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The 2009 Honors and Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday May 28th at 3:30 pm in JHN-102, hosted by ESS Chair Robert Winglee. There were numerous honors, awards, and scholarships given during this ceremony, but as promised, Robert kept the ceremony down to less than an hour, before adjourning to an outdoor reception on a beautiful sunny day.

Gallery of Awards Photos

The major awards from the 2009 ceremony are :

  • Undergraduate Service Award : Peter Neff
  • Top Undergrad Merrill Prize : Ryan Erickson
  • Top Graduate Student Johnston Prize : Sanjoy Som, Aaron Wech
  • Teaching Excellence : Liz Nesbitt
  • Barksdale Service Award : Ed Mulligan
Photo of Peter Neff receiving Undergrad Service Award. Peter Neff receiving Undergrad Service Award from Robert Winglee. Photo of Ryan Erickson receiving the top undergraduate Merrill Prize. Ryan Erickson receiving the top undergraduate Merrill Prize. Photo of Sanjoy Som receiving the top graduate student Johnston Prize. Sanjoy Som receiving the top graduate student Johnston Prize.
Missing from photo is co-winner Aaron Wech.
Photo of Liz Nesbitt receiving the Teaching Excellence Award. Liz Nesbitt receiving Teaching Excellence Award from Robert Winglee. Photo of Ed Mulligan receiving the Barksdale Service Award. Ed Mulligan receiving the Barksdale Service Award from Robert Winglee.