403. (Published in English as Doklady Earth Sciences 412(1), 122-124.)

E Mayorga, AK Aufdenkampe, CA Masiello, AV Krusche, JI Hedges, PD Quay, JE Richey and TA Brown (2005) (UCRL-JRNL-213773) Young organic matter as a source of carbon dioxide outgassing from Amazonian rivers. Nature 436, 538.

WW Oswald, PM Anderson, TA Brown, LB Brubaker, FS Hu, AV Lozhkin, W Tinner and P Kaltenrieder (2005) (UCRL-JRNL-221728) Effects of sample size and macrofossil type on radiocarbon dating of arctic and boreal lake sediments. The Holocene 15(5), 758.

J Tian, TA Brown and FS Hu (2005) (UCRL-JRNL-208802) Comparison of varve and 14C chronologies from Steel Lake, Minnesota, USA. The Holocene 15(4), 510.

G Proskurowski, MD Lilley and TA Brown (2004) (UCRL-JRNL-201865) Isotopic evidence of magmatism and seawater bicarbonate removal at the Endeavour hydrothermal system, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225, 53

LA Kerr, AH Andrews, BR Frantz, KH Coale, TA Brown and GM Cailliet (2004) (UCRL-JC-200275) Radiocarbon in otoliths of yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus): a reference time series for the coastal waters or southeast Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61, 443.

HE Wright, Jr., I Stefanova, J Tian, TA Brown and FS Hu (2004) (UCRL-JP-200864) A Chronological Framework for the Holocene Vegetational History of Central Minnesota: The Steel Lake Pollen Record. Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 611.

DM Nelson, FS Hu, J Tian, I Stefanova and TA Brown (2004) (UCRL-JRNL-201627) Response of C3 and C4 plants to mid-Holocene aridity along a forest-prairie ecotone in Minnesota. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101, 562.

FS Hu, D Kaufman, S Yoneji, D Nelson, A Shemesh, Y Huang, J Tian, G Bond, B Clegg and T Brown (2003) (UCRL-JC-155504) Cyclic Variation and Solar Forcing of Holocene Climate in the Alaskan Subarctic. Science 301, 1890.

FS Hu, E Ito, TA Brown, BB Curry and DR Engstrom (2001) Pronounced Climatic Variations in Alaska During the Last Two Millennia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98, 10552.