The 2015 Honors and Awards Ceremony was held on Wednesday May 20th at 4:40 pm in JHN-102, hosted by ESS Chair Robert Winglee. There were numerous honors, awards, and scholarships given during this ceremony before adjourning to a reception in the Johnson Hall Courtyard.
The major awards from the 2015 ceremony are :
- Undergraduate Student Service Award : Nikolas Middtun
- Merrill Prize for Excellence : Nikolas Middtun
- Coombs Excellence in Teaching Award : Sarah Schanz
- Johnston Prize for Research Excellence : Adam Campbell, Lu Liu
- Faculty Teaching Excellence Award : Alison Duvall
- Barksdale Service Award : Andrew Schauer
- College of the Environment Outstanding Teaching Faculty : Juliet Crider
- College of the Environment Exceptional Mentoring of Undergraduate Students : Fang-Zhen Teng

from Ken Creager.