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UW ESS Graduation 2014 stage photo

On Saturday June 14th 2008, the UW Dept of Earth and Space Sciences held its annual Graduation Ceremony, celebrating the accomplishments of 22 undergraduate students and 3 graduate students. This ceremony was hosted by ESS Chair Robert Winglee, and assisted by Ed Waddington, Jody Bourgeois, and Darrel Cowan. A Slideshow of photos from the ceremony, with individual student pictures, has been created.

Free Downloads

As a special final (free!) service for our graduating students, the ESS department recorded a video of the ceremony and shot still photographs of each student receiving their diploma. The photographs can be viewed online via a web slidshow, and/or each photograph can be downloaded in its full 12 Mpixel resolution for high quality printing. Use the "Orig-Pic" link at the top of each slideshow page to download and save the original fullsize photo (about 5 MB jpeg each).

Gallery of Photos from the Ceremony

Slideshow of Photos from the Ceremony

Pdf file of the Graduation Ceremony Program

Graduate Students of 2008

UW ESS Graduate Students of 2008 group photo

Undergraduate Students of 2008

UW ESS UnderGraduate Students of 2008 group photo