On Saturday June 9th 2007, a classic Seattle gray wet rainy day, the UW Dept of Earth and Space Sciences held its annual Graduation Ceremony, celebrating the accomplishments of 22 undergraduate students and 4 graduate students. This ceremony was hosted by ESS Chair Robert Winglee, and assisted by Ed Waddington, Jody Bourgeois, and Darrel Cowan.

Free Downloads
As a special final (free!) service for our graduating students, the ESS department recorded a video of the ceremony and shot still photographs of each student receiving their diploma. The photographs can be viewed online via a web slidshow, and/or each photograph can be downloaded in its full 12 Mpixel resolution for high quality printing. Use the "Orig-Pic" link at the top of each slideshow page to download and save the original fullsize photo (about 5 MB jpeg each).
Gallery of Photos from the Ceremony
Slideshow of Photos from the Ceremony
Pdf file of the Graduation Ceremony Program
Graduate Students of 2007

Undergraduate Students of 2007